Thursday, May 30, 2002

Sweet nutrients! Well, it's not as expensive as I thought it would be... *sob* Still no luck with Fire Emblem figurines... If push comes to shove, I'll get her an artbook. She's an arty type of person. It'll be probably the most I've spent on a birthday present... ^^;; I'm kinda leery about buying from sites I don't normally visit, though. Maybe I'm heading in the wrong direction. Perhaps I should just give her a card and some money...? Nah, I won't cheat on my friends like that anymore. Presents are personal things, I like to think.

...This looks promising, but it's dubbed in English. A lot cheaper than the subtitled version, however. Hmm....

winamp: "Condemnaton" by Depeche Mode
I probably shouldn't let Gen-chan see this, so... don't look, Gen-chan. ^_^ *keeps hunting for Fire Emblem figurines* They have one FE figurine, but it's not the one I want for Michelle.
I come back for this? *cries* Well, it's easy to cry when you don't really have to think about it. My eyes keep tearing up, whether or not I stare at the computer/television screen. And to top it all off, I haven't been getting the rest I need (i.e., staying home from school). I went to sleep around 9 last night, and that was nice, but it wasn't very good sleep. I'm afraid to miss a day of school because I hate falling behind, and falling behind means make-up work, and I just don't do make-up work. I'm there for the assignment. End of story.

Whee, there goes another tear. Argh. I'm a mess. I'm sick, my social life is in disorder, I keep having nightmares about the future and missing the school bus, and... and... I'm still unmotivated and uninspired. Yeah, I know; bitch, bitch, bitch, moan, moan, moan...

Well, at least our new pressurized rice cooker is nifty. My dog barks at the darned thing when it belches steam. Hee hee. I would cackle evilly, as I have been practicing it lately (ask Neil XD), but... I don't want to hurt my poor throat. It's very sore. I've noticed that when my nose is stuffy, it's always one nostril that clogs up, and the other becomes super-sensitive to everything I smell. So when I breathe... it hurts because everything smells a lot stronger. And the stuffiness switches sides! It might start out on the right side in the morning, but it will "migrate" to the left side before the day's out.

...Not that you really care about the interesting facts of my nostrils. Wargh.

Anyway, Chris's birthday party was nifty. We watched Chicken Run. I liked that one chicken that Rocky could never understand... I forgot her name, she was one of Ginger's closer friends. I thought she was pretty nifty. The one that knitted a lot made everyone laugh more times than we'd care to admit. ^^;;

Gen-chan? It's nice that you sent The Story, it really is. But uh... you forgot to attach it. *stares at a Story-less e-mail* As for the Zanarkand/Samarkand reference, I have no idea. I haven't touched FFX for a while, not since discovering Yuna can fly! XD No, folks, it's not really a spoiler because... well... because.

Strange, that I would go through FFVII for a third (I'm at Junon now!) rather than bother finishing FFVIII (so close to the end) or continuing FFX (wargh). I guess it's just the mark of a great video game. I hope they remake it for the PS2. Now that would be the shit, yo.

BTW, did I mention I lost all my data for Super Smash Brothers: Melee; everything including times, bonuses, trophies, characters, levels, special features...? The only thing that didn't get erased were the customized names. -_- And I lost my GQ snapshot of Link. ;_;

I really can't think of anything particularly interesting to blog about. But then, blogs are supposed to be semi-personal, right, and a lot of personal things are actually pretty damn boring. No new authors; all the series I'm currently reading (Dark Tower Series, the Ender's Shadow offshoot starring Bean of Ender's Game) aren't putting out... Stephen King damn well better finish the DT series or he's going to have a lot of angry readers to contend with (me and Chris, whom I'm converting, included). No new games; well, not really. I already mentioned them. I do want to get Kingdom Hearts when it comes out, though. I'll find a link to stuff about it later.

Also... Michelle's birthday's on June 9th. I know what to get her... if I can find it. I want to buy (a) Marth and/or Roy figurine(s) for her, because I know she likes them. She always plays one of them when we're Smashin', anyway. I've just got to start looking; I doubt any places 'round here sell them, so it's internet surfing for me. I've got $60 to blow, maybe I'll find the FFVII soundtrack out there, too. ^^ But her present has first prerogative (right word...?)

Losing... mental capabilities... *gasp* Must... find... Dr Pepper.... (not good for when you're sick, but the caffeine, man, the caffeine...!) Or maybe I have the Motaba virus. If I don't blog in a couple of days, my internal organs have exploded and I've probably died with blood hemorrhaging out of all my orifices. Bwahahaha. *cough* Ow.

winamp: "The Bad Touch (Eiffel 65 Remix)" by the Bloodhound Gang
Wargh. I'm sick. x_<

Yes, that's all. School is going to let out in about five minutes, so I gotta go. I've got a lot of blogs to catch up on. My stomach hurts. I still like That Cute Asian Guy. Life sucks. x_X

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Frosted lipstick, parachute pants! Dead Can Dance! And some more lyrics I've not yet memorized! XD Just listening to my new Darren Hayes CD. Ahh..... the voice of an angel... Too bad 10/12 (or 5/6, if you prefer) of the songs are about love. At least, I think. ^^;; "Crush (1980 Me)" and "Spin" are sorta not love songs, although "Crush (1980 Me)" does constantly repeat "Ooh, I gotta little crush! I just can't get enough of that stuff!" only I'm sure it's about the stuff in 1980s and not love. XD

Erm. Anyway. This is my first blog as a sixteen-year-old, and let me tell you, I don't feel any different. Perhaps a slight sense of foreboding, but that's all. Oh, and today I discovered that I suck at blitzball. It was my first time, but still.... I think that game was rigged. Stupid Goers, what a dumb name for a team, anyway.

Thanks for the well wishes! (And belated Happy Birthday back at you, Gillian-san.) ^_^ I did haul in quite a load... I received a PS2 (games including Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2, Devil May Cry, Orphen: Scion of Sorcery, and Jak and Daxter), Pokémon Silver, Spider-Man (the novelization by Peter David), Legends Vol. I (with Stephen King in it! Eeee!), The Amber Spyglass, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, some lotions and crud, um.... money, Riesen (the candy!), a dolphin necklace (blue!), some clothes (all of them, of course, blue as well)., and a clay brain. Actually, part of a brain, or "piece of mind." .....Inside joke. XD

Har har.

Eek. I haven't touched the link to BMB for ages now. x_X On all the other webcomics I've been keeping up, but I've just been putting that one off..... ~_~ Raar.

Blame it on the faeries. Agh. I'd rather play FFVII two times over than bother to beat FFVIII or even start FFX. ^^;; Although I did start FFX not too long ago. FFVII will always be the best. I hope they do continue with those FF remakes for the PS2. FFVII on PS2 would kick all major ass. Though I must say when I look at Seymour I can see Sephiroth staring back at me. XD It's all in the hair, baybee.

Ah... oh yeah! That Cute Asian Guy has a name..... *^^* I am shallow about this particular area, but I don't really care. I can't control my hormones, and I sure as heck ain't taking no horse substitutes or something... What? No, I'm not going to disclose the name. The only problem (which really isn't a problem) is that he's a freshman, meaning younger than me. Eh, what does it matter, I'll never work up the nerve to even say hi or smile at him. *beats self with the clay brain she received for her birthday*

Well, that's really all I have to say. Been gamin' and schoolin' to no end, really. Ah! Did I mention my parents I leaving on the 24th and won't be back 'til the 26th, possibly 27th? And that I'll be home alone all weekend......?


repeating: Crush (1980) by Darren Hayes

Saturday, May 11, 2002

I shouldn't be on right now. My birthday party's at 2. I should probably be setting up the food and the GameCube right now, but ah well. The blog from the 9th didn't get published 'til today 'cos our school computers don't like Blogger. oO;; So check below for things....

I did get a PS2 with Jak and Daxter. ^_____^ *happyhappy* Also, FFX, Metal Gear Solid 2, Devil May Cry, and Orphen: Scion of Sorcery (the latter two Gen-chan is borrowing since I've been very busy with FFVII and Jak and Daxter*

I can't seem to find FFVII or FFVIII in my house. Gen-chan, did you take them back? Why am I even asking, I'll be seeing you in about three hours. ~_~ Ah well. *wanted to get Vincent* ;_;

I've got a lot of catching up to do. ^_^;;

winamp: "One Winged Angel" by the Sephiroth Choir (Final Fantasy VII)
I don't care if this soundtrack is $50+ dollars! I must get it!

Thursday, May 09, 2002

Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead. ^^;; A thousand apologies for not blogging of my intentions. I've probably made some people worry and for that I am truly sorry. I've been madly playing FFVII and FFVIII. It's a bad excuse, but I've also been busy with WASL, homework, and Writer's Club to boot. The only reason I'm on now is because we're at school, my Geometry teacher is absent, the sub hasn't shown up, and we're in the Career Center on the computers. If not for that, I... might not have been on for a long while to come.

The internet has become less of a main way of life in my... life, I guess. I can't access my bloglist because BlogSpot appears to be down, so I'll have to catch up later. I have received several e-mails asking about my well-being, and for that I am thankful. I might not have received all of them because the last time I checked my mail it was the 25th of April. >_> Hotmail was overloaded, let me tell you.

A few things have been imminent (or is it eminent?) in my life, namely my birthday that is coming up in five days, and That Cute Asian Guy. Amber says the perfect word for my state of being around him is "twitterpated." I suppose these things would be a lot easier if I had control over my darned hormones, but alas, I do not. I understand that I am nothing but background to him, but that's never stopped foolish fantasies of being his tutor for math or something. -_-;; I'd like to think myself above shallow feelings but I'm definitely not (as you can read). *sigh* I just didn't want to turn into another angsty or boy-obsessed teen. Unfortunately.... blah.

I have been doing good in my classes, despite my video game mania. I have all A's. Mr. Blazey gave me an A minus, but when I asked about it and we checked the gradebook, it turns out that I had a 96.7 or something like that. Which, when I last checked, was NOT an A minus. So, an error on his part. I also aced my history test despite lack of study and the fact that it covered five chapters of stuff, most of which I've forgotten. ^^;;

Well, what can I say? Friends, I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch. I'm horrible that way. Seriously. In response to phone calls, e-mails, and just plain keeping in touch, I'm one of the worst people. ~_~ I tend to cut myself off from everything when I find something new or something that delights me no end. Perhaps obsessive-compulsive behavior? I have enough problems in my life.

I also forgot to mention that my family came perilously close to moving, perhaps out of Tacoma and away from the entire life I've known, that my brother moved out for about three weeks, that he now has a girlfriend, and that I will most likely not being going to college inside Washington state. Quite an update, eh?

Well, enough of that. I wish I could check blogs and webcomics but I don't know if the supervisor in here would let me...... ^^;; Best wishes to everyone if I don't come back for a few days. Most likely
the next time I'll blog I'll be sixteen. (I don't see any reason why sixteen should be so sweet, all I get to do is work and drive if I had a permit. -_-; )

book: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn