The afternoon bus driver is bringing her radio. This means I will be desperately searching for any means possibly to acquire a CD player and headphones, even if it means resorting back to duct tape to make my old one work. Why? The two stations we will be subjected to are KUBE and KISS, both respectively playing up-to-date pop and rap music. Needless to say, if I must endure the rest of the school year being forced to listen to thus, I will ultimately die or go insane, preferably die.
I can honestly not say that the music I listen is, in any way,
better than the music "they" listen to. If I did, I'm sure many of you would back me up, but I can't say that, because the reasons I would give are stupid and worse, hypocritical in some cases. However, I would
not like to be subjected to the lamenting wails of some pop group that's currently "hip" about how they lost their boyfriends or girlfriends, or how badly they want to get it on or even
how they want to get it on. Personally, that's not to my taste.
On this subject, I know I am right when I say perhaps 90% (and possibly more) of the songs put out by the most popular pop and rap groups are in some way related to sex, money, or nice cars. And that's fine; appeal to your audience. If people like listening to that, hey, not my problem. Be that as it may, I'm not a part of that audience. I prefer songs with at least a modicum of depth and feeling to them.
Granted, not all the music I listen to is meaningful and awe-inspiring (unless having a detachable penis is such), and everyone has their little exceptions. However, being as I am the only one who would actually speak out against this music, things are not going to be going in my favor, and unless I find some method of interrupting radio waves or acquiring a working CD player, I will have to listen to the stations of their choosing.
Every day I have to deal with the growing pressures of being forced to be like everyone else. However, my theory is that there are no such things as non-comformists simply because if you try to non-conform, then you're conforming with everyone else who's trying to non-conform. It's fine for people to stick safety pins in their clothing and flesh and call it their style, but to say you're a nonconformist by doing this when it's obvious that a lot of other young adults also do this is just silly.
I don't mind being placed into one of the general "groups" that make up a high school. I don't need to go and show the whole world what a unique individual I am, simply because I don't care if other people think that I'm like everyone else. Just because someone else believes something about you doesn't make it true. For example, I could believe fervently that my brother worships dented forks, but just because I believe this and tell it to everyone else doesn't make it true, whether or not I meant to hurt his reputation/feelings. I will admit, it makes me a little angry when people stoop to the level of talking about me behind my back, especially that incident in freshman year, but I need only remind myself that people will say those things in order to 1) feel better about themselves and 2) make me feel worse about myself. Personally, I would rather be called a brainiac than an idiot.
To finish this off (because I'm getting tired of thinking about something that will never change and because my left arm is beginning to protest), I just want to say I do respect other people's preferences and likings, although some of these passages may come off as sarcastic and hypocritical. I'm just tired that nothing will ever change, and people will continue to harbor biases that have no basis or ground for their very existence.
If only people could understand "go along to get along." This is a wonderful way of thinking in some cases (to preserve harmony), but in some cases, I say fight for what you believe in. I would use this method to end an argument, but certainly not if someone said I had to change my religion or else they'd fail/fire me (which is illegal, anyway, but you get the idea).
Learned how to count past ten in Japanese. In Chemistry, I got up to 57 before the teacher began talking and I lost my train of thought. I'm beginning to get that mental "click". Hopefully it'll stick.
winamp: Metal Gear May Cry (Remastered) by Jared Hudson