Sunday, March 31, 2002

The CD burner messed up yesterday when I was making my first CD. Actually, it was the second try of the first CD I wanted to do, because it threw up after the tenth track and screwed up the CD. Also, both my brother and the downstair's computers had problems with the ZIP drive. Anyway, the interesting thing was that I was burning Myuji's "eX Dream" onto the second CD (it's the fifth track, IIRC), then when it finished it, I popped it into my headphones to listen to whilst playing Pokémon and watching "True Lies." So... I get to the fifth track, and about 1:41 into the track... it cuts to "Boom Boom Dollar" from Dance Dance Revolution.

...Which, if you wanted to know, is NOT on the CD at all. I never copied the song onto the ZIP Drive and never dragged it into the list of songs to be burned onto the CD.

So now I'm stuck with Dance Dance Myuji's "Boom Boom Dream." -_-#

The only good news I have for this weekend is that my exercise plan is working. My stomach is actually a bit flatter and I lost about a pound. Now, if only I had enough willpower to stick to the fruits, veggies, and water diet I set up for myself. 100 crunches and 15 push-ups in the morning, then 200 crunches and 10 push-ups each night. And starting tomorrow, I'm going to walk my dog for twenty minutes each weekday. There's broccoli in the fridge (I don't know why kids think it's so gross, I love the stuff) for dinner. I'll get my mom to steam some. Mmmm.........

It's not so much that I want to lose some weight (OK, so maybe about 49% of it is wanting to lose weight), but also I want to feel better about myself and have more energy. I'm going to start taking charge of my life, because I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself and not getting anything done, dammit. Besides, summer's coming up and I'm tired of not wanting to go to a swimming pool just because I'm too self-conscious to get into a bathing suit. (Also, neon green is not my color.)

Scratch that. I'll take my dog for a walk now. I want to get out there and (listen to my newly burned CDs) walk.

winamp: "The God That Failed" by Metallica

Friday, March 29, 2002

There has been a lot happening lately, and half of it's fit to be read, but the rest... well... I guess there's points in any person's life where s/he feels inexpicably lonely and longs for someone to be there and talk to. I don't understand why I can't have this, and I know it's my own fault. I just don't understand why I drive everybody away from me. If I did, maybe I would be a lot happier because I would know what not to do.

It never comes from the heart; it starts at the soles of the feet and works its way upward, like filling a glass to the brim, and then it spills over. The loneliness, I mean. I don't think I could ever be an actor, but this past week has just been a façade for me.

Monday, March 25, 2002

I am so wholly enraged at the moment, I can hardly stop myself from exploding. I'll blog later.

Sunday, March 24, 2002

Just a little something I found when searching Penny-Arcade's archives for a specific strip. And I use the term "strip" in its cleanest form. *coughcough*

Neurofibromatosis project nearly done; just need some scissors, glue, and a large piece of paper. :P Had to beat the printer bloody with help programs to get it to work. We need a new printer. Badly. This one is not l33t anymore (and hasn't been since we bought it -_- ).

I should probably log off soon, else my mother kick me off when she gets home. But now I want to write. I lost thirty minutes of my life beating my printer. x_x *sigh*

winamp: "Symphony No. 25 from Amadeus" by Rococo Quartet
Hee hee. I should be working on my Biology project, but I'm not. I'm ogling Hydro and working on three stories at once. My left hand is probably going to mutiny very soon. ^^;;

winamp: "Who Put The Bomp" by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
XD Golden Oldies gone punk-rawk? Hilarious.
Carolyn-san, I almost wish my class was like that, because at least they would have the incredible insight. But they don't. It's almost like America, where the massive wealth belongs to the few. In my class, it seems like the intelligence only belongs to the few. -_-

We (meaning myself and the whole gang of Friends Group A and Friends Group B) went and saw The Time Machine. Since Michelle had already read the book, she says that it didn't end the same, but I liked the movie just for itself. I couldn't decide if I liked Alexander (Guy Pearce, who played Fernando or something in The Count of Monte Cristo), because sometimes in the movie he would be very hot looking and insightful, and the next downright stupid and.... "eeyuch." But the movie, in my not-so humble opinion, was pretty excellent all in itself.

And don't get me started on the topic of the argument we had after the movie. -_-# All the way walking to my house, we argued and argued.... jeezly. But then we ordered pizza and discussed Pokémon (all but one person played, so it was a nearly unanimous decision), and finally played Super Smash Brothers: Melee until about 8 PM. Then they all left and I watched part of The Matrix on TNT.

It was a good Saturday. ^_^ Didn't get a lot of work done (a little transcribing from my notebook, plus Geometry homework), but it was a nice change from being on the computer all day or something. Even if I had to sacrifice a lot of Dr Pepper to keep my guests well refreshed. They're my friends, such allowances must be made. But not all of them believe in the superiority of Dr Pepper. I must change this.

Well, I must leave, so that I can finish transcribing and writing that Hydro/Serpentine bit, then off to print out schtuff for neuro.fibroma.tosis (when I break it down like that, it reminds me not to say it "neuro.fibro.matosis"). I don't like Biology much. :P

Or I could just go upstairs and play Black & White and finally beat that stupid land. >.<# *hates Lethys with a burning passion hotter than a hundred thousand suns*

winamp: "Strange Relationship" by Darren Hayes
I still don't have this CD. -_-;;

Friday, March 22, 2002

...I probably should write that Hydro/Serpentine bit, but I'm really not in a sorrowfully romantic mood at the moment. ^_^;; So, no go. Rather, I think I'm up for writing more Phoenix. XD If only he were real, what a great and happy friend he'd be. Albeit eternally horny. oO;;

winamp: "Run Wild" by New Order
This has a loping, lazy quality that I adore. I can't explain it.
HYDROOOOOOO! (Translation: Gen-chan is "da bomb" and "l33t".)

Hydro: *preens*
Pam: XD *is speechless*

Movie tomorrow, church on Sunday. Busy busy busy. A lot of my friends just invited themselves to go see The Time Machine with me and Jenny, though I wonder if Jenny knows we're meeting at the Regal 15 at 1:30 PM. Huh. I'd better call or wait for her to call. *dislikes talking on the phone*

Hydro: A girl who doesn't like talking on the phone? This defies all natural laws of human, specifically female, nature.
Pam: Take a picture, it'll last longer.
Hydro: All right, I think I will. *click*
Pam: .... -.-#
Hydro: You suggested it, not me.

Lots of homework, too. @_@ Biology and Geometry.... blargh.

Yeah, Zeruel, but I just wish they didn't have to be so blatant about their stupidity. Most of the time, when a person exclaims (with some indignity) "I'm not stupid," that's only proof to the very inaccuracy of that statement. (And I have to admit, there were a few times when I was pretty stupid myself.) Still, I think some people just... don't get it.

Which reminds me of this keychain I saw: "Everybody has the right to be stupid but your abusing the privilege." Yes, the 'your' was used in the wrong context. That reeks of irony. It makes me laugh. Ha, ha! I laugh!

Hydro: So write. I want to see how things wrap up between me and the Blue-eyed Beauty.
Pam: There must be some latent jealousy in both GC and me to make a lot of the people at our base blue-eyed. Well, the main characters, and the characters we like.
Hydro: But you love blue.
Pam: Yes, I know. But suppose I loved... oh, for the sake of irony and my dignity, pink.
Hydro: ...Wouldn't it be... indignity? You do, after all, live in a pink house. Your room is pink. Hell, even your carpet's pink.
Pam: Champaign mauve, not pink. Understand, f00?
Hydro: Understood, Short Stuff.
Pam: One day I'll outgrow that nickname.
Hydro: And one day both of us won't be bitchy, but what can you do 'til then?
Pam: ...*sigh*

winamp: "Cynical Pink" from Trigun
...Damn you, irony.
At school again. Only this time, in the Career Center. I feel scandalous being here, but it's perfectly acceptable to use the computers during lunchtime.

I am in a much better mood today, because Chris had one Caramello left to sell, and I bought it. :D I love Caramello, and I only discovered them recently. Mwahahaha. And besides, I get to support my friends on their trip to France this summer. ^_^

I finally know what a "Mary Sue" in fanfiction-speak is. For the record, let me say that I had no intention of making Miyako be the representation of myself in my fanfic. She shares a few qualities and views of mine; nothing more. I'd never write anything that would even be considered to be an allegory to myself in Real Life. When it comes to writing, I'm just too shy and retiring to ever put myself in my own work. It's just not done for me.

Okay, with that said... I can't think of anything else to write. I might as well go surf now.

listening to: quiet murmurs of other peoples' conversations (a soothing sound)

Thursday, March 21, 2002

I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore I can't take it anymore.

I don't care if I may come off as condescending or elitist or whatever the hell they're calling it this week. If we discuss a topic for five minutes in class, reflect on it and interpret every single fucking word of every single fucking line, and then you can't remember it the next day, you, my dear friend, have no right to be in an Honors class. Especially if it's from something we plan to dedicate a lot of time to. I just can't take it anymore. I don't want to deal with incompetent morons. It seems that the only difference from an Honors class and a normal class is the name.

No one would listen to me, not even the teacher, who wasn't even there for the first part of Macbeth. God, I'm so angry I'm going to start screaming.

Also, I got a Who's Who Among American High Schol Students award in the mail today. Which, of course, means absolutely dick to me, because certain unnamed people in my first period class got the same award, and I know they don't deserve it. It seems that any cheating, lying hypocritical scumbag can win an award for anything these days.

I hate having to suffer because of other people, as well. Class time can be used more productively than watching the same damn movie again because 75% of the class wasn't paying attention the first time. So fucking what; give us a test on it and see who passes. I know I'll be among them, because I actually watched the damn thing the first fucking time it was shown.

I'm trying to cut back on swearing but I just can't help but spew profanity. I need to calm down. I'm going to go lie down and read something. I've only one more book left, Dune Messiah, and I'm 170 pages in and I have no idea what's going on. I must reread Dune before reading the second book.

Most likely I attach too much importance to trivial things, but this isn't a trivial thing. God, how I wish to see certain people suffer. I'd gladly twist the knife myself if I could.
I'm at school, in the computer lab, researching (supposedly) neurofibromatosis. Let me just say that there are certain people I would like to see suffer greatly. I won't do anything (Heaven forbid), but it's nice to think about revenge.

...We're reading Macbeth in English. And that, my friends, is where all the trouble started. I'll write later; for now, must research. neuro. fibroma. tosis.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

I just lost a long blog due to a stupid computer error.

...*sigh* T___T Bleak. All is bleak today.

winamp: "Dirty" by Darren Hayes
Must get the CD soon.

Monday, March 18, 2002

Lifted from Tsua-san... (Haven't done one of these in a long while!)

* No motivation
* Procrastination
* Addiction to caffeine
* Too emotional

* That Mean and Evil Supervisor Lady on the Bus
* Amanda *last name withheld*
* Katrina *last name withheld*
* My brother. -_-

* 19/2000 [Soulchild Remix] by Gorillaz
* True Faith by New Order
* Master and Servant by Depeche Mode
* Heart of Glass (Live Blondie Cover) by Erasure

* Depeche Mode
* Erasure
* New Order
* Styx

* Having what happened to Jimmy Nakaguwa(?) at Ia Valley in Vietnam happen to me. He was inflamed by a grenade and one half of his face was completely burned and the skin slid off his legs.... *shudders*
* Spiders.
* Failure. Any kind.
* Being rejected. v_v

* Only one kind of cologne that guys wear, that smells really sweet but good, and I have no idea what it is.
* Cucumber melon, though I don't think cucumbers and melons should have ever been joined together.
* Fresh laundry. *^^*
* Wild Mountainberry(?) incense

* A bikini
* A dress (unless I absolutely must)
* Anything reminiscent of bondage outfits. oO;;
* Erm... really tight clothes?

* Dolphins
* Horses
* Dogs
* Hamsters *^^*

* Um... don't really watch TV anymore, but Samurai Jack
* The Simpsons
* Futurama
* Whose Line is it Anyway?

* Pretty much most "pop" celebrities. -_-
* ...uh. Quentin Tarantino! Him and his stupid quote, grr....
* Limp Bizkit. -_-
* *can't think of any more*

* Dr Pepper
* Dr Pepper
* Dr Pepper
* er... water...? *isn't sure anymore*

* Strawberry
* French vanilla
* Chocolate
* Um... oO Cookie dough?

* After I fell off the swings in 2nd grade and had to go to the hospital to check for brain damage, I was accepted into the JAWS (a "highly capable") program
* I talk to Hydro when I'm bored in class, and sometimes receive strange looks when I smile or laugh for no "apparent reason"
* I burst into song anytime, any place, anywhere. Be afraid.
* I'll put so much Tabasco sauce into chili so that I can barely get it down, and still call it delicious. ^_^

* I am an only child.
Hydro: No you're not, what about your bro--
Pam: I said, I'm an only child. *glares*
Hydro: o.o Okay, Pam, whatever you say, just put the pizza cutter down.
* My dad is into R/C planes, motorcycles, and... computers. :D
* My mom recently got over a gambling problem (though now we probably have to wean her off going to the sauna)
* I don't consider us a family most of the time, just four people happening to live in the same house and being tied to one another through various reasons, whether biological, matrimonial, or "other"

I would have "Barrel of a Gun (Development Mix)" but the Internet Powers That Be insist that I cannot have it. -_- We shall see who wins...

winamp: "Dangerous (In Your Arms)" by Depeche Mode

On further note... *starts muttering angrily* I knew Card was going to stretch it out, I just knew it... I finished Shadow of the Hegemon, and it turns out he has another two Bean books planned. >.< He left me hanging! I knew it was going to happen, too, because when I started getting to the last fifty pages, I prayed he wouldn't kill Achilles because that would have been so flat and undramatic after 400 pages of building up stuff. So, looks like I'll have to wait until the third book. <_< *sigh*

Other than that, today has been an excellent day. I have virtually no homework, though I do have two tests tomorrow, Geometry II and Biology II tests. Ah well, Biology I know I can ace, and Geometry II will be simple, I'm sure. But I swear, if I have to listen to those stupid (c)rap songs my brother always plays.... I'm going to kill someone. *glances at Hydro, who looks back blankly* Make that kill someone again.

*^^* Thank you, Jey-san. Link in any form is just droolable.

I love this layout. I think it's my best one, despite its simplicity and... reusedness. XD Yes, even better than my Keanu layout. Because he wasn't in drag. That is the only reason.

Hydro: You and your misguided perversions...
Pam: Isn't it just lovely? XD
Hydro: ¬¬ I need to get out of this place.
Pam: Oh, but this place loves you. :D
Hydro: I feel as though I should be insulted.
Pam: ...Yes. ^_^

winamp: "Happiness Is" by Verve Pipe
I'm not waiting for a friend beside me / Or for the Lord above to guide me / But happiness is / Wherever I find it

Sunday, March 17, 2002

By the way, the Link skin is up for download.
I fixed it. I'm the king of the world. Yay.

I do have other causes to celebrate, though; I have four three new books to read, having already finished one. I have Dune Messiah (Herbert), Shadow of the Hegemon (Card), Castaways of the Flying Dutchman (Jacques), and The Golden Compass (Pullman). I've already finished the Jacques book, which is too reminiscent of his Redwall series to really be outstanding, but it was fairly good. I'm starting on Shadow of the Hegemon, which I found in paperback so it was pretty cheap.

Next weekend I should be seeing The Time Machine with Jenny. My dad wanted to go see it today, but I told him I couldn't, which is why we went and saw We Were Soldiers, I don't regret it at all. I love war movies, especially because of the emotional depth and breadth and the stunning camera shots. Even if I did flinch every time a person got shot (which was a lot of flinching, let me tell you). I ended up crying at the end, it was very emotional. All I can say is that everybody should go see that movie.

I keep feeling like I forgot something (on the layout), but I haven't.... Huh. *admires the Link skin but hides the playlist* The third version of the playlist looks a trillion times better than the first two "drafts," but uh... it still suxx0rs. XP Go figure. It's entitled "Audacia," which should mean something along the lines of "courage/physical strength" in Latin, but probably means something very insulting now, since I know little Latin. Ah well.

I must always drink Dr Pepper out of my sacred Megatokyo beer stein, given to me by Icchan for Christmas (thanks again, it tastes even better this way). Reading about what those kids did... it just makes me sick. What kind of day and age are we living in, when things like that can happen? I mean, for crying out loud, elementary students. It probably is dependent on the fact that many people nowadays are afraid to apply the rod for fear of being called in on child abuse charges. Why, I remember whenever I got in trouble, I got whacked on the behind with the long stick we use to reinforce the lock on the patio door. Man, did that sucker hurt. I can't remember the last time my parents hit me (in the last seven years or so), but I'll never forget how painful that was. Or the idea that my mom would make me stand in the corner with my hands held above my head, like I was stretching, and leave me there for several hours. After the first fifteen minutes or so, I'd be in so much agony I'd even admit to tempting Eve with the fruit of knowledge. >.< That's the kind of punishment kids need; not direct physical abuse, but slow torture. Children these days are so spoiled, it's sickening. Sure, I felt angry when my parents whacked me, but I knew, in the back of my mind, I deserved it for the bad things I had done. Now, I don't like to do bad things often, but that's just because some of my friends think I'm too altruistic and law-abiding (which, on some days, is laughably contemptible).

Erm. Today just seems to be my vituperating day, don't it? On further note, Darren Hayes' new CD comes out on the 19th here in the U.S. *utters a little shriek of happiness* And I think I have enough money to buy it, too! ^_^

winamp: "Hash Pipe" by Weezer
Well, it's up. Not entirely like its original beginnings (I had to forgo the dividers because I forgot to change Four to Eleven), but close enough, I suppose. And I needed the cheering up after the below post.

As you can see.... it's not entirely tweaked out. Erm.

winamp: "Karma Chameleon" by Boy George
War is a subject that cannot be broached unless you know what it is. What is war? The dictionary defines war as "a state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties". To look at it written down is nothing. To experience is the only way anyone could ever understand exactly what those words mean. Words can only do so much for the human mind; one must be in the midst of the action in order to fully comprehend what "a state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict" is.

I suppose I really have no reason to sit and preach about that, never having been in a war myself. I thank God that I haven't been and that I probably never will experience the true terror of war. The loss of kin and friends in a hellish nightmare of death and despair. To watch people that I joked around with and called my friends be cut down, their bodies jerking and writhing as bullets tore their flesh apart. I am glad I never have to see that happen, that my eyes will never witness the truth of it.

When we speak of war, we speak of killing. War is a necessary evil, some people may argue. I agree with them. You can sit in front of your computer monitor and talk about war and death and how it's for the common good, but you can never know. I can never know. None of my friends are in Afghanistan, none of my family that I know of. When we speak of understanding, we speak of ignorance because perhaps none of us know.

Maybe we do know. I pray for you and your kin, your friends. I pray that if they must see the horror of war, that not even Hollywood can truly replicate, that their souls be freed of agony and they seek solace in faith and friendship.

...Seeing We Were Soldiers has put me in such a terrible mood. To understand that war is living proof that man is his own worst enemy... it's depressing.

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Finished the Link skin and sent it to Gen-chan for uploading at divinest Sense. No, you don't get to see it 'til she uploads it. >=D Because I'm evil like that.

Also, I've got the next layout all done and ready to be published as well. But not yet, I need to finish getting some HTML code done and the colours for the layout as well... I thought about it long and hard, and finally decided to do it. So it's going to be done, and anyone who doesn't like it can go play a round of Brockarian Ultra Cricket. :P What is it, you might be wondering? Let's just say it's a grand ol' blast from the past. XD

I've been really busy with school work, Keepers of the Quill (the name of our Writing Club; GC says it sounds D&D-ish but I like it anyway), and Pokémon Crystal.

Been checking out this brochure for some anime/manga called GTO, Great Teacher Onizuka. (Well, at least I know where Piro got Great Teacher Largo from.) It looks great. *_* Too bad it only comes in DVD format. Looks like that's another thing to add to the birthday list. ~_~

winamp: "Sabitsuita Machine Gun De Ima O Uchi Nukou" by Wands
(Breathing Clearly with a Machine Gun)

Monday, March 11, 2002

Got the Gunsmith Cats videos today. Have no time to watch them. Homework. Gen-chan, we still up to watch that together (perhaps after going to see Resident Evil)?

I have found I cannot comfortably strut to "Enjoy The Silence" or "Barrel of a Gun." Needless to say, this has ruined my week. v_v

Too many things require money and I don't have "sufficient funds." Forty dollars to cover two theatre movies in one week, a CD coming out next week, and a video game next month. <_< I don't want to hit my dad for money (well, maybe for one movie) because I feel too much like a leech.

And Ragabash-san is selling a Nataku wallscroll, upon which my very existence depends. Craaaap. >.<#

I'm so poor, I need a job. Good-bye, carefree days of childhood, hello miserable adult life.

(Note: The new [and third version] of the Link playlist is coming along nicely. Expect that skin up in a few days or so, God and homework willing.)

winamp: "The Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats

Saturday, March 09, 2002

Ah. I bet it's because I sacrifice people to keep the population down.
Gen-chan, I keep getting error messages when I try to access the images, which is really pissing me off. >.<# So could you just send the URLs, please? Thanks.

On further note, my Hand of God in Black & White is growing long, evil nails. @_@ That's not good. That's evil.

winamp: "19-2000 [Soulchild Remix]" by Gorillaz
The obsession is broken. @_@ But it has left such scars...

Thursday, March 07, 2002

*dances madly* XD Kamui! Covered with blood! XD XD XD

I thought friends were supposed to help friends get over addictions, not encourage them. >XD

XD Well, Zeruel, your mass promotion worked, 'cos I'm hopppin' into the field of engineering after listening to today's speaker. Crap, your layout r0xx0rs. *highlights the links and cackles* XD That's so sweet. *boos Matt*

Anyway.... met with the engineer today. <_< Turns out I almost had to go see him twice 'cos of my two math classes, but the second time I just skipped with a few others (Gen-chan included) and stayed in the classroom. Well, he was kinda boring but he had a lot of good things to bring up, mainly that of finding my true calling. I've decided; I'm going to become a software engineer. \ ^o^ / Rejoice, for I have a goal! I'm gonna make computer and video games, since the industry is sucking like a leech (bwahaha). I remember when video games were fun, not a chore. @_@ Ah well.... we can't all strive to be like Super Mario and the Legend of the Seven Stars or Blaster Master (or is it Master Blaster? bah).

Yet I have no idea if I feel like being very happy or extremely angry. I know this blog is called Vituperation for very obvious reasons, but if I do post what's on my mind, I'll be no more different than the next angsty teen. >.< Not that I'm not unlike them (*rereads that then nods*), but sometimes you've just got to stop digging even if you can't get out anyway. Also, I fear I may begin following my New Year's Resolution (to break things), and also start screaming simultaneously. I'm a little frightened by how much rage I've got bottled up, but then again, it doesn't surprise me. -_-# And so what if there's a Really Mean and Evil Bus Supervisor on our bus now, who's given us assigned seats. It's time to ignore angst and be happy, like Phoenix!

I've had people argue that mean and evil are the same thing. They're not. You can have polite evil people. Just because they're evil doesn't mean they don't know decorum. Still, I had no math homework today! *happy dances* And nothing gets rid of rage like a good-ol' fashioned smash fest!

But I've got to remember to sign up for Driver's Ed in April. x_X Nooooo..... Can you imagine, me, commonly known as short stuff, Behind the Wheel? ...Yes, I'm scared too. I don't know if I can reach the pedals comfortably. (OK, I'm not that small, but I have sat in the driver's seat of my mom's Blazer and it's hard to reach the pedals even with the seat brought forward.)

Current Playlist:
Erasure, DM, and New Order - A Little Respect (Mix)
New Order - True Faith
New Order - True Faith (Future Mix)
New Order - True Faith (Pet Shop Boys Mix)
New Order - True Faith (Pink Noise Mix)

The mix of "A Little Respect" has ends with True Faith. :D Now I must go away and... do something. Preferrably read.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Oh, I forgot! An engineer from IBM is coming to speak in the Career Center tomorrow. ^__^ My Geometry II class is going, and Ms. Ewer says that we won't be having homework (hence the overload tonight, I suppose). Which is great, because hopefully he'll be a computer engineer and I want to study along those fields! :D

World, sometimes you serve up just what I need, albeit with a little more stress.

*looks at all the Depeche Mode remixes and faints*
I have a lot of homework. Meaning I shouldn't be on right now. XD Oh well. Geometry, English, and History homework abound! Crikey!

Whee..... it must've been the caffeine so early in the morning. God bless late arrivals.

Becoming a bit more lenient, I've only banished songs without the words "True Faith" in them. I don't know how this started, but a few days ago I listened to "True Faith" and had to get more mixes. There is no explanation for why now, so "late in the game", I have become addicted to this song. Oh well.

Gen-chan, write the part and send it to me as quickly as possible! I'm driving myself insane by doing too much homework in order to compensate for the lack of writing I'm doing. ;_;

winamp: "True Faith (Future Mix)" by New Order
Very similar to the Pet Shop Boys Remix, but shorter and some apparent differences.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

¬.¬ How did I know...

(Lifted from Dora-san)

What Element Are You?
You're Hydrogen! Light and airy, you lack a lot of confidence. Not knowing where you fit in adds to your insecurity. You really are a great person. Just let others see you for you and try not to be so shy.

(Link from Sailoreagle) I hope it gets better with your family; I have the same sort of problems with my mom and dad. I love my dad so much, but sometimes, he can say things that just completely deflate my spirit, like a crack about me not having many friends. I'm tired of dealing with that from my brother, and it hurts when something like that comes from a person you care a lot about.

And anyway, I do have friends. I'd rather have a few close friends than a lot of acquaintances.

This is about two months too late, but what the heck ever happened to Matt?

So tired.... But I have stupid Geometry homework. >.< BLARGH. We had to go and stand out in the freezing cold and measure the Totem pole, the reader board, the light pole, and the bell tower. And for what?! Everybody already understands similar triangles, there's no reason to force twenty-odd students out in the biting iciness of Washington weather and have them not be able to feel their fingers and noses. Gaar. >.< I'd rather do book work.

On further note, all songs that do not have the words "True Faith (Pink Noise Mix)" in them have been banned from my playlist indefinitely.

winamp: "True Faith (Pink Noise Mix)" by New Order
I'm back. Not that anybody particularly noticed I was gone, but it's fun to pretend.

Well. What have I been up to. I went and saw The Count of Monte Cristo (excellent movie, might I add) with Jenny and also borrowed Dragonheart from her. Sean Connery is the perfect Draco. Also, went to the first meeting of the Writing Club today. Needless to say, I was not happy with some of the authors that got cut from our reading list. (Edgar Allan Poe got cut... I was about to go ballistic.)

Anyway, I haven't been on because of those events plus Fox Internet disconnected us Saturday for not paying our bill on time, but then again, they never sent us a notification. As you can see, "it's all good" now.

I've also been selected to be an All-American Scholar, plus I've gotten three more college letters. I sent back replies to Univeristy of Chicago, University of Portland, University of Miami, and New York University. Let's hear it for getting ahead.

Thank you, Zeruel, for pimping out Cal Poly to me. ^_^ If I ever get a letter from them, I'll definitely reply for more info. Going to school in California is pretty attractive. *glares at the bitterly cold weather of Washington* Grr.

I'm so tired, tired, tired of people. People are so stupid and evil and just full of wrong it makes me sick. ...That's all for today.

winamp: "Separate Ways" by Joy Machine

Friday, March 01, 2002

Mmm... Wished they'd serve more screenshots, though. :D I can't wait for Metroid Prime and Mario Sunshine! (OK, so I think the latter's title is really lame, but the graphics look kick arse in both games.)

Gen-chan, I need to ask a favor; the two images in my "webrings and cliques" section aren't showing up because FreeServers finally decided they don't want cross-linking or posting or whatever anymore, so that's really annoying. So if it's not inconvenient, could you please upload them to for me? I would deeply appreciate such.

winamp: "The Flight of the Dragon Riders" by Symphonic Chronicles
This song reminds me of epic poetry slated into music instead of words. Get it now.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry but it seems like Algebra IV is just so friggin' easier than Geometry II. I thought I was going to be swamped with math homework from both classes, but actually, I just have to finish up one problem for my Geometry homework, then I'm done.

...Then it's English and History homework. >_> Ah well, at least I have something to do. It's not... so bad...

Now, what else did I want to talk about...? Oh yes, I've decided I'm no longer checking the mail, since whenever I do there's never anything for me. If I were to go out there right now, there wouldn't be anything there for me. But if my dad were to come home and check the mail, there'll be something there for me. I'm sure Douglas Adams probably came up with a theory not entirely unlike that one. XD *hearts Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency*

Even more cause to celebrate; Hydro is now alive and back in the company of others!

Hydro: ....
Pam: I love you Hydro. ^_____^
Hydro: .... x_x;;;
Pam: Aww... (He's so cute when he's all depressed!)
Hydro: ¬¬ I must have done something really bad in a past life to deserve this...
Pam: You know, we could always ask Laithe what you did. :D
Hydro: ....Smart ass.
Pam: Erm, I don't think my arse is that smart, really. XD
Hydro: Go away.
Pam: This is my brain, you go away.
Hydro: Well, I'm not moving.
Pam: Neither am I.
Hydro: Fine then.
Pam: Fine.

XD I love you Hydro. *hugs*

winamp: "The Sweetest Perfection [Violator 2000 Mix]" by Depeche Mode
Nothing can stop me.