Monday, April 30, 2001


[Due to mental difficulties, Hydro will be translating Pam's incoherent thoughts.]

Pam: AUGH. >.> ARGH. Urgh. Ew.
Hydro: The translation is: the skin sucks badly.
Pam: *sob* Argh. >.< Blaaaaaargh.
Hydro: The translation is: Why? After all that time...
Pam: GRRR!
Hydro: The translation is: #@!$ you, stupid skin.

Don't say a word. It looks HORRIBLE. The playlist doesn't even match. ARGH. >.<

Pam: Blah. Argh. Grr. Argh!
Hydro: The translation is: Well, thanks to Bird for making some really helpful suggestions, even if it is sucky.
Hydro: The translation is: Back to the chain and ball.
Pam: Koo Koo Ka Chu.
Hydro: The translation is: ....*blink blink* O_O;;; Um.... Not translating. *runs away screaming*
Pam: *cackle*

Oy vey. >__> *kicks self* First time using Adobe 6.0 for a skin and it's already going down like a lead zepplin. I've come too far to give up; besides, I promised to submit it to

cs: "I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks" by the Bloodhound Gang
--Chicks dig guys that are queer. Riiiight. ^^;;
Oh, BTW, thanks old man! XD XD XD He bought me a Rurouni Kenshin cell book off eBay. Isn't that so nice of him?! Gen-chan and I helped him snipe it. XD

Kill, changed the link. ^^

:D I got some credit? Yay! *^^* *LMAO* Cool songs, dudely. XD

Aww, no problem Zeruely. :D It make me feel so spinky to cheer people up!

BTW, here's a preview of the skin, and this time I was in a hurry again when I got home, so.... yeah. DO NOT STEAL OR I WILL KNOCK YOUR PUNK-ASS DOWN! ^__^ Thank you.

The background image is a Kaballah Tree (or Kabala or Qabala or however you fancy the spelling), and the name of the skin was taken from Sephiroth IX, I believe, which is "Elements of All Things." Just a little background info. I'm at a loss for the playlist, but I'm sure something will come up.

Ahem. Now for something completely off topic.

Saw a bumper sticker today....

My kid beat up your Honor Student.

*nasty snarl* OH YEAH?! Well, guess what, buttmonkey; while your kid's off flipping burgers at some burger joint I'll happily be enjoying my career (whatever it may be) 'cos I HAVE A BRAIN. And FURTHERMORE, I DON'T THINK SO. I'll beat up your kid if s/he even lays one finger on me! I WILL KNOCK HIS/HER PUNK-ASS DOWN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! THIS MIKO AIN'T TAKING NO CRAP FROM ANYBODY! I'll put my Tae-Kwon-Do to use, and boy, I'll will KICK HIS/HER BUTT SO HARD S/HE WON'T SIT DOWN FOR ANOTHER YEAR, D'YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! SO WHILE YOU'RE PUTTING CRAP LIKE THAT ON YOUR CAR, REMEMBER, THERE ARE HONOR STUDENTS WHO BITE BACK. I'M ONE OF THEM! REMEMBER THAT, JERK-OFF! AND I DON'T CARE IF IT'S JUST A JOKE OR JUST FOR FUN, YOU PUT THAT CRAP ON YOUR CAR IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY DUMBASS!

*cough* Thank you. ^__^'s being a little logy today, so if the images on me blog don't show up, just refresh a bajillion times and that should do it. ^^;;

ITEDs. @____@ ARGH.

Don't expect me back for a while. Seph skin's a-callin' to me, and I've got the Image-Editing Bug....

cs: "In God's Country" by U2
--Sad eyes, crooked crosses, in God's country....

Sunday, April 29, 2001

No, it's not a demented insane Pokémon (Jamaican proctologist!), it's a lyric from John Lennon/the Beatles' "I Am The Walrus." XD XD XD I am the eggman! (whoo!) They are they eggmen! (whoo!) I am the walrus! Koo Koo Ka Chu! It is only Sephiroth, but man! is it Sephiroth! XD

^^ Thanks for the compliments on the skin, Zeruely, but Gen-chan and I changed it so it doesn't look like that anymore. ^.^ It's green now, and has a graph of the Kaballah Tree in the background now. ^__^ I have no idea what to do with the playlist, but I have an inkling of an idea. And of course it will promptly be submitted to XD

Pam: Pappercut!
Gen-chan: XD

^.^ We've been spending some of the day chatting, downloading, writing, and.... o.O being us. XD

Darren Hayes for the next layout! ^O^ DARREN!

cs: "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite" by R.E.M.
--Just a lot of stupid stupid signs....
Ho Hum. Waiting for Gen-chan now. Didn't sign off (obviously); went skimming around s'more blogs. ^^

...It's no wonder the word "precinct" reminds me of Resident Evil 2. I liked it when you died and the zombies started eating you. ^.^;; It's no match for the "Game Over" scence at the end of "Zombies Ate My Neighbors!" for SNES, but it's almost there. XD I loved that game! Curse my mom for giving my SNES to my cousin in Korea. ;__;

Torrent: I'm evil. >=)
Stiletto: Me too. >XD
Pam: XD Koo Koo Ka Chu!
Torrent and Stiletto: O.O *both run away screaming*
Pam: Ehehehehehe.
Bird....? o.o I fink there's something wrong with yon HTML code. I see a bunch of &'s and stuff.... eee....

...Ugh. Already that picture's making me sick. I think I'll sign off now and start beating it to death again. ^^

cs: "Salesmunz Rap" by VeggieTales
--And a solar turkey chopper or a padded gopher bopper! XD Bungee!
Yay! ^o^ I did it all again and more, and it looks fairly spiffy now!

Whee! Doesn't it look grand? All right, so it's nothing compared to some other people *coughcough* but it's mine own (yes, mine), and I love it. Even if it is sucky. Watch. Later on (if I get better) I'll be throwing up at the sight of it. XD

Yes, to the experts, it's nothing. But to me, it's been a 6+ hour expedition (not consecutively, Lord no; I would have gone insane) into the unknown. And if you even THINK about stealing it, I'll rip your liver and lights and kick my HD boots so far up your ass you'll taste leather, and I mean it. I didn't make a copy with on it 'cos I restarted my computer into True Bit 24 Colors, after having found out that was the reason why they looked so bad saved as JPEGs and GIFs. x__x

And it's prolly not gonna be the final draft since Gen-chan will be coming over around 2 o'clock and she wants to check and see how Adobe 6.0 and ImageReady 3.0 is. -.-## Can you believe they don't even have a Paint Bucket in 6.0? Argh! Ò_Ó

Yeah. x___x There are some days are so bad you wonder why you got out of bed in the first place. >.<;

Bird, your card will go out tomorrow. XD

cs: "Unreal ][" by Purple Motion
AAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! *bashes head repeatedly against keyboard* No! No! No! No! No!

ZULE, I'M GONNA KILL YOU! *snarls viciously*

ARGH. >.< I'm working on the Sephiroth skin that I started last night, and I get pretty far: I've got the border for the scrolling text and the viscolor done (already having main border and main picture on there), and then I spend about thirty minutes cutting out another lovely picture of Sephiroth and lovingly inserting it into the background. Then I spend another thirty minutes just trying to cut out the symbol for Highest Divinity and then it's all done nice and neatly and everything, and I admire my bad work but I love it anyway because this is my first time with an actual good image editor. So then I go to File to save it, and you know what....?

Zule belches and decides to perform an illegal operation, then flips me the Blue Screen of Death, and then I lose everything.

...ARGH. ><

Well, congrats, Zeruely. Hope your leg heals up fully. ^^ Ooh, looky, we won second again! XD YAY!

...I'm still mad at my computer. Zule knows just what buttons to push. -.-##

And then I forget how to cook spicy Korean noodles. X___X Today is not my day.

Hydro: Got that right.
Pam: -.- Koo Koo Ka Chu!
Hydro: *runs away screaming*
Pam: Ehehehehe.

T__T I'll go and slave in Adobe 6.0 again. Cutting out. Cutting out. Argh. I prefer the Polygonal Thingy Selector to the Magic Wand. It's spinkier.

cs: "Ignoreland" by R.E.M.
--A while buncha dates in this song...
I'm bored. @@

Test #1: Hufflepuff
Test #2: Gryffindor
Test #3: Ravenclaw

oO;; Um....

cs: "Nobody Like You" by Limp Bizkit feat. Jonathan Davis of KoRN
--So I'll wait on you to die...
Hee hee. Look what symbol means "great luck." ^__^;;
Fooled around with Adobe 6.0 for about 5 hours (not consecutively) to get something that looks so plain and indecent that I'm ashamed to give you a preview. x__x Yeah. Well, it's a lot better than the original; I had to lightly blur sections of Sephiroth's body in order to give it a smoother, less pixelated look, and it's not too noticeable (even with gamma and brightness turned up all the way on my computer; hopefully that should count for something). So now I'm off to to get something for the background. ^^;; I would find a picture of some machine-ish background ('cos that's what I originally had in mind), but now I won't. I'll be looking or "end," "destruction," or "omnipotent." *grin* Feel free to AIM me.

...BTW, it's official. >.< I'm a Harry Potter crazed miko now. I'm about three-fourths through the second book (which I started late last night and then passed out before finishing ^^;; )

cs: "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" by George Thoroughgood

Saturday, April 28, 2001

Oooooooooof.... my eyes, my eyes! @________@ My stomach. Auuugh. >.< My stomach. Urgh...

The miko is currently in a world of happy hurt. @.< Don't ask.

Well, I did have a wonderfun time at Amber's house; we stayed up late, got up early, and drank a lot of Dr. Pepper somewhere in between. ^_^ Not to mention bust a gut laughing at "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" I dun much like the "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" game show, but I think I might tune in Sunday night (if I don't watch the my block of Fox for two hours) to see if Adam wins. Hmm.

The dog show was all right, I guess, but Amber and I had the first shift for stewarding, and it RAINED THE ENTIRE TIME. -.-# We were soaked. But get this, man! After our reliefs came, it stopped raining and the sun came out. O_O ARGH.

Well, we went back home, watched MIB (or at least, I watched it; Amber fell asleep halfway through), and then got on her computer. Then I decided to try a Harry Potter book (I don't want this to turn into something like my Redwall series episode, but I was so curious as to why everyone likes it so much and I guess now I know why, too bad I broke my oath of Not Being Sucked into the Void @__@;; ), and became engrossed in it. Then I asked politely to borrow the first two books (I'm already more than halfway through the first one ^^;; ).

Which reminds me. I took some VERY INCRIMINATING pictures of me wearing Harry Potter glasses and pretending to talk to his owl, Hedwig. >__> (Amber had the stuffed owl with his dorky glasses and I decided so cleverly to put them on, and she had her camera, so....) And don't even THINK about asking for them pictures; you ain't gettin' squat! >:B

And that brings me to where I am. But wait! XD There's mooooore!

I come home to find that Bird-san's package arrived (this is about 6:00 PM). I spend about ten minutes (seriously, I kid you not) running around screaming "I got a Nataku sticker! XD XD XD" Finally my dad got so annoyed that he decided to take mom out to dinner just to get away from me. ^^;;; Then I finally opened the envelope (the Nataku sticker being safely peeled off and placed in a Special Miko-Worthy Place), and discovered that Bird sent me some image editing programs! XD I spent the next hour trying to figure out how to work it (with no success, unfortunately), and decided to try again tomorrow (after my brain clears). Hee. Thanks for the smiley birthday card! XD Enjoy the concert, or if it's too late for that, hope you enjoyed it! ^^

Well, I guess so far the weekend's been great! Too bad my mom picked gosadi while I was gone and now the house positively REEKS of the stuff. ¬.¬# Argh.

I feel so out of it right now, what with Gen-chan's disappearance, but I feel elated for some reason. o_O I think I better calm myself with some barley tea. (I was going to ask if she would teach me about Adobe, but... I'll wait and call later tonight, perhaps...)

On the way home from the dog show, Amber, Mr. Short, and I were singing ads as we passed them, like Wendy's "We're open late, so you eat great!" or something like that whenever we passed by. ^^;; Then Amber and I sang every other word for "The Waterbuffalo Song." And we finally got the lyrics for "Stuffmart Rap"! Yay!

Oof. My neck hurts now. @___@ My body is rebelling, I am descending into a world of sleep.... noooo.... my eyes..... ack....

cs: "Sucks To Be You" by Prozzak
-- I wish I could've made you happy, but I'm a bastard... XD

Friday, April 27, 2001

New link. ^___^

Thanks, Jolly Gun Giant. But this time it's a case of BYOB. Or rather, Dr. Pepper. XD

cs: "Smack My Bitch Up" by Prodigy
--XDDDD I <3 this song.
@__@ I finally got around to doing it. I will prove that Tommy Shaw sounds suspiciously like Chichiri. Or maybe it's just me and my hallucinations. ^^; Go here if you want to download the blurbs and check out what else I have, or you can download directly HERE and HERE.

Whoo. I hope my dad comes home so's I can go over to Amber's house soon.

cs: "It's Not Me, It's You" by Prozzak
--It's not me it's you! La, nah, na, na, na na na na...
ARGH. I've got a fucking PISSER of a headache right now. Dammit. I hate you Cramer. You and your stupid fucking Rule. Damn you to bloody blazes you doodlyfuck. >.< Dammit, I hate Algebra III. Sure, sometimes it's fun, but when you're stuck with people who can even fucking add or subtract without a fucking calculator, it gets fucking annoying. ARGH.

My brain is still floating in a noxious pool of pain and anger right now. I had a sharp shard of glass stabbing me repeatedly in the temple, mocking me as I scrambled furiously to find what x equaled. Damn you Cramer.

All right. Now to replies to other people.

Well, Zeruely, I think it's prob'ly the profuse use (isn't that such a catchy phrase?) of "fucking." Of course, none of us are exempt from our fair share of odd inquiries (Sanosuke sex, anyone?). And thanks for the compliments on the layout. ^^

Yes, Firefly-san, I am a Washingtonianian. *grins*

It's not Oz-sama, silly. It's OZ-sama. Muahahahahahaha.

Hmm.... Well, here's the news: I'm not going to be here later tonight or tomorrow until the evening or later. Why? Tonight I'm spending the night at Amber's house, which we can then work on our presentations and practice for the dog show we're going to help out in early tomorrow morning. So, I won't be updating Vituperation during those hours. Yes, I know, you can't survive without my quirky randomness, but hey, it happens. Maybe I'll be able to squeeze in a quick silly bit whilst at Amber's house (hopefully sucking down Dr. Pepper and after we watch MIB, if we can).

Today I was singing (in my head) Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up." Now I'll have to find it and download it. Maybe I'll get some other Prodigy songs, too.

I swear "Jessica" reminds me of one of those torpedos with the big shark-like grin on it. I kid you not. I think it's her nose that reminds of it. I'm not sure. Ô.Ô;;

Fire always makes it better. Burnt matches smell good. :D I need incense. That's what I need.

Conversational Tidbit:
Amber: Ooh! If we do go to CostCo, we could get free samples! It might be Sample Day today!
Pam: Ooh! ^_^
Amber: ^_^
Pam: "Hey, kids, let's go to Disneyland!" "No, Mommy, we want to go to CostCo! It's Sample Day!" *laughs her little miko butt off*
Amber: ¬¬# Shuddap.

Hee hee hee.

Argh. Damned headache. Drown in caffeine, damn you.

cs: "Snowing" by Erasure, Petshop Boys, and Depeche Mode
--This is such a beautiful song. *_*

Thursday, April 26, 2001

@__@ It takes forever to load. I promise my next layout won't take so long. I hope. ^^; Well.... perhaps. Perhaps not. *grin* I've been thinking Dr. Pepper for the next layout, but only if my dad gets me PSP 7 for my birthday. *crosses fingers* Let's hope so.

I think the song "I Am The Walrus" was written by John Lennon and performed by the Beatles. Or something like that. I don't know. ^^ I could look it up, but I'm lazy. XD Anyway, I found it in Dreamcatcher, obviously. ^^ Henry is so cool!

I am he
As you are he
As you are me
And we are all together.
See how they run
Like pigs from a gun
See how they fly. I’m crying.
Sitting on a cornflake - waiting for the van to come.
Corporation teeshirt, stupid bloody
Tuesday man you been a naughty boy
You let your face grow long.
I am the eggman oh, they are the eggman -
Oh I am the walrus Koo Koo Ka Chu!
Mr. City policeman sitting pretty little policeman in a row,
See how they fly
Like Lucy in the sky
See how they run. I’m crying - I’m crying I’m crying.
Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog’s eye.
Crabalocker fishwife pornographic
Priestess boy you been a naughty girl,
You let your knickers down.
I am the eggman oh, they are the eggmen -
Oh I am the walrus. Koo Koo Ka Chu!
Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun,
If the sun don’t come, you get a tan from
Standing in the English rain.
I am the eggman, oh, they are the eggmen -
Oh I am the walrus. Koo Koo Ka Chu!
Expert texpert choking smokers
Don’t you think the joker laughs at you? Ha ha ha!
See how they smile,
Like pigs in a sty,
See how they snied. I’m crying.
Semoline pilchards climbing up the Eiffel Tower.
Elementary penguin singing Hare Khrishna
Man you should have seen the kick in Edgar Allen Poe.
I am the eggman oh, they are they eggmen -
Oh I am the walrus Koo Koo Ka Chu!
Koo Koo Ka Chu! Koo Koo!

cs: "I Am The Walrus" by John Lennon
-- He sure as heck ain't sayin' Goo Goo G'Joob. <[:B
Praise you and your HTML, Gen-chan; only took me about a week to get this working. Finally I decided to get off my lazy ass and do something big. ^^;;

cs: "We Live" by Bosson
Koo Koo Ka Chu.
Here I am. And then I wonder why I scored "Satsuki Yatouji" as my
image X/1999 character. @__@

cs: "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top
--Yeah... like Seishirou. ^__^
Since the old man has taken certain liberties, I shall too. ^__^V

Nataku no Miko: I am the eggman!
maximumnautius: kooka kooka chu
maximumnautius: I am the eggplant
Nataku no Miko: XD
Nataku no Miko: eggman o.o
maximumnautius: I am the legman, wooka wooka woo
Nataku no Miko: *ROTLFMAO*
Nataku no Miko: koo koo ka chu XD
maximumnautius: I am the pokeman, pooka pika-chu
Nataku no Miko: HEY! That's COOL!
Nataku no Miko: XD I dare you to blog that!
maximumnautius: er, liked my AIM convo post ?
Nataku no Miko: eh?
Nataku no Miko: o.o
Nataku no Miko: you blogged it?
Nataku no Miko: huh? *is confused*
Nataku no Miko: I didn't see it on your blogger...
maximumnautius: oh you must not have read it from last night
Nataku no Miko: *goes*
Nataku no Miko: ah, I see it
Nataku no Miko: *reads*
Nataku no Miko: *ROTFLMAO*
Nataku no Miko: well
Nataku no Miko: I guess I can't play the sweet and innocent girl anymore
Nataku no Miko: dammit ^__^;;
maximumnautius: I so liked the Stephen Hawking crack that I had to share
it with my faithful readers, all two of them
Nataku no Miko: *ROTFLMAO* I'm sure you get more visitors than that
Nataku no Miko: :-P
maximumnautius: eh? innocent girl?
Nataku no Miko: yes *^^* I'm so sweet and innocent, la, la, la....
Nataku no Miko: *runs off to pick daisies*
maximumnautius: when did that happen?
Nataku no Miko: oh, I was always sweet and innocent ^__^
maximumnautius: wow, and you hid it so well
maximumnautius: ACTING!!!
maximumnautius: GENIUS!!!
Nataku no Miko: XD
Nataku no Miko: I KNOW! XD

Koo koo ka chu! I am the eggman! XD They are the eggmen!

cs: "The Hardest Part About Breaking Up (Is Getting Back Your Stuff)" by 2gether
--This song is HILARIOUS. You got my sweater, my hat, I can't find my cat!

I just needed to get that out of my system before continuing on. ^^

Bird, I'll get on it as soon as possible. ^^ Prolly this weekend I'll crawl
out of my shell and sneak away to the mall, where I hope I am not
spotted, and buy the card and stick the cash in. Then I shall make
my way back to my suburban lair and hide from the light and life of
the world once more. XD Stephen King always puts me in a poetic
mood (for some reason we won't discuss @.< ).

O_o Fine then. We'll solve that. ^__^ Gen, I like your personality and
your blogs entertain me. That alone is a challenge... sorta... (well...
depending on which side of me you're trying to entertain ^^;; ). But I
think you're a cool person. ^_^ Much cooler than some Undudely
people around here. @__@;

Well, I wouldn't say it sucks, but it does have slight drawbacks. Including
annoying people who can't do their own work, dammit. -.-## I'll spam
sometime today iffin I'm not too frazzled to type something amusing.

Whee... Finished Dreamcatcher today. Nobody believed me when I said
I only started it Monday night. @__@ I don't understand it. Even Ms.
Plenkovitch was dubious. Oy vey. I think I'll read it again. ^__^

Old man, thanks. ^^ And you know what for; you told me today! XD

The first two portions of the ITED was SO FRIGGIN EASY. OH MY.
If people thought the vocabulary was hard, I laugh at them. Ha. Ha

But anyway, I was logy all day today, so it sucked. I don't think I'll
be moving to California. I'll fry down there. If it's high 60's-low 70's up
here and it's apt to be MUCH hotter in SoCal, I'll die. I can barely stand
the weather now. @___@ I am a pure bred Washingtonian (does that
answer your question, Firefly-san?)

Oof. And what's worse is I can't numb my brain in Dr. Pepper since we
have none left. -.-# It's apt to be a long afternoon.

--Everybody's got a waterbuffaloooooo~

--...We're going to get nasty letters saying "Where's MY waterbuffalo?" or
"Why don't I have a waterbuffalo" and are you prepared to deal with that
I DON'T THINK SO! So stop being SO SILLY!

--Everybody's got a baby kangaroo
Yours is pink but mine is blue--


...Archibald Asparagus is SOOOOOOOOO FUNNY. HA! HA! HA! HA!

cs: "The Game" by Disturbed
--Don't you know your wish is coming true today, another victim dies

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Yes, I suppose there are nicer things to be complimented on. Today
in Algebra III this one dudely and I were vying to get the 3x3 determinant
before the other, and then he pointed out something I should have
seen, and Andy yells, "Holy cow! Someone's smarter than Pam!"
And then the rest of the class starts clapping and cheering. I suppose
that's a compliment, but I don't like being treated like a goddess. @@;;
Or being some sort of talismanic idol for others to strive to be better
than. Scary thought.

Nah, I can't be on tonight. As it is, I'm being booted off left and right,
and furthermore, I'll be reading the dictionary tonight. ^.^ I was not
kidding. I will do excellent on the ITED.

And why do they (the school administration) always think more and
more tests will do us good?

"What's wrong with their grades?"
"Don't know! Let's give them another test and tell them they have to
pass it or die horrible deaths!"


cs: "What's Your Name? (Extended)" by Depeche Mode
HAHAHAHAHAHAH! XD I know that song!

Life's short and hard like a body-building elf
So save the planet and kill yourself
If you're feeling down and out
With what your life is all about
Then lift your head up high
And blow your brains out!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! >=D The Bloodhound Gang is unstoppable!

cs: "Lift Your Head Up High (ABYBO)" by the Bloodhound Gang
Ha ha. *pokes back* :P Hey, I like Depeche Mode and I'm not

Blame Jimmy Pop. He idolizes them. @__@;;

The next time my mum offers me Korean noodles spicy style, I think
I'll pass.... ooof....

cs: "Your Only Friends Are Make-Believe" by the Bloodhound Gang
--Eat Spam from the can, watch late-night CSPAN, and rock out to old
school, Duran Duran...
*thumping walk* People Are People! So Why Should It Be?! ^^;
I think of robots to this song. >__>

Disturbed? Perish the thought. Not quite right in the head is more like
it. XD And no matter how many times he takes a shower, he never
smells any better. O_O I think Stephen King could get a lot more
horror stories just trying to think up what my brother's been up
to. >___>

Doodlyfuck! XD

...(Sorry, I just had to throw that in there. The Beav is so cool, even
if he is dead.)

Which reminds me; today I got an interesting compliment.

Pam: ...We don't have to use this for 4x4 matrices... do we?
Mr. Williams: *nods with that "Duh" expression on his face*
Pam: Aw, sheeyit, Mr. Williams, that sucks!
Mr. Williams: Heh. Yeah.
Unknown Named Person: Hey, you have a cute way of swearing.
Pam: O_O;; ...Thanks... (I think.)

Mr. Williams is cool enough to let us get away with swearing as long
as we're not using it to hurt other people, but that was the oddest
compliment I've ever received in my life. Aside from the one I got from
my mom's friend's daughter, "You have nice lips." @___@ Oh boy.

Which sounds better, Razormaid or German Killer? (Please don't take
offense; Gen-chan and I have the same remix of a song that's called
two different things and I was wondering which sounds better; heck, I'm
part German myself, so oh well.)

cs: "Salesmunz Rap" by VeggieTales
--Scuba! Scuba! Scooby-Dooby Dooba! Here we go scuba! Come on! XD
o.o I have absolutely nothing to say right now. Oh, wait, maybe I
do. Oops. ^^;

Hee hee. Well, Nakatsu certainly is a delicious bishounen, but
nothing beats a Mysterious Androgynous Stranger. XD

Ooh, poop on you, Gen-chan. :B I'll just read the dictionary tonight.

...I bet y'all think I'm kidding, too. >=)

Crud.... I forgot; I have to do those questions for those two poems in
Honors English. o__x;; Oops. I'll do them right now.

Whee..... gotta think of something to download. Which reminds me. I
wrote in the story. I feel so proud of myself.

cs: "I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks" by the Bloodhound Gang
--And appreciate Depeche Mode and avant guarde ballet....
...Hee. If you're terribly squeamish, this little blurb that I chose from
King's Dreamcatcher isn't for you, then.

Janas saw his hand shoot out and up to the driver's-side visot. His
hand gripped the ballpoint pen and yanked it free, snapping the rubber-
band which held it.
No! Janas shouted, but it was too late. He caught a shiny zipping
glisten as his hand, which was gripping the ballpoint like a dagger,
plunged the pen into his staring eye. There was a popping sound and
he jittered back and forth behind the wheel like a badly managed puppet,
his fist digging the pen in deeper and deeper, up to the halfway mark, then
to the three-quater mark, his split eyeball now running down the side of
his face like a freakish tear. The tip struck something that felt like thin
gristle, bound up for a moment, then passed through to the meat of his
You bastard, he thought, what are you, you bas--
There was a final brilliant flash of light inside his head and then everything
went dark. Janas slumped forward over the wheel. The pickup's horn
began to blow.

--Dreamcatcher, Stephen King.

Ah, what a charming author he is. *^^*

cs: "Halloween" by Aqua
--In the dead of the night, hear a scream...
Whee..... when using Cramer's Rule, always remember this helpful
little catch phrase: x = Cats Bite Feet Evenly divided by All Boys Do
Eat. y = All Cows Do Fart divided by All Boys Do Eat. I came up with
the "cows fart" bit myself in Algebra III. ^__^

Dreamcatcher has progressed quite nicely, although I think my favorite
character isn't Pete anymore, it's the suicidal psychologist, Henry, who
will ultimately die. It's not fair that King has hinted in this book exactly
who gets knocked off the log. -.-# Oh well. I liked Andy Jannas, though;
too bad he didn't even last one chapter. XD Mr. Gray, the alien thing (no,
it's not a spoiler), made him shove a ballpoint pen through one eye and
into his brain.

Anyway, once the byrus (this reddish-gold type of fungus stuff) gets
you, you're a goner. Hee hee. It starts growing EVERYWHERE, including
your eyes, your mouth, any cuts, your hairline, et al. ^^; Not very
pleasant, since... well... it's not. It eats you alive, basically. Hee hee.

Plus, the great thing about this book, is that I learn new and creative
ways to use the Almighty Eff-Word. *grin* Doodlyfuck! I think Zeruely
would definitely like the Beaver, since he's the one with all the colorful
profane phrases. ^__^V

Well, Firefly-san, we get to go to Eastern Washington as kind of a road
trip deal. We're visiting about 16 different sites, ranging from the Grand
Coulee Dam to Mt. St. Helens. It's a four day overnight field trip that is
gonna be a BLAST. XD I can't wait to go.

Nakatsu? o.o Eh?

Dudely? Gen...? Where'd you go...? @__@

I don't think I'll be going to that Depeche Mode concert. T_____T

Ooh; what do you call a Jamaican proctologist?

...A Pokémon! *insert corny laugh track* Ha ha ha. :P

I should tell my brother to take a shower. Or, at the very least, change
his clothes. He smells like stale refried beans and dog vomit. -.-#

No motorcycle meeting tonight. My dad really got chewed out by my
mom, and... well... to make a long story short it ended up with me
feeling so doodlyfuck guilty and rotten that I didn't feel like blogging
about it. x__x

Bird-san, is it all right if I just send you a nice lump of cash and a card?
^^;; I really am at a loss as for what to get you. Maybe I will stop by
The Anime Café sometime soon.

cs: "Brave New World (Reprise)" by Styx

Tuesday, April 24, 2001

*burp* 'Scuse me. Pepsi has a tendency of giving me extra burp
power. ^^;

Ha ha. *checks mail* I should have known. ^^; Well, now I suppose
I can stop worrying about that stalker everyone's trying to goad me
into believing. XD (Amber, Ric, and Krystal are going to be so
disappointed when I tell them I don't have a stalker.) They were going
on about bombs and little hidden tracking devices. @___@;; Oy vey.

Oh, by the way, THANK YOU. ^___^

So far, all I've been able to get from Dreamcatcher is male adult views
*cough*, plenty of rank flatulence (those aliens, man, they just give
you such bad intestinal problems), and a profuse use of the word "fuck."
XD Stephen King, you do it every time. I'm about a third of the way
through already. Hee. 620 pages in hardback will keep me occupied
for quite some time *coughhack* Yep. XD

The Beav was sitting on the toilet seat to keep the alien creature in
after McCarthy (or something)... um... "expelled" him from his... rear.
^^;; And then the Beav accidentally made the mistake of leaning forward
and the creature thing jumped out, popped one of the Beav's testicles,
and took 3 of his fingers. ^^; I don't know what happens after that; I was
too squeamish to keep reading.

I get to go on the Eastern Washington Field Trip! *^^* Yay! Only a certain
amount of students in Honors Class get to go; this time 35 out of 54
students were selected, and I'm one of them. Nyahahaha! 4.0's will
give you such an advantage. *grins*

Spent all day trying to think of something for Bird, but I can't think of
anything but things relating to birds. @___@;; So maybe I'll give it
s'more thought and then this weekend go out and buy something. Or
maybe stop by The Anime Café and see if there are any DN Angel or
X/1999 merchandise there. ^^

:D I'd like that very much. Hee hee. Now, if only there was such a
thing as a Nataku plushie... T___T *sigh*

*dances around* Today I had VeggieTales stuck in my head. ^^;; Amber
and I were singing "His Cheeseburger" all day in P.E. XD

'Cos He loves you, cheeseburger, with all his heart!
And there ain't nothing gonna tear you two~o apart!
And if the world suddenly ran out of cheese
He would get down on his hands and knees
To see if someone accidentally dropped some cheese in the dirt
And he would wash it off for you, wipe it off for you
Clean that dirty cheese off just for you...

XD XD XD XD Hee hee! And I kept singing the spoof of "The Waterbuffalo
Song" I made at BigIdea.

Everybody's got a Sanosuke
Yours is beautiful but mine is wonderfun
Where we dance them I don't squiffle
Everyone's got a Sanosuke!

XD I'm silly, I know, but I like having fun, even if other people don't
think it's fun.

Thank God for no inverse matrises. Have I forgotten everything? @__@
Yes... ITED testing Thursday (ha ha, Gen-chan, you have to take it a
day earlier, nyahahahaha).

cs: "Napster of Puppets" by Thick Liquid
--Napster bad, beer good! XD

Monday, April 23, 2001

Eh? O.o *is scared*

I waaaaaaaaant..... *sniff*

Hey. >_> You don't DO that kind of schtuff. That's not fair! Don't
manipulate my feelings like that! I love Sano! Wai!

...but hey. Sometimes I hear people calling my name, and when I
look around, no one's there. o.o

Did I mention my dad got a job offer in Barstow, California, flying
around R/C airplanes so army people can shoot them down? The
starting pay is 10-12 dollars an hour and will increase... He's going
to send in the application to be considered...

...I may move to California if he accepts...


cs: "Miserable" by Lit
--So much to say, it makes me helpless....
Argh. *checks mail for the umpteenth time* I want to know who send
it so I can give thanks where thanks is due! >.< Is that so wrong? Oy

SANO PLUSHIE?! O__O WHERE, WHERE? *clutches her Detachable
Sanosuke Figurine* Me waaaaants....

DOMO ARIGATOU, MR. ROBOTO! O__O *waits for the old man to
do this bit*

cs: "Mr. Roboto" by Styx
Hmm... Which one is it? Does the picture have leaves and stuff in
it, 'cos we already skinned that one. ^^ Thanks for the offer, too.
Yes! I just got Dogz 4 last Christmas and it's so cool. XD I love
dachies. *grin*

cs: "Velcro Fly" by ZZ Top
--Hey, look, at the hooks, on your pants makes you wanna dance...
o.o Dude. I just got a package in the mail from Someone
was REALLY NICE AND VERY COOL and bought me Stephen King's
latest novel, Dreamcatcher. It was ordered April 12, 2001, and received
today. I'd like to know who sent it, so if it was you, please e-mail me?
That would be much appreciated. ^^ Or just tell me on your blog if
it's a daily read. That would be nice, too. And thanks so much! XD

Fun day at school. Main conversation for lunch? British sex fetishes.
And, according to Jonathan, I officially "kick ass." *^^* Hee.

Dude. *grins* I am so happy right now. *^^* I want to know who sent
this package. Oy vey. And I need to correct my name. ^^;; I spelled
it "Troiller." Oops. ^__^V

cs: "Master and Servant [Live]" by Depeche Mode

Sunday, April 22, 2001

New layout at Dogz Go Woof.


cs: "Nobody Home" by Pink Floyd
--I got a strong urge to fly... but I got nowhere to fly to...
I always knew Chibi Usa's real self would shine through someday. I
really did know it; I'm just glad it finally did. Riiiight. >.>;;;

cs: "Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Iron Maiden
Whee! XD XD XD I like Archibald best out of all the VeggieTales
characters. He's spinky. :D Sorry; just got back from Amber's
house and nearly all day of watching VeggieTales tapes. ^____^
Larry's hilarious, but I like Archibald. Bob just scares me. @@;

*big unladylike snort* Good milkshake! Er... ^^;; Inside joke with
Amber. Let's just say it involves me, my bane of having liquids come
out my nose when I laugh too hard, and a milkshake from Jack-in-
the-Box. ^^;; Let's not go into detail.

Whee. Petz lovers, expect a new layout at Dogz Go Woof soon enough.

I need to get working on my presentation, but aw, screw it. Tomorrow
we get to find out which 34 people out of 60 something get to go on
the Eastern Washington Field Trip. :D Yay! I hope I'm in the top 5 for
the choosing, since they go by academic performance and citizenship.

I think I'll download some VeggieTales songs now. XD I really really
need to get the "Larry-Boy Theme Song." *cue fangirlish screaming*

cs: "Welcome to the Internet Helpdesk [Live]" by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie
93.7% teenybopper pure. O.o

XD *sings* Now I'm snowblind, can't live without you (ooh~) 'cos you're
so fine I just can't get away! (ooh~) Yes I'm snowblind snowblind snowblind!

*huggles Styx* Nyahahahahaha.

Oof. My back.

The socio-pathic Phantom Droid
Power(s): Telekinesis, Omnipotence
Source of powers: Unknown
Weapon: Phantom Rapier
Transportation: Phantom Dirigible

*cue evil laughter track*

New info on the Dark Tower Book V! XD XD XD XD
Eee... *^^* I may have to look into The Black House.

con't repeating: "We Live" by Bosson
con't repeating: "Snowblind" by Styx

Saturday, April 21, 2001

Dude. ^^ Sorry about that last post.

cs: "That's The Way (I Like It)" by KC & the Sunshine Band


FINALLY! After a month of searching, I FOUND IT. XD XD XD XD XD XD

It's taken forever, since I didn't know the name nor the artist, but NOW I


Bosson's "We Live." XD XD XD XD XD




cs: "We Live" by Bosson
Hee hee hee hee. Just finished watching cartoons. ^^ Dexter's Lab
is so funny. Today it was friggin' hilarious. XD I love the adolescent
geeky Dexter. He's funny. Mandark's just scary. oO;;

Oof. Shouldn't have eaten tacos. ><; My stomach hurts. The lettuce
was bad bad bad bad bad. >__>;; I'm gonna be one hurting miko come
tomorrow, I can feel it.

Aww, of course you can. ^^ As long as I can call you Dora-chan.

The only song that I can sing along to and actually sound on-key with
the lead singer is "Lemon Tree" by Fool's Garden. Oo;; That's not a
good sign. Dancing sadistic clowns are not good for me.

Pam's Response to the Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards:

"Ew, it's Ricky Martin! Get it off, get it off!"

Eeehehehehehehehehehe. >=)

The Powerpuff Girls are SO not out. Shut up Simon. ¬¬#

I'm bored. AIM me. My sn is Nataku no Miko. I'm on. >__> I'll be on for
a while. *whimper* Talk to me!

cs: "The Devil Inside" by INXS
Hey, Pamela, you're a Critic!

You're complex and thoughtful. You look beneath the surface. You're
good at chess (or would be if you played). Pondering deep thoughts
sounds better to you than going out on the town. But you can be so
critical and introspective that even positive qualities can seem like faults.
The truth is that you have a very perceptive, gentle spirit.

You carry quite a few burdens on those little shoulders of yours.
Sometimes the world seems so gloomy that you just want to crawl up
in your cozy bed and sleep it off. That shy nature of yours means you
like to be alone watching romantic comedies, preferably ones starring
Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. Chances are you hate arguing and other
tense situations, which can leave you feeling helpless and confused. But
there's a part deep inside you that's aching to make some serious bucks.
You just need to figure how to go out and grab it.

You hate chaos at work and prefer a structured environment. You avoid
co-workers who talk loudly or brandish sharp objects. Sometimes you
feel undervalued by your boss, but everyone notices your motivation and
talent. You wish you dressed snappier. But you're an original thinker,
and people will respect your judgments once they get to know you.

Good at chess? >_> No. That bit about romantic comedies scares me.
I just like to watch comedies. I need those serious bucks if I wanna buy
a Honda Goldwing! ^o^ And boy, I do wish I dressed snappier. ^^;;

cs: "Ignoreland" by R.E.M.
Gen-chan, if it's an inconvenience tomorrow, we can do it some day
after school. That would be a good way to unwind, ja? Dr. Pepper
and tortilla chips with salsa and sour cream. Sounds like a good idea
to me when we have time. ^^

Which reminds me. Will we be testing, or is it only for the people taking
the WASL?

And one more thing. Did you still want to borrow my dad's The Doors
2 CD compliation? It even has "Hello, I Love You" on it. XDDD Or maybe
that's not one of the songs you wanted. Oh well.

Hello, I love you won't you tell me your name? XD I'll have to re-encode it
to a higher bitrate.

Mmm. I love this song. XD James and Tommy make a better duet than
Dennis and Tommy. XD

cs: "Snowblind" by Styx
Pam: I said to Amber, "You just don't tell someone that they're
gonna love their birthday present unless you tell them what it is!"
Hydro: And what did she say?
Pam: "You're gonna love your birthday present."
Hydro: Really Not Dudely (tm).
Pam: Not Dudely At All (tm). And the worse part is she keeps reminding
me. It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't 'cos I'd prob'ly forget until my
Hydro: *shakes head* Not cool, man.
Pam: You bet it's not cool! So now I'm gonna sit here all weekend gnawing
on my fist wondering what she got me.
Hydro: Any hints?
Pam: Only that I'm "gonna love it" and that it comes from CostCo.
Hydro: O_O That's not much to go on.
Pam: I know. Don't know if it's a book or a CD or perhaps something related
to the Powerpuff Girls.
Hydro: Hee hee. Matching loofa pods.
Pam: ¬¬
Hydro: Er, sorry. Couldn't resist. A trenchcoat?
Pam: Whatever. Anyway, I don't have anyone to talk to. No one's AIMing me.
Hydro: Meh. I look so cute, don't I? *ogles self in mirror*
Pam: ¬¬##
Hydro: *still ogling self in mirror*
Pam: Oy vey. -.-

cs: "He Got The Wrong Foot Amputated" by Bob Rivers
--She came in for a check up and they tied up her tubes...
Hee hee. You go Eddie. ^o^

cr: The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass by Stephen King
cs: "Be As" by Prozzak

I am Mojo Jojo! XDDDDD

*gigglesnerk* Oh no, now I gotta go get my Detachable Sanosuke
Figurine. *evil laughter track*

cs: "Freedom" by Erasure
Zeruel, you may want to check the spelling for internet on your splash
page and the spelling for request on your hitlist. Just some friendly help.
^^ And you're not really going to kill those people... are you?

I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me? XD

Hee hee. I recognize almost all of these songs he's singing. @.<;

cs: "The Alternative Polka" by Weird Al
--Darren Hayes of SG could definitely use some tips from Weird Al. XDD
¬¬ What a sick song. I wonder if this has ever happened in real life...

cs: "Weenie in a Bottle" by Unknown Artist
Kudos on the new layout, Dora-san. *^^* *squeak* MAFBlad!

Say, Wingo-san, is that song by Wands a good one? I have "Breathing
Clearly with a Machine Gun," but I don't know if I should look into any
others. ^^;

Just what do you say to a Westie who is sprawled out on her back and
giving you this roguish half-asleep look? oO; My dog scares me a lot.

cs: "Mope" by the Bloodhound Gang
--Hey Pacman, what's up?
by "Weird Al" Yankovic

A man of intrigue
He lives for the thrill
Always has places to go
And people to kill

Danger is the game he plays
And he holds every card
'cause if you wanna win
You gotta spy hard

A man of the world
So suave and discreet
He trips over the women
Piled up at his feet

But evil's lurking
So he's always on his guard
Cause if your gonna spy
You better spy hard

He's always there
When the chips are beginning to fall
He wouldn't care if they kicked him and grabbed him
And shot him and stabbed him
And nailed both his ears to the wall

Facing death everyday
Is a tough job for any man
But his hours are flexible
And he's got a great dental plan

By the way if you walked in late
Allow me to reiterate
The name of this movie is Spy Hard

They call it Spy Hard
You're watching Spy Hard
It's the theme from Spy Hard

Gen-chan, I really can't believe you've never seen this movie. XD XD XD
You must come over sometime and watch it with me. Leslie Nelson is

cs: "Boys (Extended)" from DDR
*sings* 'Cos you're his cheeseburger, yeah, his yummy cheesburger
he'll wait for you~o yeah, he'll wait for you~o...

Whee... I'm going to download some Chris Isaak and more Pink Floyd
stuff as recommended by the Old Fart.

I have to bug my dad about getting me PSP 7 so I can finally have a
decent image editing program. >__> And if/when I do get it, I'll make
a new layout for Vituperation. Nyahahahaha. I already have an outline
of what I want to do. ^__^ I'm thinking Darren Hayes. Hee hee.

Eep. @.< Everyone's signing off AIM. Damn my social deprivation. ^^;;

*sings* They coming just as fast as they can, 'cuz every girl's crazy 'bout
a sharp dressed man... XDDD *switches songs* Hello, I love you, won't
you tell me your name?

cs: "Hello, I Love You" by the Doors
Whee. I love Saturday mornings. ^^ Spent about half an hour chasing
my Westie, Tina, around the house. XD I'm tired but hyper right now.

I was really hyper last night, too. @.< Stayed up 'til about midnight
'cos I drank Dr. Pepper after 10:30... ¬¬# I won't do that again. I was
much too hyper to think coherently, so reading was out of the question.

So I read this morning and now I'm a little more than halfway through
The Moon is a Harsh Mistresss. ^^ It's a good book; Mike still remains
my favorite character.

I also knocked down my Detachable Sanosuke Figurine from the shelf
and he kinda... well... detached. >_>; Oops. I put him back together
again; I forgot that I can't really do anything with it 'cos it's so darned

And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry. The part in the show where
Larry comes out and sings silly songs. Oh where is my hairbrush?! XD
Wait a minute. o.o Why do they have Paul Grape when he's not a veggie?

I'm blue da ba dee da ba di da ba dee da ba di da ba dee da ba di... XDD
This song makes the perfect march beat. I didn't like those weird alien ant
things in the music video though. >__>

cs: "Blue" by Eiffel 65

Friday, April 20, 2001

It's surprising how much better you can feel after some hours of
chatting coupled with yaki mandu and Dr. Pepper. ^^

Whee. Um. Yeah. I beat out everyone on that science test but I
tied with Lacey for first, which was surprising, but I knew that gal
was smart, if not a little tipsy and air-headed. @.<;; Yeah...

More to report; finished The Integral Trees and have started on The
Moon is a Harsh Mistress
. That would leave only The Mote in God's
for afterwards, then it's off to the library for a new bout of books.

I must remember to buy film for the polaroid camera this weekend.

I must definitely buy some Dr. Pepper jelly beans. Yummy!

Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name?

cs: "Polka [Live]" by Savage Garden
--Can we do "Tears of Pearls"? XD

Everything that needs to be expressed right now can be expressed
with that one syllable.

I'm going to crawl into a hole and never come out again. G'bye.

cs: "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2" by Pink Floyd

Thursday, April 19, 2001

# 1 Kaworu Nagisa
# 2 Maya Ibuki
# 3 Ryouji Kaji
# 4 Hikari Horaki
# 5 Pen-Pen

Eh? o.O;

# 1 Clover
# 2 Tokyo Babylon
# 3 Gouhou Drug
# 4 RG Veda
# 5 X/1999

Eh? O.oV

Goshdarn, these tests are so fun. XD

cs: "Lord of the Dance" by Captain Tractor
When trying to look up the Smashing Pumpkins' cover of Depeche
Mode's "Never Let Me Down," I accidentally typed in Spamming
Pumpkins. o.o Luckily nothing turned up. I'd hate to think of what
I might have found it there WAS some artist out there called the
Spamming Pumpkins. ^_^V

cs: "You Sexy Thing (Live @ Baden Baden)" by Savage Garden
Go here. Vote for Dr. Pepper. It's in the New Flavours section. ^^

Hee hee. "His Cheeseburger" is a hilarious song. XD

cs: "Internet Helpdesk" by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie
Hee. *^^* I finished my Lego Internment Camp. >=) *pause for
sadistic leer* Tee hee. Hee hee hee. XDDDDD

But of course! ^^ Aqua is good for everything. It's hard to stay down
when you've got such happy sugary tunes playing. I think I may have
a mislabeled song; the version I have has the orchestral bit you're
talking about. If ABBA didn't do that, then it must be mislabeled. >_>
Don't you just hate that? (My two cents on the Kamui skin: too bad
Kamui's not a lady *cough*; otherwise I'd suggest "Mediterranean
Lady" by Prozzak. Has nothing to do with image or Kamui, but it fits
the scene.)

Oy vey. I must find the Cheeseburger song. O_O It's by a group called
Veggie Tales or summat, and Amber was singing it today and I MUST

Whoo. Tomorrow's Friday. Jazz band practice after school, though. @.<;
I feel so poopy in jazz band; half the time he ignores me and always
forgets to say where we start. If he does say it, it's not loud enough for
me to hear. -.-# Please, let us be able to pull it together for May 8th...

Hee hee. I swear, it sounds like Depeche Mode is actually saying
"bastard" instead of "master" in this live rendition. XD *snickercackle*

XD Muahahaha! I discovered my Big Blowup Alien Doll in my closet
whilst searching for more Legos. I forgot all about it. XD It's so cool.

Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name? XDDDD

*clutches stomach* Oorgh.

cs: "Hello, I Love You" by the Doors
Tee hee. ^^;; Hee hee. Reminds me of when Jim brought her two
sets of handcuffs to school and let me try one on. *cackles* Er.
Don't ask.

Argh. No pictures. Something tells me that I should have saved
that overview sketch when I had the chance. Damn you, hindsight.
If only the idea of a Lego Internment Camp had been conceived

I know what I'm gonna do for my next layout. Of course, this all
depends on whether or not I get PSP 7. ^.^;; I'm thinking along
the lines of Darren Hayes. Bwahahaha. Then I'd know for sure
Amber would come here every day, just to ogle him.

Damn the school's edginess. ;__; I have the cutest little guns for
my Lego men to use in my Lego Camp, but Ms. Linder said no
guns. I asked about spears, and she says that would be fine. Hee
hee. XD Perhaps I should throw in a guard dragon or two for the
laughs. o__x Or not. *thinks of the failing grade she might receive*

There is no one online that I can latch onto and procrastinate on
my homework with. T__T If this keeps up, I may just sign off and
do my work. o.o Wow. Amazing, isn't it?

Perfect Grade Nataku
allusion in the lion king
nge pictures
Simpsons, Party Posse
The sims cheatsheet
+"depeche mode" +"exciter
pro anorexia
"Final Fantasy VIII" and
darren hayes lemon tree

It's the pro anorexia inquiry that scares me. o.o Must have been from
that one e-mail I posted concerning someone who contacted me
offering me a free subscription to a pro anorexia magazine. -.-#

Argh. Looks like no one's on. T__T I'll be going now.... *will probably
wait another hour*

cs: "Mandala" by Shiva-X
Yes, staying up late is eleven o'clock-midnight-ish. @____@ This
miko needs her sleep.

Why am I back? I need to find a map of the layout of any internment
camp. ^^;; Yeah. Smart of me to log off, go upstairs, dig out some
Legos, and then say, "What the heck am I supposed to make now?"

Which reminds me. Hee hee. I downloaded that song that Amber told
me about. It's called "Every OS Sucks" by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie.
Tee hee. ^_^V

All right. Now off to HotBot I go... wish me luck...

cs: "The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota" by Weird Al
--Does he mean the biggest ball of twine Minnesota as in it's the biggest
one there or that the biggest ball of twine is located in Minnesota...?
Need to be unique: 76%
Need to NOT conform: 77%
Willingness to express dissent: 75%
Overall: 76%

I'm a freak! XD Muahahahaha.

O_O How am I s'pposed to be Happy Bouncy Pam (tm) if I don't listen
to Aqua?
XD I love Aqua. They're so happy and spiffy and stuff like
that. Hee.
Yes, ABBA did a version of "One Night in Bangkok." XD I heard it on
the radio station we have up here and immediately had to download it.

No Weird Al CDs?! O_O If I had some money right now I would remedy
that, but alas, I am poor. *dramatic hand*

BLARGH! >< Depeche Mode tickets are on Pre-Sale! ;__; I want....

Okay, how was today... *thinks*

Let's not start with how this morning went. Let's skip to 2nd period.
^^ We had to get into groups (I HATE working in groups) and then Ms.
Plenkovitch assigned us handicaps and made us write a poem about
group work.

Michael - Can't Speak
Abby - Can't Hear
Pamela - Can't Write

-.-;; Being the illerate schmoe didn't exactly please me. I think Ms.
Plenkovitch was pickin' on me especially 'cos Amber also got the
"Can't Write" handicap and so did Neil... and we happen to love to
write. Grr.

Then in 3rd period I proceed to get extremely freaked out by the fact
that I am utterly inadequately prepared for my presentation and that I
am honestly going to do HORRIBLE on it. I hate public speaking. I'd
rather live in a vacuum. ><

But 5th period cheered me up; matrix determinants! XD they're so easy.
Bwahahaha! I pity the fool who cannot find matrix determinants! XD
I can do a 2x2, a 3x3, and he's prolly gonna teach us how to do 4x4s.
Not that we'll need it unless we go into linear programming (or so
he says), but it's fun to do. :D And inverse matrises! *screams happily*
I hate math! XD I hate math! XD But inverse matrises are F-U-N.

Sixth perod Earth Science, I think I aced that test. XD *Happy Dances*

But today was tinged with alternate crampiness and back pain 'cos of
stuff. Yeah. I'm being real discreet when I say stuff, sure am. Yep.

Um. Yeah. @__@ I shouldn't be on right now, but I sneaked on since
my dad's mowing the lawn. I feel guilty, but it's a good kind of guilty.
Besides, I'll be getting off shortly to construct a model of an internment
camp out of my Legos. XD Muahahahahaha! It's been a while. Too bad
my Royal Knights Castle is all smashed up and stuff. T___T Oh well.
I still have four dragons. ^.^ I love Legos. Bwahahaha!

Hmm, Zeruel, that reminds me of a conflict between two Petz communities
about the layout of one's. It had a fortune cookie on the front and said
"Ver. 3: Asian Culture" and someone got pissed about it 'cos not all
Asian cultures include fortune cookies and this person went on and on
about how it was offensive to Asian people and blah blah blah. Well,
maybe that doesn't quite correspond to this particular event, but I
must say some people are just ignorant/stupid/void. But that seems to
be a lot worse. Reminds me of the reason why Japanese internment
started. *bashes head against keyboard* Oi.

Well, I gotta hurry up. E-mails to reply to and all that wonderfun (yes,
wonderfun!) stuff. Nyahahaha...

cs: "Strange Disease" by Prozzak

Wednesday, April 18, 2001

Muahahaha. Check out my MP3 list, and check out a WinAmp
that was never released. ^^ It was made for Gen-chan's
dad back in December, and since it wasn't Anime-related we
never released it, I suppose...

I have a lot of accounts out there. ^^; I'm such a freeloader sometimes.

Yes. I do have nine "Enjoy The Silence" MP3s. ^^;;; Hee hee.

cs: "Super Mario Bros. Theme" by the Super Mario Bros. Orchestra
--Thanks, Zeruely! ^o^
School was cool today; I completely beat out everyone in science.
Bwahahahahaha... >=) So evil, I didn't even give the other people

Um.... *thinks* Not much else to say. A lot of people paid attention
to me today. *wonders why*

Everybody Polkamon! ^O^

by "Weird Al" Yankovic

Krabby, Snubbull, Venonat,
Mankey, Chansey and Zubat
Slowking, Ditto, Butterfree,
Lugia and Caterpie
Oddish, Poliwag, Goldeen,
Elekid and Nidoqueen
Victreebel and Magneton - Everybody Polkamon!

Aerodactyl, Seel, Machoke,
Marill, Moltres, then Slowpoke,
Articuno, Ditto, Muk,
Flareon and ol' Psyduck
Cloyster, Kingler, Shellder, Gloom,
Snorlax and of course Vileplume
Zapdos and Charmeleon - Everybody Polkamon!

It's time to polka
For Ponyta and Pidgey too
Come on put on your lederhosen
And try not to stamp on little Pikachu
You'd better grab yourself a partner
Like Tentacruel or Bulbasaur (Bulbasaur!)
Hold on a minute - there's still at least a hundred and twenty-seven more

Including Ledyba and Omastar
Jynx, Bellossom and Magmar
Geodude and Arcanine
Jiggypuff and Mr. Mime
Don't forget about Sandslash,
Exeggcute and Rapidash
Lickitung and Porygon - Everybody Polkamon!

Everybody Polkamon!
Everybody Polkamon!

cs: "Polkamon" by Weird Al
Look everybody! Zeruely used a face! XD Woo!

Er, sorry. I'm in a good mood. Watched Glory, and some anime
called The Big O. ^^; Hyper right now. Muahahahahaha. Didn't
fail to cry when Colonel Shaw was killed though. T___T I also
liked the stuttering dude. For the life of me, I only remember
three names. @__@

Hmm... maybe more later. Have muchly surfing to do; gotta catch
up on what's new to do. Yeah.

cs: "The Great Beyond" by R.E.M.

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

Crisp coolness effervescing on my tongue
As I sip the nectar of the gods
And devour books with zeal

A blurb from my poem. XD Hee hee.

Nuts. ><# Ja, ruin my day. :P

cs: "The Devil Inside" by INXS
--Makes you wonder how the other half die...
Bwahahaha. ^__^ Yes. The miko is her genki-chan self.

*sings boisterously* But my dreeeeeeeeeeams... they aren't as
empty.... as my conscience seeeems... to beeee.....


cs: "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who

In that poem we wrote today, I included a little bit about Dr. Pepper.
Maybe I'll post it later when I type it up. ^__^

cs: "The Beer Song" by Bob Rivers
--Makes me think I'm a man. ^^;;;
O_O I remember reading that book about the skunk! Awww....

cs: "You Sexy Thing (Live @ Baden Baden)" by Savage Garden
--XD "Achtung! Acthung! Now you play 'I Want You' !!"
Bwahahahaha. XD

cs: "A Question of Time" by Depeche Mode
AAAARRRGGGGHHHH. >< ;__; I want I want I want... *cries*
But now isn't the greatest time to ask, being caught a little short
in the cash department. Nuts.

Wingy... talk to me. I mean it.

Super Mario Brothers Orchestra? *^^*

Well, Gen-chan, hope you're feeling better today. Of course you must
be; after all, I gave you the money to buy the Linkin Park CD you
wanted so much, which is also a bribe to let me keep your sketchbook
longer. Bwahahahaha. >=)

T__T Today was looking so good this morning, then it just kind of
fell apart. Although Jim was nice and gave me a bag of Easter candy
since I never get anything for Easter. oO We hardly ever do anything
in this family. *pause for incoherent grumbling* ^^ She's so nice to
me. I must remember to give her a hug tomorrow. Speaking of which,
I've gotten better with touching other people/other people touching me.
-.-# Gen-chan and Amber know well what I was like a while ago.

@___@ I hate matrises, especially determinates. ESPECIALLY
DETERMINATES. O___O I think I'm getting more stupid. T___T;; It's
not that I don't understand it, it's just taking me longer to. I mean,
before I used to be able to get all concepts within the first twenty
minutes of hearing his lecture. Today it took me all period to figure
out how to multiply matrises and find determinates. @.<; I hope I'm
getting more stupid. Is it possible? I'm quite sure it is...

On top of that, I smashed my finger in the locker and it really hurts.
Argh. Today is Tuesday; Cursed Day of the Week. Mondays are
just all right for me; it's always the Tuesdays that get me. >< *pause
for incoherent grumbling*

Shooooooot... I really really really really want to go to that Depeche
Mode concert in July. Furthermore, I also want good seats. But I
know we really can't afford it right now, and besides, it's not like I
really need to see them, it would just be really, really, really
nice to... T___T Argh. *kicks self*

Must remind self to type up final draft of poem for Honors English.
What didn't make it better is that today I had Prozzak's "Tsunami"
stuck in my head, particularly the lyric "I'm drowning in a wave of
ecstacy, Tsu-Tsu-Tsunami..." since it didn't really fit the mood. ><#

Stupid rain. It must be the constant cloudy skies. When I turn eighteen,
Don't get me wrong, I love Washington, but that's all I can stands and
I can't stands nummore. I want blue sky. It's so pretty and rare up here.
¬_¬V Oi vey.

cs: "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.
-- @__@ And ain't that the truth.

Monday, April 16, 2001

Gen-chan, shit. I'm so fucking sorry. =( That's horrible! Do you
need a hug? Shit. Shit shit. This means will be down,
for lack of a server.

But there's a fairly large upside; Frank's offered to host
when he gets his new DSL box, if you don't mind sharing space
with Ragabash. Until then, we could go back to that one place
before was officialy up. Do you remember what I'm talking

Yeah. But I am completely and utterly sorry about your dad being
fired. I really am. I'm here to talk to if you need it. =( Hug?
*snickers* Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe...
*laughs* Hahahahahahahahahaha...


Sorry. I've had that bottled up all day long. ^___^V

Zeruely, welcome back! :D Hey, when you call Unsteady, tell him
I'm gonna kick him in the shin and run away for not being on for so

Firefly-san, that skin looks gorgeous! ^O^


XDDD Sorry. I'm extremely caffeinated, hyper, et al. >=) Muahahaha.

All the live long day I had The Doors' "Hello, I Love You" stuck in my
head. And I've only been singing one lyric, over and over and over
again. @.< "Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name? Hello, I
love you, won't you tell me your name?" Finally Amber got annoyed
and sang back, "No, I won't, so deal with it!" XD Muahahahahahaha.

Oy vey. School. *grumbles angrily* Project. Homework. Ugh. >.<;;
Test on Thursday. Oh well. :P Math was hilariously easy today (merely
adding/subtracting matrises), so I had some time to dig into Niven's
The Smoke Ring. Bwahahaha.

As of today, my dad sez I cannot be on the internet from 2:30 PM to
5:00 PM. ¬¬; Grrr.

Oh well. Time to go surfing. *cackles evilly* And yes, I am cackling
evilly as I right this. >=)

Oh, and I do have a new AIM screenname that I use in order to get
away from most people. So, if I'm not on as Nataku no Miko, I don't
want to be bothered just yet. :P And no, I will not tell you my new
screen name. Muahahaha, 'cos I'm evil like that. *grins maliciously*

Hee. That's such a cool word. Malicious. XD Sounds like delicious.
Hee hee hee.

I think someone slipped some happy crack in my Dr. Pepper. >XD

cs: "Santa Monica (Bittersweet Mix)" by Savage Garden
--Bwahahahaha. XD Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name?

Sunday, April 15, 2001

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! O____O You're gonna let your brother listen
to me be a geek?!

T___T I should have never given it to you.

cs: "Walkin' 'Round In Women's Underwear" by Bob Rivers
--Fuuma in women's underwear. Yowch.
Respect motorcyclists. Respect us or we will NYPD. ([k]Nock Your Punk-Ass

I loved Men In Black.

In case you didn't know, I'm baaaack. ^_^

cs: "Black Sun" by Dead Can Dance
Motorcycle ride. Ciao. XD

cs: "The Masochism Tango" by Doctor Demento
@___@ AUUUGH. *sneeze sneeze*

><;; Shoooot. Stupid hay fever. And all for nothing, too.

Well, Frank, gosadi are a type of plant that shoot up from the ground
and they curl at the tips. My mom makes it a habit to pick them at every
opportunity. @___@ In order to prepare them to eat, you have to dry
them in the sun, and THEY STINK. ><; Oh my Gawd do they STINK.
Grrr. And they taste horrible at that, too. I don't understand the big
attraction in eating them. Ewww. @.< I dunno why my mom and her
Korean friends (Gen-chan's mom included) like them so much.

And they leave horrible stickiness on your hands. >< And it takes forever
to get rid of the smell. Grr. Grr grr. >< And they taste bad in soup. Erk.

At least we didn't pick any. They were all dead. Muahaha. Somebody
up there must like me.

Hee hee. Warning Game. XD Wingy's at 84%, and I'm at 66%. We better
stop doing this. Tee hee.

It's hot outside. @__< A blazin' 67 degrees. Warm enough to wear shorts.

cs: "Strange Disease" by Prozzak
Argh. My mom's taking me to pick gosadi. ¬¬;; I'll prob'ly be back
later. Or maybe never. I might get lost.

...Here's to hoping hay fever doesn't kick in. ><;;

Dangit. I don't want to go. There's this weird yellow thing in the sky.
I'm afraid.


cs: "Valley Girl" by Frank and Moon Unit Zappa

Should you be afraid? Oh hell yes. Be afraid. >=]

We're not here for education...
We just like the sloppy joes...
The gourmet dining in our lunchrooms...
Mommy burns the food at home...

Hey! Leave our lunch alone! XDDDD

All in all, this country's way in the hole...
All we want is some mystery meat on a roll...

Come on, now, feed the kids!

cs: "Another Brick in the Wall Parody" by Unknown
XD I sound like a chipmunk.

cs: "Numb Me, Drill Me, Floss Me, Bill Me" by Weird Al
--This is it pal... root canal...
Oh poop on you. :P

"This is Pamela talking. Um. I dunno what to say. So, um, yeah.
So! What's up? (I sound so lame)...I don't know what to talk about.
I don't really feel like singing now. Do I have to sing? I don't wanna
sing. Yeah. There's no music. I don't wanna play music right now.
Dude. *giggly tone* I'm sorry, dude!"

^__^;;;;;;;;; Wingy, take it off loop. I sound so pitiful. And it will not be
my demo song. >:E

cs: "Cold War" by Styx
Wingy. I don't see why you put that darned lame recording of
me babbling on loop. *whimpers* No Napster, please? ^__^;;;

Oi. I don't want to sing. The recording goes up three octaves.
@__< I sound all whiny and schtuff.

I don't wanna die.... just wanna ride on my motorcy....... cle.


cs: "Motorcycle Song (Live - Significance of the Pickle)" by Arlo Guthry
Anchovies and rice... :D~ Too bad the anchovies are saltier than usual.
v.v Oh well. XD~ Still yummy.

Amber, I'm planning to download the "Motorcycle Song" by Arlo Guthry.
^^; Yes. The live version, The Significance of the Pickle. And I will post the
show awards sometime... soon. -.-;;

Woohoo! XD I'm finally home alone, which means I can get to recording
that MP3 I promised some people. ^^;; I don't want to sing, though; I have
a horrible voice. ~__~;; And Wingy, if you even think about thinking
of putting my recording on Napster, you're DEAD. O O O

On a happier note, Bush Dance is back! XDD

I love Styx --

Who's that rushing out the door?
Who's not takin' anymore?
Who's been down this road before without you?
You tell me who's number one
Who's not here who's having fun?
Who's the one that cares so much about you?

XD "Number One" is a good song. Go download it! XD It's on the Brave
New World
CD, which I got for Christmas. I love it to pieces. Um....
"Heavy Water" is pretty good too, and the "Brave New World (Reprise)"
is prob'ly one of the best, if not the best, on that album. Of course, for a
laugh, get "Just Fell In." XDDDDDD

I love Styx. ^^;; I'm addicted. I'll prob'ly spend the rest of the afternoon ripping
songs from The Grand Illusion, which I got from Gen-chan for Christmas also.

Nyahahahaha... big ramble. ^.^;

cs: "Number One" by Styx
Nyahahahaha... I have another follower! XDDD ^ ^ ^

Let's all scare Wingy. XD

Erm. I had a great idea for a skin. Just for the laughs, Gen-chan, we
should do a Seishirou skin and name it "Sharp Dressed Man." XDD
Muahahaha. I love this song. It has such great instrumentation and
rocking vibes, dudelies.

I'm evil. I know. But it's a good kind of evil.

cs: "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top
--'Cos every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man...
I'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive.

XD 'Tis such a beautiful day. The sky is blue (gee, now how often
does that happen?). ^_^;; Muahahahaha.

Wingy, I will do that face. XD ^ ^ ^ Yes, and I'll be sure to blog a lot
today to make you read. XD

I knew it was a "ging" though, Gen-chan. :P And I knew it couldn't
be gingham! XD

Finished Neuromancer last night. @____@ Only took me to 12 AM
'cos I couldn't concentrate on it. For some reason I had the insane
urge to read all of my Clue mystery books I had from a very distant

The ending wasn't really what I expected though. It just kind of left
me hanging, but it was a good book. Chacun à son goûn. ^_____^;;

Hee. Then I fell asleep listening to the Bloodhound Gang's "Mope" on
continuous repeat. Haa.... @.< Not recommended for sane dreams.
XD I love the demented Pacman part though. Muahahahaha!

Augh. o.o I can't remember if we had any homework other than our
presentations for history. *bashes head against keyboard* Durnit. I'm
such a procrastinator. ^^; I think I need some gingko. Muahahahaha.
We actually do have a gingko tree/plant/whatever in our backyard
garden. o__o My mom got rid of the strawberries, though. T______T

I gotta remember never to drink too much caffeine before bedtime. @.<
Stayed up to 1:00 AM again. This is not healthy for me.

cs: "The Box (Part 2)" by Orbital

Saturday, April 14, 2001

I'm less of a bastard this time: only 36%.
As for being a bitch... 30%.

I seem to be getting better as far as those go; last time I took those
I was 49% Bastard and 47% Bitch. ^^;;

cs: "Mr. Roboto" by Styx
--Only three songs in the list. Cold War, Double Life, and Mr. Roboto.
I love Styx.
Yay. Found it again.

Pam: *listens to classic rock station in Dad's truck* I like U2.
Dad: Well gee, Pam, I like you too. *grins*
Pam: Daaaad.
Dad: Nah, maybe we'll eat inside.
Pam: O_O; I'm in shorts, Dad.
Dad: Just teasing. :P
Pam: ¬¬
Dad: Huh, they never show good movies nowadays (What do you want
from Jack-in-the-Box?)
Pam: I know. They regurgitate the same crap. (What do I always get,
Dad?) Hey, have you read [insert any number of titles here]?
Dad: Nope. I don't like reading.
Pam: Really? But you read all those books.
Dad: Yeah, but they're for school.
Pam: No, I mean like Jurassic Park, Eye of the Tiger...
Dad: Oh, well. I used to read all the time back when I was in the Air
Pam: Huh. I love reading.
Dad: Yes, I know. How well do you retain what you read?
Pam: A lot, I guess. Dunno for sure.
Dad: Yeah, lately I've been unable to concentrate on reading my books
for school. Maybe I'm going senile.
Pam: Heh. Maybe you are. Or you just need to take some ginseng or
Dad: Yeah.
Pam: Have you taken any before?
Dad: *grins* I dunno, I can't remember.
*both of us laugh*

I found the culprit. My dog stole my Bubbles loofa pod from my room.

con't repeating: "Double Life" by Styx
--I'm a schizophrenic and so am I.
^^ Added you to my list. That NBCi account sounds like a good
back-up plan if we can't get on at the same time.


T__T I need a life.

cs: "The Beer Song" by Bob Rivers
--You must download. O_O It's liquid bread; it's good for you.
Powered by Dr. Pepper indeed. ^^ Check out the bottom of my
blogger, dudes and dudettes.

Muahahahahah... *sigh*

cs: "I Wanna Be Sedated" by the Ramones
--Nothing to do nowhere to go...
I was so right. :P I must tell Jim now. She didn't believe me when
I told her that the slogan for drinking Dr. Pepper was "10, 2 and 4"
or something along those lines. What a buttmonkey, huh?

Heh. Alcoholic Dr. Pepper, anyone?

Mission To Mars was a cool movie for that. XD And also 'cos I liked

cs: "Polka [Live]" by Savage Garden
VELCRO FLY, you alive? ¬¬ Haven't seen you all day...

cs: "Mr. Roboto" by Styx
--Thank you very much oh Mr. Roboto, for doing the jobs that nobody
wants to...

cs: "Bad To The Bone" by George Thoroughgood
Wai. XD

I can't find my Bubbles loofa pod. ;__; How am I supposed to get
squeaky clean without my Bubbles loofa pod?

cs: "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who
--And if I swallow anything evil, put your finger down my throat...
Muahahaha... Wintermute scragged 'em... muahahahaha....

Another download from Kilroy Was Here: Double Life. ^_^

*giggle* Case is a regular Benjamin Richards, IMNSHO.

cs: "Double Life" by Styx
The more I read Neuromancer the more Case reminds me of Richards
from The Running Man.

cs: "Be As" by Prozzak
Er, wait. ^^; I just signed onto MSN Messenger. (Only took forever
since I had no idea WTF I was supposed to be doing.) Muahahaha.
You can find me as Sanosuke Sagara. ^ ^ ^ Or as @.< D'oh. I don't how this works. I
prefer AIM, even if it is poopy.

Woohoo! Chris Myatt's Depeche Mode MP3 Page finally put up the
Violator 2000 Mix for "Clean"! Joyness!

cs: "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.
;__; Unfortunately, Dora-san, I have none of those IMs. T__T Sorry.
I only use AIM, even if it is poopy.

I think I have MSN, but I don't know how to set up an account. o.O;;

Muahaha. XD If you listen to THTC's "Metcha Hajikete Gattsu Tobashite"
and skip to Chichiri's solo, then to Styx's "What Have They Done To
You?", it's enough to wonder if Tommy watches Fushigi Yuugi. XD Or
fills in for Seki Tomokazu. Muahahaha.

cs: "What Have They Done To You?" by Styx
--Well they say you witnessed some kind of life there...
Muahaha. Thank you, Carolyn-san; the archive thing did work, 'cept
the Transfer was aborted for some reason. Oh well; at least I know
I didn't lose about half a year's worth of useless babble. Muahahaha.
Thanks again.

New reader. o__o Dudely. Thank God I'm not this popular at school.
Muahahaha. *discos to inaugurate Firefly-san to her list of bloggers*

XDD I have to remind myself to give Ric a copy of "Piccolo-san Dai
Suki." XD We used to sing it all the time in 8th grade. Muahahaha!

cs: "Piccolo-san Dai Suki" by Gohan (Masako Nozawa)
--Piccolo-san dai dai, Piccolo-san dai dai! XDDD
WTF?!?!?! XDDDD Are you an unemployed Superhero looking for a job?
Look no more!

cs: "Another Brick In The Wall Parody" by Unknown
--Leave our lunch alone!
Tired.... T____T Stayed up 'til midnight (same as night before, only no
U2 concert replay, I stayed up 'til 1, anyway) reading again. Woke up
around 5 AM, then got angry at my stupid hair clip and tossed it on
the floor before passing out again.

I'm well into way of Gibson's Neuromancer, which is confusing but
definitely not boring or dry at all. He got pretty much right into the
action, which is usually a trait I admire in most authors since they
don't give a long boring beginning so readers are accustomed. Keep
me on my toes. Muahahahaaa.

Dora-san, that would be much appreciated. ^ ^ ^ I already have "Mr.
Roboto" and "Cold War" from the Kilroy Was Here album, but I'd
like to hear more. ^_^ Dennis DeYoung and Tommy Shaw are great
singers; too bad Styx broke up. ><; Oh well; I snagged a copy of their
last release (I think), Brave New World, which is also really good. XD
Tommy Shaw vaguely reminds me of Chichiri in "What Have They Done
To You?" Muahahaha. I'm evil.

Frank, do you mean you got the package? Muahahahahaha... >=D

Took Tina, my little Westie, for a walk last night. O__O NEVER AGAIN.
She's small, but man, those little legs work! ><; Geez. You'd think the
Hounds of Hades were after us the way she was running. I'm so very
glad I had a good grip on the leash dispenser thingy.

I love R.E.M.'s rendition of Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive." XD Michael
sounds so bland but cool. It's a lot slower, but nicer. ^_^

Nooooo. Spring Break's nearly over. NO. x___x Meh. I'll prob'ly go and
find something to download or ogle at right now.

cs: "It's Not Me It's You" by Prozzak
--It's not me it's YOU. Muahaha.

Friday, April 13, 2001

Sometimes I wish people would tell me when they linked me. I
always feel... aloof when I find out that anonymous people have
been reading my blog. o__o;;; I like giving credit where credit's
due. Muahahaha. I'll link back now.

Say, I might have to start putting my real nickname on here
somewhere. Not just OZ anymore. Muahaha. I am Nataku
no Miko. >=D My partner in crime is Gen-chan.

Damn. None of these Presets for WinAmp sound too good on
my speakers. ><# My rocking vibes just don't rock anymore.

About that last post... er... T___T Check out the April Fourth entry
for more details at that blog Ragabash linked.

I will no say NO MORE about that. O__O

cs: "Unreal ][" by Purple Motion
Ragabash, it's trouble brewing. O_O TROUBLE BREWING.
Whaaaat? Blogger ate my archives. o.o All of them. There's only
the first week and this week up. That is NOT cool. ><#

cs: "Sea of Sin (Blue Enya Remix)" by Depeche Mode
XDDDD Hello?!
Woohoo! My books came in! XD All four of them!

The only bad thing is that my brother drove me to the library. *pause*
>__> I hate riding with my brother. He's already been in two accidents.
Grand, neither of them were his fault, but I don't like those odds anyway,
especially taking into consideration that both accidents occurred within
the same two weeks. x___x

Oh well. Happiness, for I have books to read.

cs: "Grapefruit Diet" by Weird Al
--Muahahaha... @.< That's gotta suck.
Ooh, pretty layout, Sakura-san! *^^* *wishes she could draw as well*

If you have nothing to do, disco! XD

Dora-san digs my third eye! ^ ^ ^

Argh. >< It smells like Idiot Brother From Hell(tm) in here now that he's
back. Maybe now my mom can get off my back about him. *grumble*

Amber, if you must know, I've already judged BIS and three places.
I dunno if I wanna do a grand prize winner, though. Meh.

Maybe I'll go up to my room and lie down on my bed. It smells like
my leather jacket in there. XD

cs: "Mr. Roboto" by Styx
--Domo, domo!
Dude. It's Friday the 13th. o___o I seriously didn't realize that. Dude.
...Oh well. This isn't like the time when I forgot what day it was and
had to call Gen-chan to find out. ^^; (Don't you say anything, you did
it too!)

...It's also one month until my birthday. *subliminal hint* Muahaha.
All right, so it wasn't subliminal. :P Oh well.

Is it just me, or is Reinselft-san's blogger not working? o.O; That's
Really Not Dudely (tm). Haa haa Zeruely. :P

cs: "Be As" by Prozzak
--Coolness, chumlies.
Ha ha... ^__^

Nah, I won't do it. Straight A's (4.0) means too much to me to give
up just to piss her off. Maybe I'll hide my Gameboy so she can't play
it. T___T I haven't played that thing in years. Seriously.

Updated Petz site. @.< Not that any of you really care since you
prob'ly have no idea what the heck Petz are. (Yes, Amber, I'll judge
those show entries but not today!! O__O Argh.)

...Vatutin, you do bugger little boys and you know it. ¬.¬; I hate him.

Worship the three-eyed face. Muahahaha. I shall rule the world. ^ ^ ^

I pray that I don't screw up my presentation on Japanese Internment. Dear
God, I don't need a failing grade (i.e. anything below an A). ><## Especially
not in PNW History...

cs: "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple
--Dude. Those Dorito chips commercials were not funny or cool. ¬¬
^__^ Thanks for making a miko feel better, Wingo and Da Gen-chan.
Frank, this song makes me paranoid. o.o; Woohoo!

Wingo, I get those stupid calls too. T__T But now that I'm on the
internet 24/7, no one can ever call! Muahahahaha.... Da Gen, your
layout is spifferific. ^__^ Me likes blue.

I'm feeling more like my genki-chan self. Time to go and spam Frank
like I promised. Muahahaha.

Thanks for the advice, Gen-chan, but I dunno if I really want to flunk. @.<
I mean, it would really piss my mom off, but then again, it'd make me
regret it later on. T__T I'll manage somehow and stay back in the woodwork.

cs: "The Box (Part 1)" by Orbital
--You are now entering... the Twilight Zone... doo doo doo doo~...
Sign the guestbook. Cheer up a miko who's down on her luck.
T____T Dude. Last night was not dudely after I logged off.

Really Not Dudely (tm).

cs: "I Wanna Be Sedated" by the Ramones

Thursday, April 12, 2001

Where did Gen-chan go all day? @.<;

I'll substitute with the Little Gen-chan Voice in My Head again. XD

Little Gen-chan Voice: You're stupid, Pamela.
Nataku no Miko: Where's the skin?
Little Gen-chan Voice: Be patient.
Nataku no Miko: Poo.
Little Gen-chan Voice: *waves hand in shooing gesture* Yeee! Go away!
Nataku no Miko: T___T Don't even tell me these things. Tell Briana to
give back my Enigma and Adiemus CDs.
Little Gen-chan Voice: *shrugs* Whatever.

....All right. C of the K time and then off to bed with me.

cs: "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult
Woo! It worked! (I hope) *^^^* Buy me stuff now! Er, please?
^ ^ ^

...Like my third eye? Of course you do. ^ ^ ^;;

I'd love to join it! ^ ^ ^

cs: "Breathing Clearly With A Machine Gun" by Wands
--Argh. Actually, the name's in Japanese but I don't have all of the
name. *kicks the file tag for being too short*
Well, that's true. ^^; But still. >:O She's not very nice to me.
O.O Frank...? You changed your e-mail? Then how are you supposed
to get all the spam e-mails I sent you?! >:O

Fine. I'll spam you at your new e-mail.

cs: "The Safety Dance" by Men At Work
-- We can dance, we can dance, everybody look at your pants.
Bird-san, is that going to be a wallpaper? ^___^
Argh. Is my Wish List showing people the right list? >< Agh. Do
you see a CD case as the first item? Tell a miko what she's done

Muahaha. (Inside joke.)

cs: "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd
--There is no pain, you are receding...
Domo arigatou, Mr. Roboto.

Yes, old fart who isn't old but is nice, you can keep me company
at Western State. Remember; fitting for straitjackets to your left,
cafeteria to the right. I'll make a request for them to save you a cell
next to mine.
Hi. *waves hello back*

Frank, how did you know I visited him? @.< I know you're tall, but not
tall enough to see me all the way from Nevada. o.o;; And don't even
get me started on that comment about there not being another Dark
Tower book. ¬¬ For that, you must agree to get me Skeleton Crew
even though you already said you would.

Argh. Still pissed. >< Maybe I'll kill Hydro.

Hydro: o.o;;
Pam: ¬¬ *mimics Fuuma*
Hydro: O.O
Pam: All your trenchcoat are belong to me, Hydro. And maybe your
underwear, too.
Hydro: ...Want a hug?
Pam: T__T Yes. I need one right now. I have low self-esteem.
Hydro: So do I. Remember? I committed suicide once.
Pam: *sniffle* Yeah. T__T I made you do it.
Hydro: *hugs* It's okay. I forgive you.
Pam: Thank you.
Hydro: No problem. ^_^ Just as long as I get to keep my trenchcoat and
my underwear.

T__T I still hate my mother.

cs: "Minority" by Green Day