Ugh. Uterus-shredding agony all day long. -_- I complained/whined to my guy friends that they have no idea how lucky they are in terms of not having a menstruation... luckily they didn't counter with the notion that they have to listen to me complain... They're wonderful in that way. ^_^
Anyway, spent most of the weekend goofing off with Doug rather than doing APUSH or chemistry homework. >_>;; Oops. It was really fun, though admittedly I was extremely nervous about meeting his dad, but Mr. Coleman turned out to be trés cool.
Wingy, I completely understand how that is. It's the same way with me in Pre-Calculus. I mean, it's not much different from Algebra III/IV, but somehow... my synapses just aren't connecting. I failed the last quiz and most likely will have failed this quiz... On some level I know I understand it, but my mind is like a dog that's refusing to listen to my commands. I hope things get better for you (and I'm sure they will; I'll sacrifice a couple kids to make it so).
*harumph* That's what you get for trying to rush through high school by way of college. Sure, it's great to have a challenge and get ahead, but if these are supposedly the best years of our lives, why should we rush through them? I considered the Running Start program, then rejected it; I would have no time for a social life (and even if I did have time I probably wouldn't employ it) and also... I'm in no hurry to grow up. I like being a kid. No worries, really. But you've always been difficult. Ah, lackaday, I'm sure you'll do fine in the Long Run. And did you ever think to consider
David Gahan as a influential British male? :D
Neil! I keep forgetting to link you! Gah! And sorry about your bad day at the library; filthy places, I never liked them, even if I like books. The librarians are snotty and the people are annoying, inconsiderate.... plus, the books have funny
stains on them. I haven't been to a library in who knows how long. I'll probably end up buying a copy of
The Count of Monte Cristo, even though I already have one, because the one I have is friggin' abridged and that makes me angry because I thought it wasn't. -_-;; I suppose I'll rant more to you tomorrow before/after the PSATs....
...speaking of which, I better get higher than an 1140. Or then I'll know my brain really
is deteriorating, and I'd better stop these video games. >_>;;
Stopped playing Kingdom Hearts after repeatedly and brutally being beaten by Sephiroth. Boy, that "Sin Harvest" is a buttmonkey. I have Second Chance on, so it only takes me down to 1 HP and 0 MP, but he's so quick I can't even start using an Elixir by the time he runs me through with his m.... his m... his long sword thing. >.< I can't remember what it's called. Murasame? Eh, something like that. I don't know how to lock Monstro (if it's even possible), so I'll probably try again since I've got all the pages of Ansem's report now.
All my creativity has screeched to a halt; I think it's probably due to Kingdom Hearts
and Hot Date (which I now... have, I guess; well, have borrowed for a prolonged period from a friend, anyway). It's so confusing; one minute your jokes are funny; the next your "date's" annoyed because suddenly you're not so great anymore. What is up with that? Challenging, yes. Frustrating, hell yes. Well, at least it's like "Real Life" in that sense. -_- And I have no desire to get The Sims Online, or else no one will ever see me again for I shall have been sucked into the fascinatingly scary realm of an Internet life.
But I finally understand why I love Drafting so much, even if it is so damn repetitive. I love the
precision that all the drawings must contain, the straight lines and neat lettering... Just looking at some of my work makes me happy, because it's so
perfect.... Well mostly; I got docked two points on one drawing for my eraser smudging, but the smudge wouldn't erase! What was I to do? Mr. Bahr gave me an eraser guard, and now my sketches drawings are mostly smudge free. I love centering the drawing and making the guide lines for the shape... Right now I'm doing a checkerboard, and it's
so much fun because it's boring (in a good way) and precise. I think they're might be something wrong with me.... ^^;;;
Ranted enough. I'm bored, but not bored enough to do more APUSH terms or study for the chemistry test tomorrow. (Just gotta remember significant figures....)
winamp: One of Us (Live) by Savage Garden