Sunday, September 30, 2001

Whew. Yesterday I was at Amber's house, and she let me borrow the last two books of the four H. P. books that are out. So, I spent last night reading all of the third one and some of the fourth one, and most of this morning reading the fourth one. I'm more than halfway through and addicted, although I won't consider myself a fangirl. Personally, they're taking this whole Harry Potter thing too far; it's a good series, but not great, you know? I mean, Harry Potter Legos. ¬.¬# Argue with me if you will; the H.P. series is a nice read, but definitely not something to get all worked up about for years to come. Like Beanie Babies. Diving Being, I despise that particular craze.

Lego.... what depths thee has sunken to, thy former glory gone and long forgotten....

I'm also in a bad mood, in case you didn't know, because I didn't do my homework yesterday, which means I have to do it today, and I've got a lot of catching up to do in blogs and such... *sigh* ~_~

Anyway, I didn't see Zoolander like I wanted, and we (Amber and I) didn't go see Osmosis Jones like we wanted; apparently no theatres around here play it any more, and she didn't want to see Zoolander, so I decided it was all right; after all, this is a democracy, not a dictatorship. So we stayed in, hung out, played with her dogs Taffi and Alfie, and then we watched Anna and the King and had dinner, then I went home. A nice, idyllic day. We talked about things that bothered us, and why the latest fashions are stupid. Well, you know how they have those extravagant fashion shows in ritzy places like Paris and such.... when I've never seen anyone outside of a movie making fun of those shows or in very strange magazines wear those weird getups. Oh well

You buttmonkey. No Phoenix on any sort of unearthly drug or Force. I thought we got rid of that particular nasty thing, anyway. Who would be making it? -_-; Unless you're keeping your own council on that particular... detail.

I agree with you, since some of my atheist/agnostic friends (and I'm not talking about you) want to know what God has done for me lately, and how I can believe in an entity they deem illogical and therefore nonexistent. It is a matter of faith. I can't believe that we're just gone after we die, that we were a cosmic mistake. Sometimes I do feel like the atheists have got it right and there's no Heaven or Hell or God or Satan... but.... most of the time people just need something to believe in, because it gives a point to our lives. Still, eternal bliss and happiness sounds a bit boring, and torture for all eternity may not be a particularly nice aspect. I'd like to think Heaven would be just like Earth, because who really wants to be happy and content all the time? Boring. And it's almost comforting to know that when you pray alone at night, He's listening. People ask for things and then get angry when God "doesn't answer." Actually, he has answered. God has a right to say "No," too, you know.

But talk of religion makes my head hurt, so I won't say anything more on the matter. ^_^

Oh, okay. XD Just as long as we're all on the same page now.

So I caved in and took this test, right? And Question #4 took me by surprise, it was: "Can you dance?" Then I thought, "Define dancing." They should definitely revise that, so that it says "Can you dance well by acceptable social standards?" Because any nitwit can dance, but it takes someone with some skill not to make it look like sporadic seizures. ^^;; So I answered Nay, because I only dance when alone.

And the results:
Goth 20%
Trendy 35%
Alternative 50%

Conclusion: Quite how you can be both trendy and alternative at the same time it's difficult to see, but, if the test is actually working properly (hah!), then you may be one of those popular kinds of people who pretend to be stupid just so they can cope with the inanity of their peers.

Actually, I don't pretend to be stupid to fit in. *fumes* Trendy, my ass.

So to homework I go. I may not be seen for a while, or if spotted, am downloading shit and pondering the delicacy and naivete of young life that Bradbury has displayed in his work, Dandelion Wine. OK?

cs: "One in a Million" by Bosson
You're one in a million / You're once in a lifetime

Friday, September 28, 2001

ARGH. Thanks for letting me know. >_> Those cussed archives....

OK, I said I was going away, but I never finish checking blogs by the time I actually blog, so that presents a problem in itself, you see...

*sob* I have Geometry and English Comp. homework. Plus I have a Biology experiment coming up, and also we had to do the ENTIRE rough draft for an essay on Pericles' "Funeral Oration" today in World Cultures. ~_~ I barely finished. But hey, it's stuffed full of good ol' quotes and superfluous, flowery words, so maybe I'll squeak by.

Oh, and no matter WHAT my rought draft states, the Athenians were NOT wonderfully perfect.

Is he really gay? XD

Why is perfectly fine to torture newly hatched shrimp but not humans? We're all animals here, aren't we?

cs: "You Sexy Thing" by Hot Chocolate
Is it me, or is this the perfect strut song for Hydro? XD
I don't know if I've already done this one, but I lifted it from Carolyn-san.

Real Name: Pamela
Nickname: Pam or Pamburger.
Birthday: May 13th
Brothers or sisters: One brother.
Zodiac sign: Tiger
Color of hair: Dark brown bordering black
Color of eyes: Dark brown
Height: Too short to be tall and too tall to be a midget
Shoe Size: 6. ^^;
Do you care about the way you look?: Yes. Some people pretend not to, and I used to be one of them, but everyone cares somewhere inside.
Do you get tanned?: Yep.
Do you have big ears?: Small and sweet.
Do you have contacts or glasses?: Neither, though glasses make me look intelligent. ^_^

Kissed someone: No.
Been in love: Not romantically.
Been so drunk you blacked out: Not on alcohol, no.
Kept a secret from everyone: Who doesn't?
Set a body part on fire: Not intentionally.
Had an imaginary friend: Yes. *huggles Hydro*
Called or seen a psychic: Hell no.
Ever cried at a chick flick: Yes. Not just chick flicks, either.
Found a cartoon character attractive: People think it's weird, but hell, if they were real...
Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape: Um... the only music I listened to for a long time was Oldies.
Had sex: No.
Been on stage: A couple times.
Been in a car accident: Once.

Wear eye shadow: No.
Have a dog: Yes! XD Tina!
Want a tattoo, and where: Yes. My back; large dragon. *_*
Have any regrets: All the time.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Sometimes I think I need one more for my self-esteem than anything else, but no.
Have a Crush: ...On someone I might have a better chance with than Keanu Reeves? I think so?
Do you have a best friend: A few.
Do you have a best online friend: The old man.
Who do you go to for advice: Pfft. Myself. I keep council with no one.
Who knows all your secrets?: Me.
Who do you cry with: Myself.

God/Devil: I have faith.
Yourself: No.
Your friends: More than myself.
Love: Occasionally.
Destiny: Yes, actually.
Signs: Depends.
The Closet Monster: My Homie the Clown doll. O_O
One person for everyone?: No.

AM I A...
Wuss: Only when I feel being submissive is more beneficial. And when I don't feel like dealing with something.
Class Clown: Ocassionally.
Goodie 2 Shoes: Only in other people's eyes.
Dreamer: Most definitely.
Drunk: On Dr. Pepper.
Slut: I'd say too modest, but that isn't modest, so I'll just say too embarrassed to be one.
Freak: When I feel like it.
Bitch: Not a female dog, no.
Angel: I'm not perfect, though I'd like to be.

Paper or Plastic: Paper.
Deaf or Blind: Blind.
Truth or Dare: Neither. Those games are so silly and spiteful. Well, maybe Dare. ^^;;
Night or Day: Day. Night is when the monsters come out.
Beavis or Butthead: ...Beavis. He was the blonde, right? XD
Ocean or Pool: Sea.
Cake or Pie: Ice cream.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Neither. Strawberry!
Cats or Dogs: Dogs.
Love or Lust: Love, although the latter is often mistaken for the former.
Pancakes or French toast?: ...I don't eat breakfast? ^^;;
Bitter or Sweet: Bitter.
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Smoker or Nonsmoker: Nonsmoker. I have no deathwish (currently).
Diamonds or Pearls: Sapphires.
Hugs or Kisses: Handshakes.
Bacon Bits or Croutons: Croutons.
Shaken or Stirred: Stirred.
Taco or Burrito: Taco.
Complex or Simple: Complex.
Armageddon or Independence Day: Armageddon.
Batman or Superman?: Major Glory. XDDDDDD
Nacho Cheese or Cooler Ranch: Sea salt and vinegar. :D~ It raws the tongue. XD
Sun or Moon: Stars!
X's or O's: Circular perfection.
Ice crushed or cubed: Cubed.
Showers or Baths: Showers. Baths.... neeeeh..... only if I need to spoil myself.

*stretches and winces* This weekend has been EARNED, dammit, so good-bye.

cs: "Introducton to a Broken Heart" by Prozzak

Thursday, September 27, 2001

w00t. XD *is amused muchly*
nnm license
"samurai jack" utonium
"samurai jack" utonium
"vash"+"kid rock"+"trigun"+"cowboy"
nnm test info
laxative accidents
free miko lee

*giggle* Tee hee. Laxative accidents. *gigglegiggle*

Tuesday is Crossdress Day at our school. *pauses for several moments* Read that again. And then laugh.

I have Geometry homework. I really don't feel like doing it. On top of that, my back hurts and my mind's in the gutter. I try to keep clean. Unfortunately, it doesn't help when you're listening to the Original New York Remix of "Relax." Although I have to admit, it's very danceable, although a bit.... suggestive. *changes song* Beh.

Hydro: A bit? And when are you going to write in The Story? It's collecting dust in the bowels of your harddrive.
Pam: ...Eventually. And Gen-chan was supposed to write.
Hydro: Well hurry the tanj up. I can't maintain this air of sexual repression and denial of my feelings for Serpentine, dammit.
Pam: Er, sorry. I had no idea being a fictitious character and a sort of "conscience" for a deranged teenage miko was so stressful.
Hydro: And I thought empathy was your strong point.
Pam: Not today. I want everyone else to be empathetic so they can feel my pain. >.<#

A wee bit obsessed? Saying you're only a wee bit obsessed with Satsuki Yatouji is like me saying I'm only a wee bit obsessed with Dr. Pepper.

cs: "Don't Say Your Love Is Killing Me" by Erasure
I do have feelings deep inside / But would not hurt your foolish pride
Paranoid: A Chant by Stephing King
(Complete version in Skeleton Crew)

I can't go out no more.
There's a man by the door
in a raincoat
smoking a cigarette.


I've put him in my dairy
and all the mailers are lined up
on the bed, bloody in the glow
of the bar sign next door.

He knows that if I die
(or even drop out of sight)
the diary goes and everyone knows
the CIA's in Virginia.

500 mailers bought from
500 drug counters each one different
and 500 notebooks
with 500 pages in each one.

I am prepared.

I can see him from up here.
His cigarette winks from just
above his trenchcoat collar
and somewhere there's a man on a subway
sitting under a Black Velvet ad thinking my name.

Men have discussed me in back rooms.
If the phone rings there's only dead breath.
In a bar across the street a snubnose
revolver has changed hands in the men's room.
Each bullet has my name on it.
My name is written in back files
and looked up in newspaper morgues.

My mother's been investigated;
thank God she's dead.


I pack myself in ice--have I told you that?
It obviates their infrared scopes.
I know chants and I wear charms.
You may think you have me but I could destroy you
any second now.

Any second now.

Any second now.

Would you like some coffee, my love?

Did I tell you I can't go out no more?
There's a man by the door
in a raincoat.

Mmm.... mushrooms right out of the can...

cs: "Violet" by Savage Garden

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

My back hurts a lot now. >_> Oof. <_< I really feel like logging off and going to bed. I don't know why.

Whooshka. I'm happy that is back, but at the same time, a bit ashamed because I have two skins on hiatus and I've made no moves to work on them. Am I lazy or what?

And more shameless plugging, but the Goku layout is so.... lickable! XD

Anyway.... I should log off soon and go read. I finished my homework (and not last minute, either!), so I deserve a treat, don't I?

cs: "1963" by New Order
I don't get any references, except for maybe the shooting one, but even then, I'm not sure.
My recommended book: The Stand.


XDD You're a little too late, Imood.
It was you, admit it! XD

You know, I don't know if this is true or not, but is it possible to sleepdrink? @_@ I mean, I think I might be able to explain what caused that funky dream [Kamui and Yuuto would be, like, so gross. Think of that hot hunk of manliness that is Yuuto wasted on some anorexic she-man!], but it involves me waking up in the middle of the night, coming downstairs, and drinking some of that Jim Beam Whiskey I spy from here. More of it's missing from the last time I looked at it. I don't think my brother drank any, and my dad doesn't do alcohol like that. Unless Tina's been getting into it, there's no other explanation...

Hmmm... It bears some thinking, but I like to blame my weird dreams on 1) music, or 2) the crack I take daily. Eh. Either one. I can see that Kamui might be in my dreams if I took crack, but I don't think Dead Can Dance really relates to spiderwebs and blood (at least, the live CD that I have).

w00t! Hats and caps!

What?! They did?!

cs: "She Won't Be Home" by Erasure
And I wanted to say to you / How much I really cared for you
Last night around 8 PM my back started hurting so badly it took all my strength not to scream while rising from the computer chair. I put on one a relaxant pad for my muscles on the small of my back, but to no avail. It hurt getting up. Hell, it hurt just lying down. >_< My back seems to enjoy going out on me when I least expect it. I don't understand; why was the muscle spasming? I haven't been doing anything particularly extraneous.... I'm out of Weight Training so that's not an explanation. *sigh* ~_~ It still faintly hurts, and it's been a bitch at school, but at least it's not as bad now as it was this morning. This morning it felt like someone lit a match in my lower back and that my muscles were melting and dribbling down the backs of my legs. Nice, isn't it?

Argh. I have Dandelion Wine questions to do. >_< Could Ms. Merrill have picked a more boring book than that? I mean, sure, some of it's fairly interesting, but Bradbury doesn't really connect the events in the book. Yeah, I know stories are a sequence of events, but some of these are completely random. You turn a page and suddenly the book's not about Doug anymore, it's about Leo Auffmann. Or something. ~_~ I don't like it. Too much symbolism and metaphorical shit for my liking. I mean, that crap's nice in small doses, but not every sentence.

And this coming from someone who hopes to engage in becoming an author. Haaa. >.<#

Fuuuuuuuuuuck. Now it feels like something cold and wet is sliding down the inside of my back. Like cold fire licking along the muscles. Ha! Metaphorical shit! You become what you hate/fear!! Noooooo....

Sometimes people in your classes mean well when they say you're smart, but sometimes they say it in such a spiteful and venomous way. ~_~ Robert and I both did our reports on Aristotle, and he was heard to remark (rather snottily [sp?], IMNSHO), "Oh, Pam did her report on Aristotle. I'm gonna get an F if he compares the papers." ...*sigh* ~_~ He's not going to. All I really covered was Aristotle's life, not so much as his views and philosophies. Sure, I made several mentions of it, and his scientific pursuits, but that was crammed in near the end. Robert focused more on his philosophy and science, I didn't. So, no comparison. Ha.

I need a hot bath and a cold glass of Dr. Pepper while I read Ringworld and completely ignore my homework. Hell, I'll settle for my back just being fine, even if it meant giving Dr. Pepper up for a week. Would I survive? No, but my back wouldn't hurt for the duration of it.

I'll minimize as much body surface as possible and remain very quiet and docile. I'll only answer in one word, for any question. I'll do this for several days and then when/if we take that trip to Western State, I can make it my permanent home. Yes. That's the plan, ho ho ho....

cs: "Looking Glass Sea" by Erasure
Dick Tracy! I used to have a shirt....

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Kick arse. My Aristotle report is all spiffed up, He gave us an extra day to finish it, so I relaxed until today, and then I corrected errors and insights. I don't know why we got an extra day; I expect because half the people in the class still didn't have it done by Monday. ¬_¬# There's a reason why it's called Honors, you know, not just for people to slack off.

cs: "DAN DAN Kokoro Hikareteku" by Field of View
Sanosuke Sagara pics
Satsuki Yatouji romance
cats in the cradle harry chapin mp3
free mp3 of savage garden for downloading from internet (I want you)
Love Webshots
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition wav
Subaru Sumeragi
cats in the cradle .mp3 harry
"did you ever think, when you eat chinese"
i hate harleys
girls giving head on harleys
xenogears sex
pam and kid rock
install ninja (the shadow of darkness) game free
free wav music of harry chapin
miko lee free
pam 4 free
opening samurai jack mp3

Satsuki Yatouji romance?! *runs away*
Huh? Wha? @_@ What in the shoobidy hoo? >_>

cs: "Missing Time" by MDFMK
Hey, it's KFMDM backwards!

Monday, September 24, 2001

I had a dream about X/1999. It was in manga form, but "realistic." Fuuma had a mole on the side of his chin. He also looked very demented. No suprise. I kept flipping the pages, seeing more and more realistic Fuuma. Then I came to a page where Fuuma was standing, arms outstretched tipped with claws, over Kamui and Yuuto, who were cuddling together and were wrapped in spider gossamer and blood. They were licking the blood off each other.

Needless to say, I should definitely cut down on caffeine intake.

Sunday, September 23, 2001

Wingo-san, I *heart* that skin already. *drools* It looks so fluffy and ethereal. *_*

Is it me, or is Ria's blog missing?

Draff, that is a very shibby layout. ^o^

>_> Playing seven plus hours of TLoZ: Ocarina of Time usually tends to leave one disoriented. ^^;; And I'm not really that far in it, anyway; I'd played last night up to the Spiritual Stone of Fire, then quit for the night. Then I started out this morning with the Spiritual Stone of Water and moved on up to the Fire Temple. But I did a lot of busy work in between; collecting Heart Pieces, Gold Skulltulas, selling masks (damn bunny ears), and generally picking up the accessories that you're usually not supposed to get until much later on. XD

I did finish that Aristotle report yesterday, but I don't really feel like doing much of anything now. >_< Tina came scratching at my door this morning around 7:47 AM, and I'd been waking up periodically during the night, so I'm not exactly morning fresh (even though it's already afternoon; oh well). It's odd knowing my mom won't be home at all until October 13th. It's a very unusual feeling. I don't know if it's a generally happy or sad feeling. I certainly have more freedom now, though. Huh. Think I'll go and try to hit the one million dollar mark in SimFarm. That's very hard, considering the government's being a bitch and taxing practically all the profits I make in a year every year. >_<# Lousy no good mofos.

But you know, sometimes following a religion can be depressing. Usually it is, because it's all too easy to go to hell.

cs: "I Won't Be Home For Christmas by Blink 182
You people scare me / Please stay away from my home / If you don't wanna get beat down / Just leave the presents and then leave me be alone

Saturday, September 22, 2001

Feels like I've been awake forever. My mom woke me up around 8:20 AM to tell me good-bye, since she and Mrs. Robinson had to be there about four hours earlier than when the flight leaves (1:00 PM), which sucks. >_< Stupid terrorists. I didn't go with my mom and dad to the airport, but I did say my good-byes.

We just got back from the commissary, and boy, $200 worth of groceries doesn't relaly actually buy a lot. @_@ Well, I got my Dr. Pepper Jelly Beans. $3.89 a pound? Too pricy, really, and I wouldn't have been able to get them if I hadn't found out the price at the last possible moment (i.e. when it was too late to put them back). XD I didn't con my dad, but I did get lucky.

I really need to kick some Greek arse on my Aristotle report, so I better stick to business and social-blog later (by then I should've come up with lyrical replies).

cs: "Another Night Another Dream" by the Real McCoy

Friday, September 21, 2001

Oooof. My stomach. >_< And I really don't want to work on my Aristotle report.

My mom flies out to Korea tomorrow. She'll be there for three weeks.

cs: "Oh Nick Please Not So Quick" from Dance Dance Revolution

Thursday, September 20, 2001

It hurt so much to laugh in 6th period. @_@ Hah. What a particularly apropos statement that was. *nudgenudge* I don't know why, but the phrase "sickly children" just cracks me up. I'm giggling stupidly while I type this, so bear with me on the mistakes. I know I shouldn't laugh, since the Spartans killed whatever children seem unhealthy, but it's. Just. So. Damn. FUNNY. Sickly. XD Don't ask why.

Not much to report, other than my supply of Dr. Pepper is down to the last two cans. Hah. My prediction came true. I knew I'd run out by the end of the day. I predicted that I'd be out on Thursday, possibly Friday if I cut back, but I didn't. XD So only two more left. Damn.

From now on, I'm going to try and find lyrics to go with each social blog reply I make. ^_^ It's going to be hard, but I'm gonna do it. Unless I forget. XD

Hotmail didn't deliver it, because you were struck by a smooth criminal. He must've stolen it. I'll send it again; it had the mistake, anyway, that I told you about in Peer Mediation.

What gets you drunker quicker? XD *hearts the Drunk Profane Babblings*

*tries to think of lyrics that apply* I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours... but I think you're right, and they're just repeating the Samurai Jack "movie" stripped into episodes. They probably fell behind and need to make more episodes. Animation is a long process, I'm sure, and I don't even know how it works. XD (Did You Know?: Phil Lamaar, the voice of Samurai Jack, also guest appears on Whose Line Is It Anyway?). And I'll be very careful with my Dr. Pepper. I love it to death. I always try to keep a certain amount of time in between each can, so my tastebuds don't get tired of it. I don't think I could give up caffeine; if I burn out on Dr. Pepper, I'll try Jolt. XD

And yes, Samurai Jack is a stud and a half. XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Argh. I should start on my Aristotle paper. >_< I'm swimming in, and I'm taking a dive... My mind's in need....

Pam: To escape the boring humdum of websurfing, let's talk to each other in lyrics. You start.
Hydro: That you gimme no reason, why you're making me work so hard, that you give me no, that you give me no, that you give me no, that you give me no sooooouuuuulll......
Pam: There is a thin line between what is good and what is evil, I will tiptoe down that line, but I feel feel unstable....
Hydro: Every time I see you falling, I get down on my knees and pray.
Pam: What is the malted liquor, what gets you drunker quicker?
Hydro: I'm wearing her clothes, silk pantyh-- O_O
Pam: ....
Hydro: ^^;;;;;
Pam: XD


Make that only one Dr. Pepper left. *quaffs another can* XD

cs: "I'll Bet He Was Cool" by Savage Garden
Dammit, I keep wanting to think Darren's going to say "shoot the shit" instead of "shoot the breeze." XDDDD

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

*sighs* Neil....
I am 38.7% bizarre. XD It's not my fault I compulsively correct people's grammar. It's just... a habit of mine. >_> When I read a book the second time, I always look for typos. XD Just so I can feel better.

I saw that little white circle
Where the ring went on his hand
But against my better judgement
I fell for a married man
He swore that he would leave her
And we'd start a brand new life
But in the end, surprise surprise
He left me for his wife

Every man I love
Is either married, gay or dead
I can't find a single man
To share my double bed
There's a ring on their finger
Or they're light on their feet
Or there's a tombstone on their head
Every man I love
Is either married, gay or dead

Then I met the sweetest guy
It was too good to be true
He loved to do all the things
Men usually hate to do
When he took me to that bar
I thought we'd find romance
But when I saw Tom, Dick, and Harry
I knew I didn't stand a chance

Every man I love
Is either married, gay or dead
I can't find a single man
To share my double bed
There's a ring on their finger
Or they're light on their feet
Or there's a tombstone on their head
Every man I love
Is either married, gay or dead

I finally met the perfect man
Good lookin', single, and straight
When we were making love, I thought
Good things come to those who wait
But then right in the middle of you know what
He gasped his final breath
Well what a shame, he'll never know
I loved that man to death

Every man I love
Is either married, gay or dead
I can't find a single man
To share my double bed
There's a ring on their finger
Or they're light on their feet
Or there's a tombstone on their head
Every man I love
Is either married, gay or dead

cs: "Every Man I Love Is Married, Gay, or Dead" by Kacey Jones
BTW, has anyone ever seen the movie Tank Girl, and can perhaps tell me where I could find the comicbooks it's based off? ^^;;
Today was fairly miserable. Even when I was having a good time, I was miserable. It hurt to laugh, dammit. >_<#

God, I can't wait for the weekend. And not just because my mom, Gen-chan's mom, and my aunt are going to South Korea; I need some time OFF, man. School is just.... urgh. It makes my head hurt a lot. Also, I'd like to have all day to work on my report for Aristotle.

What makes me sick is that people tend to treat all problems in the world on people in high places *coughPresidentBushcough*), as though every little wrong is all their fault, and every good thing never happened. Flaws magnified, strengths belitted. People make me sick and I wish they would all die.

Anyway, on to social blogs (I realized I'm most sociable during school in third or sixth period:

I love the layout. *_*

What can I say, I have a knack for words. ^^;; I won't call it eloquence, since I'm poor and can't afford the snobbishness of it. XD And I just love Dr. Pepper, dammit.

*LOL* That's not a very nice thing to say to your friend. (BTW, happy birthday Draff, and cheer up a little, chumly.)

In SimFarm, the money's in the strawberries. I guarantee it. But dammit, annual taxes are a bitch. >.< I don't think they'd take that much in real life. That's just obscene.

Mike told me to send my brother to a mental institution if I catch him (my brother, Patrick) shaving his ass. First of all, I would never walk in on my brother in the bathroom, although he's done it to me countless times. -_-# Secondly, I would send him to the White Party in Florida. ^_^ It's a big hit with homosexuals. Or some event down there. How did I know about that? XD I watched some Gay Riveria last night. Don't look at me like that; I'd already seen that episode of Dexter's Lab, anyway.

I hate Wednesdays, too. Fuck, I'm missing Whose Line is It Anyway?, but I really don't feel like getting up.... T___T It's been a long day. I suspect mostly in part because I asked our Geometry teacher if we were going to ever learn geometry, and he replied, "I don't know."

My head hurts.

cs: "White Coffee" by MELON

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

I'm tired, my back hurts, my stomach hurts, and I'm looking for any excuse to rip out someone's throat and/or genitalia.

Tuesdays are the worst. People say Mondays, but I argue Tuesdays. Definitely.

And about the whole terrorist attack a week ago.... It's okay to laugh every once in a while. Trying to move on with your life and enjoy everything as much as you can is a good thing. Yes, there is suffering in New York, but there's been suffering all over the world for years now, and no one but the too-damn sensitive weep for those poor beings.

I'm just so ready to kill someone. Please. I need this. Someone, please give me an excuse to kill you. Please. I'm sure my day would brighten up tons if I could. Just. Kill. Someone.

I got an assignment for a 2-3 page paper on important Greek people or events from the past. I chose Aristotle. One, because philosophy is tight, and two, because I thought Questia could help me. But no. Like everyone in this world, they ain't giving you something for nothing. I guess someone has to pay for those copyrights, but dammit, y'all suck.

I didn't mention, I disconnected someone while trying to transfer their phone call. Well, it serves them right for being a pain in my back. >_<#

I could really use some caffeine, but I have to take a very careful shower today. Careful for two reasons. One is my back. Go on, guess the second reason. I'll give you a hint. It happens once a month for women who are Fertile Myrtles. Ha. Ahahahaha. Ahahahahahaha. I got that one from Mrs. Magelssen. Fertile Myrtle. Get it? It rhymes.

My thoughts on Dr. Pepper compared to Mr. Pibb? Well, certainly. *her mood cheers up instantly as that familiar hiss of carbonation being released thrums through the air* Mr. Pibb tries to be good and deliciously crispy like Dr. Pepper, but it just can't come close. Some people say the two of them taste exactly the same, but don't believe them. Their tastebuds are dead. Some people say Mr. Pibb tastes better than Dr. Pepper, and that's all right with me. People got their own preferences. Hell, we can't all be right, can we? Dr. Pepper truly makes the world taste better. Why? Because it's delicious and not everywhere, in your face, like certain companies I could name. And I've yet to see a Dr. Pepper commercial featuring some sugarpop big-chested Super Slut from Hell. Tee hee. Coca-Cola leaves a nasty, gritty feeling on my teeth, Pepsi always tastes slightly flat. Dr. Pepper always tastes fresh. BTW, Warning is an good CD. ^_^

Amen, sister.

Why does Chappy's niece look like some.... 18th-century style Exoth?

cs: "Crystal [Intervox HyBeat Mix]" by New Order
We're like crystal [meth]. ^_^

Monday, September 17, 2001

Well, I finished the playlist for the Kogaiji skin, which is always good to hear. I worked extra hard on it to make it look spiffy, so I hope everyone will like it. No, I'm not posting what I have done here. I'll finish the main and eqmain tomorrow. I wanted to do all of the Kogaiji skin tonight, but I shouldn't push myself too much. Otherwise I'll slack off near the end and it'll turn out half-assed, as per usual. ^^;; So, I'm not going to do that.

I did go to the store and buy another 12-case of Dr. Pepper, so I'm safe until Thursday, or Friday if I'm lucky. XD

By the way, did I mention? The freshman I work with is rather cute. Too bad he's a freshman. ^_^;; I just don't usually find younger guys to be attractive, normally, unless it's that sort of "baby" cute. >_> Call me old-fashioned, call me picky, just don't call me late for more Dr. Pepper.

How much do I love Whose Line Is It Anyway? I gave up the Depeche Mode video "Dream On" to watch it.

cs: "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.

cs: "Space Cream" by Aura
I was looking for this site (Erasure lyrics). ^_^;
My God, why would anyone want to search for this when they could easily have/find Seishirou or Yuuto?!
Hee. Hopefully I'll finish the Kogaiji skin today, before 8 PM. As for Dr. Pepper.... there's only one can left.

*melodramatic pause*

At best, I function on three cans of soda per day. I didn't have any at school because I wasn't thirsty come lunchtime. I only bring 65 cents to school for lunch. No, I'm not anorexic/bulimic. So stuff that in your mouth and chew it. XD But seriously, caffeine is the lifeblood of this organism. And I don't need to eat a lot of food at school. ^^;; My mom shoves it down my throat when I get home, and then tells me I eat too much. <_< Yeah. So, no worries here. 'Sides, I had breakfast this morning.

Hydro: If half a brownie from yesterday and a half a glass of grapejuice was ever a part of this complete breakfast.
Pam: Nobody asked you, Mr. Gastropod. XD
Hydro: Stomach-foot, whaaa? @_@
Pam: Hee. Scientific terms are fun.

Anyway, I did get the class change today. I'm answering the phone in the office and switching off odd jobs with a freshman named Antoine Jones. Sounds like some 80's B-movie name. XD But he's cool. And he's got this deep bass voice that's refreshing beyond belief. O_O

I'll try and finish the Duo and Kogaiji skin soon. ^_^ Though I seriously doubt the Duo skin will be done anytime soon. Count on the Kogaiji skin to post, definitely. As for hte Miss Ayumi skin.... it's on indefinite hiatus. And Zeruel-d00d, this is no offense to you, but I want to be completely honest; this covergirl looks like a transvestite. XD When it was loading, all but the middle portion of the face had loaded, and I thought it was going to be some guy decked out as a woman. XD;; I just had to share that. But the layout rawks anyway. ^_^

The food is Oriental, and the people are Asian. Remember that, Jimmy G's Casino.

Exactly how am I going to survive on one can of Dr. Pepper for the remainder of this day? How will I function for the rest of the week? Those who know me know that it's not blood in my veins, it's Dr. Pepper. ~_~ I need to go to the store, man. I wonder how much Dr. Pepper I can get for $50?

cs: "Subspace Leap" by 7.1

Sunday, September 16, 2001

Two hours from now (PST) there will be a Whose Line Is It Anyway? Improv-A-Thon. I will be watching that Improv-A-Thon. *squeals*

Oh yes, more to add to the List of Famous (And/or Hot) Men That Would Perform Various Household Chores For Me.

10) Jim Carrey (Cable Guy, Dumb and Dumber; not really striking, but I'm sure he'd make me laugh XD )
11) Ryan Stiles (From Whose Line Is It Anyway; originally from Seattle; REPRESENT!)

All right, I'm sure I'll come up with more as time passes.

cs: "Relax (Original New York Mix)" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Good God, seven and a half minutes of pure.... um.... pure.... *scratches head* 80's, I guess.
Gen-chan, would you please tell me the following:

1) all the stats for the cbuttons, so that I can do the same effect on the buttons for the titlebar
2) the font and styles you used for the text on the eqmain, so that I can do the On, Auto, and Preset Buttons
3) if you want the smaller box in the viscolor section, where the numbers are, to be filled it, because it looks kinda funny
4) whether or not you want Kogaiji's name or the title to be on the playlist when the playlist is NOT selected

I'd have e-mailed this but I already had this window open, and it was convenient. Thanks.

cs: "Oriental Melody" by Michael-Hayes
I've been up since 1:41 AM. @___@ I went to bed early last night (around 10 PM), and then I woke up around 1:41 AM and simply could not, for the life of me, go back to sleep. That will teach me to drink three cans and a liter of Dr. Pepper in one day. ^^;

I'm not sure if this is a good sign or not, but my right eye is constantly watering up. Although, since I shut my bedroom window last night, my sickness has progressed to a much less runny stage, which is cause enough for more Dr. Pepper. *cackles* But the resolution (I have no idea what to call it) in my right eye is deteriorating ever so slightly. Huh. I wonder if this is a side effect of the sickness or my mom was right and it's all those dark nights reading come to pay me back.

Tired.... so tired....

Ragabash-san, spiffy new layout. I no longer feel like eating my screen. ^^;;

Yo, Zeruel, I'm finally gonna bust my balls on a skin. Gen-chan sent a Kogaiji (sp?) skin. I have two other skins to work on (a Duo skin and a Miss Ayumi skin, both on hiatus due to lack of motivation), though. >_> And cheers to the opening of your new site, Malevolence. This is cause for more Dr. Pepper. XD

Hydro: Girl, you are going to O.D. on that stuff if you don't stop.
Pam: I remember when I went cold turkey from Dr. Pepper for five days straight. You would not believe the headaches caused by lack of caffeine-induced endorphins.
Hydro: ....Uh-huh...

Blog*Spot sites seem to take a very longer time to load... Argh. *pauses to wipe right eye* You know, one would think that I was crying if my left eye would only cooperate. @___@#

Lately I've been noticing how easily it is to piss me off, especially if you ask too many questions. Two questions is too many questions. You don't even have to be asking me the questions to be pissing me off. That's almost scary. My tolerance has gone down waaaay low. I guess mostly because I hate my mom's annoying voice and my brother has a knack for asking questions to which the answers are painfully obvious. I don't like being easily piqued. It's too much of a character flaw. I suppose it's due to my lack of patience, but dammit, I just can't help it. There's too much that we don't know to start fucking around with what we already know.

Doesn't anyone out there share my sense of impending doom? >_> That some huge universal clock is ticking and time is running out for us? Or is it just unexplained paranoia? Or it is paranoia due to personality deficiencies?

Gaaaaaaaah.... How did this go from a complaint about my mother's cigarette-worn voice and my brother's stupidity to a fear of universal doom?

There's no other explanation for it. It must be PMS, goshdamnit. My eye's still watering. >.@ But I still believe that we live backwards in time. It's hard to explain without confusing myself (which seems to be getting increasingly easier to do).

cs: "I Don't Sleep, I Dream" by R.E.M.
I'll settle for a cup of coffee / But you know what I really mean

Saturday, September 15, 2001

Sweet. Fushigi Yuugi Mp3s. Man. I used to have a lot. Then I deleted most of them. ^^;; Too bad Phoenixfeather's Horde closed down.... T__T

cs: "Tomorrow Never Dies" by Sheryl Crow
Hmm.... a Depeche Mode remix dedicated to the victims of the WTC/D.C. attack on Tuesday.

Excuse me while I pass on that particular bootleg. I understand the respect it shows, but seriously, a remix of a song is not going to help anyone except the DJ.

Yu-Gi-Oh was supposed to be this morning at 11:30 AM (PST), but unfortunately, was replaced by other programming. Which made me angry, of course. The only thing that was anime that was on any channel I get was Cardcaptors, and I was certainly not going to watch that.

I took some Tylenol Nasal Decongestant for my sinuses. >_> I hope it works, since I really don't have any other "cold" symptoms. No coughing, even; just sporadic sneezing.

cs: "Meant for Me [Original Edit]" by David Z
In my dreams I see / You wake up to find that / I'm the one you need / You were meant for me
<_< Two tons of clearish snot seem to leak out of my nose every five seconds. Well, not really, but dammit, being sick is a bitch far beyond most bitches.

What? I'm not trying to be spiritually anything. I believe in God, Satan, Heaven, and Hell, but I don't really try to force my beliefs on others, nor do I criticize. I've got to have something to believe in, or I'll go insane. I just can't comprehend that when we die, it's over. No more. That's it. If that's so, and there is no Heaven or Hell, then we must all be just one big mistake (which, actually, I already believe in but who's keeping score?).

And if anything, I'm not a hedonist. XP Most of those guys are very cute or handsome, but face it; they're old, and they're probably not into jailbait, and I am not into being jailbait. As for Dr. Pepper, there are a nameless few unbelievers.

You betcha. I'll get back to work on that Duo skin.... eventually.... >_>

Humans are very silly. Especially men. But I still love guys because they can be just so damn funny.

You know, if it turns out there is a war, then both my dad and my brother could be drafted. My dad's a retired airforce Master Sergeant, but he can still be called back before ten years of retirement have passed. When I was little and my dad would go away on TDY (something-duty), every time I heard a plane fly overhead at night, from my bed, I would think it was him coming back, even if he had left the day before. But a couple days after the NYC/D.C. incident, I didn't hear any planes. And now, after my dad's been retired for maybe four years, I heard some planes overhead last night and I thought he was coming back. He works at night, and graduated from school in August, but I don't see him all week because he has to leave for work just before I get home from school. I miss my dad a lot. We live in the same damn house and can't even see each other five days out of the week.

Friday, September 14, 2001

Wingy, I love your draggable tables. I'll play with them for hours.
O_O YOU LIKE DR. PEPPER. You are immediately on my list of favorite people.
"If the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body, and the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body, then left-handed people must be the only ones in their right minds." - W.C. Fields
This is rather interesting. (The second image, and there's another one of 'Satan in the Smoke' on there.) I don't know if the image is doctored or not. I hope not. That way I have some way of hoping that the S.o.B's who thought they were going to Heaven (or some version of it) aren't really going there at all. Or maybe this is for Americans for being lazy, promiscuous, and free.
Wait a minute. Why would a guy need a dildo? I'm sure there's the obvious reason, but if he's cute enough, by rights he should be able to get the real thing.
You know, I think I'll start a list of famous men whom I want to mow my lawn and perform other various household chores for me.

1) Vin Diesel (from Pitch Black and The Fast and the Furious)
2) Keanu Reeves (from The Matrix, My Private Idaho, and the coming-soon[?] Hard Ball)
3) David Gahan (from Depeche Mode)
4) Darren Hayes (from Savage Garden)
5) Ben Stiller (from the upcoming movie Zoolander)
6) Bassic (all right, he's not really famous, but he's definitely hot)
7) Tommy Shaw (from Styx)
8) Pierce Brosnan (from Goldeneye and Mars Attacks!)
9) Tom (from blink-182)

I'll add more when I think of more. Now for that nice cold Dr. Pepper. What? Sodas count as fluids, just not healthy ones. I bought some more earlier today. It was so odd picking up the 12-case. It was like someone had sucked all the Dr. Pepper out of it, it was so light. I almost flung it while sliding it off the shelf. I guess even a week of weight training will improve muscle tone.

cs: "Chains of Love [Unfettered Remix]" by Erasure
Don't have it, go get it. It's happy enough to make me want to dance, even when I'm sick.
I stand up when the announcement comes on the intercom to say the Pledge of Allegiance, and I hold my hand over my heart, but I won't swear allegiance to a flag.

At any rate, I didn't blog yesterday because I hurt my knee something terrible Wednesday during Weight Training. It invovled one guy mowing me down during "Medicine Ball" (and if you drop it, your medicine is five push-ups for every 'offense'), and landing pretty hard and skidding several feet as I tripped on the return. Yay. Even though walking has nothing to do with typing, I'm sure you understand my need to nurse the damaged limb.

I've started the motions to transfer out of it because I can't take it. I don't especially like being treated like a baby, even if I'm a girl and I can't do as much as the guys. And I especially don't like condescending teachers. I'm going to T.A. for the office 2nd period.

If I bend over, you know, I can feel the snot dripping out of my nose. By golly goshdamn, I'm getting sick! But trust me; I won't be missing school, not a day. It's an obsession; I hate missing school even more than I hate going to school.

Gosh, I can't even look at the screen for more than five minutes at a time, and I'm beginning to forget that there's this little thing called 'keeping your eyes open while walking.' Jeeeeeeez. I don't know what it is.

My legs ache nicely. Except for the bruise. That hurts like a bitch. But my legs ache in that good way that you know you've strengethed them, if just a little. Take that, Mr. Berwold. But my back just fucking hurts.

Great new layout. I'll try to bust my balls on some new skins. Ha. Get it? I'm a girl, I don't have balls. Only 'pom-poms.' Divine Being (in way of not taking the Lord's name in vain), Gen-chan. >.<

Thank you. ^_^

*wonders why the other link to your blog doesn't work*

Crikey, Cartoon Cartoon Fridays is on tonight. If I don't pass out before Dragon Ball Z, I'll have to remember to watch it.

cs: "Slipping Away" by NIN

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Shh.... It's a secret.... ^_~

It's still be tweaked and twanged, so don't expect anything, you know, new to be up.

Currently we're fixing up dS Skins and making sure it all works and clearing out some old skins. @_@ Yeah. It's gonna be a lot of work.

But it's so nice to have CC.Net back. We would like to thank our gracious host, Furanku. XD

cs: "Touched by the Hand of God (Remix)" by New Order
Mr. Trebilcock had us do a journal entry, stating how we felt about the horrific events that occurred yesterday. I gladly volunteered my answer. I stated that if there was an organization behind those plane crashes, we should immediately respond and get retribution. However, we cannot kill one man (or woman) a thousand times over for all the people s/he's hurt or killed, so I suggested that any form of torture would be apropos for them, to let them know the suffering they caused. Even though I believe torture is unethical and wrong, what happened yesterday was also those two characteristics, and the guilty will pay with their blood for the tears that were shed for the lost people.

So, I'm not the humanitarian he thought I was, but there's nothing I can say that hasn't been said already.

Today was a pretty bad day. I nearly threw up in Weight Training. Yep. We did laps in the gym. Two back and forth at a slow pace, then one at a faster pace, then two laps backwards, then two laps galloping sideways, then a cool down lap. Then he had us do five repetitions of stairs.

Now, Mt. Tahoma's gym is on a whole lower elevation, and the stairs are pretty lengthy. Just walking up them makes even an athletic person tired. Imagine running up and down those five times. I made it to three before I had to ask Mr. Berwold for a drink of water. I seriously was going to throw up. I'm surprised I even lasted that long. I feel embarrassed, but running is not my strong suit. Definitely not.

In Geometry I found out I got the highest score on the Algebra I review we did. ^^ I guess I should feel proud about that.

World History is already my favorite class. In fact, I liked it right from the start. Mr. Trebilcock's a great teacher.

I feel guilty about blogging, but the world will move on.

Mmm... Keanu. How I would love to wake up each morning knowing that will be the first thing I see. Hell, I'll settle for a poster. Even though posters of people make me paranoid; I always feel like they're watching me.

I've got a lot of homework to do. My heartfelt regards continue to go out to those who have suffered.

cs: "War" by Edwin Starr

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Good God. The World Trade Center buildings, both of them, gone. The Pentagon, part of it collapsed. And everything around here is closed down but the Puyallap Fair and the schools.

Someone or some people are going to pay for this.

I would gladly give blood, but I'm one year too young. Even though I hate needles, I hate tragedy worse than anything. This is inhuman.

We took a prayer of silence in Weight Training, and for the rest of today I won't be blogging. Honor the people who died, not knowing that something this cruel could have happened without warning.

Monday, September 10, 2001

Raar. What the heck is a 'didy' ????????

cs: "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.
Did you ever think, when you eat chinese
free pam movies
miko lee
picture of amish motorcycles
my love is vengeance that's never free
cat's cradle harry chapin wav
Subaru Sumeragi X Winamp Skins
There's a cat in the kettle MP3
Cat in the Kettle - song
powerpuff girls wav
vengeance + motorcycle
sabrina Koga romance
miko lee free
+"samurai jack" +mp3
crack arcanum no cd
looking for free things for motorcycles
cats in the kettle .mp3
cats in the kettle peking moon
cat in the kettle

First of all, picture of an Amish motorcycle?

Secondly, what's with all this "crack arcanum" business?

cs: "Freedom (Acoustic)" by Erasure
Screw DBZ at the moment. The reruns will come on eventually. Right now I need to talk to someone, and by dammit, I will.

cs: "I Feel Loved" by Depeche Mode
Yes, this is the original. Not one of the other twenty or so mixes I have. XD
Today I was discriminated against in Weight Training. You should have already guessed by now that most of my vituperations will feature Weight Training in one form or another. Anyway, I asked this one guy to spot me when I did the weighted squats, because there were only two bars and normally there'd be four, but they were missing some. He said he couldn't because he was helping another guy, but the other guy was on a machine that didn't need a spotter, which pissed me off since... well... I needed a spotter. They're all against me. I can almost hear them thinking that I don't belong in that class. ~_~ It's depressing, nearly.

But I did solve my locker dilemma. Jim so graciously offered to share her locker with me. She's completely self-sacrificing like that. I'm gonna ask if she and I can go see Zoolander with Trevor, Levi, and DiDi when it comes out. XD Ben Stiller looks sooooo pretty, like, omigawd! XDDDD Sorry. Well, Levi's pretty hot. ^^;;;;

Oof, my back. I lifted weights 'til my arms were on fire, but my back's what hurts. ~_~;; I'm sure I'll "feel the burn" tomorrow.

Yes, yes, I know. I look forward to Grown Gohan. XD~

Well, I suppose that "soda memory" technique would be more useful then, say, being able to call butterflies as your animal. XDDDDD "I am a master vampire over one thousand years old, and my animal is the vicious, deadly butterfly!" XDDDDD

Oh God, I wish there was. >_> That's pretty much all I play The Sims for now, is just to build houses and decorate them. Of course, the families that move in have about eight people in them, so if I'm feeling particularly cruel I can kill them all and arrange a nice graveyard. ^_^;;


*imitates a certain enemy* OMG! I'll never look in a dictionary because I DISLIKE SMART PEOPLE, so I'd better assert my stupidity to the class and start complaing about not understanding a word that can be easily looked up in a dictionary. And because of my pride I simply REFUSE to politely ask what the meaning of the word is, since I think make-up and boys are FAR more important than a lifelong education.

*radiates anger and sarcasm* Grr. >.<#

Sorry. I just.... GRRR.

My brother got the CD ROM burner. I complained last night to my dad. You know what? I work hard all my academic life and I get a black piano in a pink and white room (with a champagne muave carpet). My brother spends all of his life in a self-centered stupor and he has his own computer, TV, and VCR courtesy of my mother and father.


Hydro: Just think about Zoolander. He's cute, isn't he? Oh yeah.
Pam: Yeah... Ben Stiller.... XD~
Hydro: Don't forget Darren Hayes. David Gahan. Keanu Reeves.
Pam: Keanu! XD XD XD I want to see Hardball, too. Oh God, Keanu.... XD~~~
Hydro: Whoa, girl.

I wish Comedy Central was playing Whose Line Is It Anyway? I love that show. I didn't mention that Greg Proops was also a favorite of mine. I think my favorite show was when Collin and Ryan were Impotent Boy and Exaggerated Gesture Man, I think. XDDDDDD

cs: "Bizarre Love Triangle (Extended Dance Remix)" by New Order
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday?

Hydro: Oh God, I wish. >_>
Pam: Me too, Hydro. Me too.

Sunday, September 09, 2001

Memory is such a subjective thing, you know? Sometimes if you think hard about doing something, you can picture yourself doing it, and if you think about it long enough, you can actually convince yourself that you did it. Provided that it's not something like sky diving. That's just not something you can convince yourself you did, unless you actually did it.

However, in smaller matters, thinking to yourself about putting a Dr. Pepper in the freezer, thinking about going into the garage, then back inside to the kitchen... Well, you can easily convince yourself you did, especially if you've done it over a hundred times before.

About dinner time I decided it was time to go and get that Dr. Pepper out of the freezer. I was one surprised and confused girl when I discovered that I hadn't actually put the goshdamn soda in the freezer. I realized that I'd been thinking about it all during Gladiator, envisioned myself doing putting the soda in the freezer, then forgot all about it when I got on the computer.

So now I have this strangely clear memory of having put a Dr. Pepper in the freezer, but it's actually not true at all, and I never did.

Sometimes I worry about me. Sometimes I worry about me a lot.

cs: "Thieves Like Us" by New Order
I'm not entirely sure I want to know, but can someone please tell me what a "didy" is? The context it was used in is this: "Somebody ought to buy the tough boy a didy."

cs: "Master and Servant" by Latex Empire
Grrarr. I want to download Recoil's "Missing Piece" but it seems like everywhere I go it's either not there or not available.

BTW, Gen-chan, if you read this in time, I beg of you, please bring Blue Moon tomorrow.

cs: "Insanity (Welcomes Madness)" by Boingo
I've been in a stressed state of pissdom (yes, pissdom) for the last five days, at the very least. It's something that I can't explain, or perhaps I can, but I simply don't know how to explain what I'm feeling at this particular moment. Wait, I think I can. I feel desperate and peeved. There we go.

First and foremost, school. Oh, I hate school. I have maybe one or two classes that I actually like, but the rest can go to hell and burn, baby, burn. I have two books and two binders in my backpack, and it's crammed full already. I'm going to be getting one more book, and I'll need to get another binder. So you can see my problem.

What about your locker, you might ask. I don't have one. My third period teacher, Mr. Blazey, refuses to give me a locker because 1) I don't have a partner with which to share it, and 2) there aren't any left that he can give to me. So as of this moment and possible the rest of the school year, I have no locker.

I'm also pissed about Weight Training, since I've decided to stay with it. Friday was all right; I was sore from Thursday's workout, so working out on Friday felt like a gift from God, for some reason unbeknownst to me.

Third, I'm torn between feeling pity/sympathy/empathy for my mother, and just plain hating her for how she acts.

All right, that's enough teen angst that any one reader can handle.

One more thing, this damn layout's not showing up. It worked fine on Thursday. I went back to Big mistake. Oh well. Fuck it. I'm sick of hopping around from webhost to webhost. Let this be.

Well, I could say that I'm reading The Green Mile, since I bought it yesterday, but I can't put that down, because I'm not reading it. I finished it yesterday. So now I have nothing to read and it looks to be a very boring day before I submit my spirit to the depths of Hell (in other words, go to school tomorrow).

So, without further ado, I leave you to your own lives, good sirs and ma'ams.

cs: "Dead Bodies Everywhere" by KoRn

Thursday, September 06, 2001

You can now link to specific posts by clicking on the time. Yay.

...The main image needs more work, but I can't do anything worth crap in Photoshop. So blame the mutiliation of such wonderful artwork on yours truly.

Although I must say, I kinda like it despite its shortcomings.

cs: "So Many Men" by Me and My
So many men / So little time / So many men / For me and my
At the moment, I am the only girl in second period Weight Training, a class that I did not sign up for. However, I can't drop it, because 1) if I take the class and pass (I don't expect to get an A, hell no), then continue peer counseling all year long, that means that I don't have to do anymore Health or P.E. classes for the remainder of my high school occupation, and 2) far too many classes are full, and there are no introductions to a language (i.e. French 1, Japanese 1, Spanish 1, etc.) that period. So it wouldn't do me any good to transfer out, because where the hell am I going to go? I need two years of a forgein language.

I feel intimidated by the presence of very large male teenagers in that weight room. Bench pressing 180 and beyond. And then there's Sweet L'il Pam, who only has to benchpress the bar, no weights added. Of course, I can benchpress more than 45 pounds, but Mr. Berwold says I don't "have to push myself." And no one wants to spot me. I'm miserable and I hate feeling like some little kid in a room full of adults. It's not in my nature to be feminist, and I'm not going to start now. Too many men make me feel inadequate, usually only in P.E. Because I'm a weak little girl with spaghetti noodles for arms.

It's almost depressing. I'm in a terrible state of indecision now, and I can't decide what the hell I want to do.

I enjoy most of my other classes, though, especially World History. Mr. Trebilcock is wonderful. And Mrs. Merill isn't so bad, although she can't really teach us anything until she gets a syllabus printed up. Some people and their syllabi. >_>

Geometry was fun, though, it wasn't even geometry, really. It was a teamwork sheet, an airforce test, claims Mr. Blazey, about being stranded in the desert with some odd items, and the decision to go or stay. My group had a five-year plan, practically. >_> Of course, there was only three of us, and all girls, so naturally we all agreed on what was important.

...The most important thing we thought (for our plan) was a flashlight. The airforce key said a cosmetic mirror was most important.


It could be used as a signal that can be seen from several miles away.

But that pisses me off. Our plan was to wait until nightfall, using the parachute as a tarp over the remaining frame of the plane to shield us, and then head out at night to the mining town, 70 miles south-southwest of us. If a person can walk a mile in about 8 or 9 minutes, it would've taken us a little over 11 hours to get there. And we would use the Flashlight, Map, and Magnetic Compass to help us, and the topcoast would keep us warm at night (I heard it gets cold in the desert at night, or considerably cooler).

But eh. What do I know about survival. I'm just a snot-nosed kid from some town, right?

I didn't think the two quarts of 180-proof vodka was really important. And why did the paper say all of us had cigarettes on us? I understand that the test is for airforce people (or so said Mr. Blazey), but still... what kind of message is that sending out to anyone?

My intuition, which doesn't fail me on a regular basis, tells me there's no chance I'll get a 4.0 this year. I can damn well try, but I've never been the athletic type. Mark my words, Weight Training will bring my pride down. Or whatever I have that passes for pride. >_>;;

cs: "Jackass" by Green Day
To know you is to hate you / So loving you must be like suicide

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

I've seen this sign in person. My dad and I were driving to the Lakewood Mall to see the times for Planet of the Apes about a week after it came out, and we passed by some other theatres on the way. If he saw it, he didn't say anything. XD

How was my day at school, I hear you wondering, or probably not even thinking it at all. Well... if they didn't try to shove "neat organization" down my throat by forcing all students to use the planner they created, I might have said it was pretty decent. But I hate that fucking thing with a vengeance. I'm one of those people who are organized by being disorganized, and I almost never forget an assignment. But no. They have to go and mess with my mind with that fucking planner. I'm going to forget to check it! ARGH.

And I hate those stupid sheets teachers like to pass out, asking us to fill them out. It's personal information, about who we are and such. I can tolerate the usuals (favorite subject, main interests, etc.) but NOT WHEN THEY ASK ME WHAT THE FUCK MY PARENTS THOUGHT OF ME WHEN I WAS AGE 5 to 10. How the hell should I know?

You want my social security number and copies of my fingerprints?

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

Now I think I know why I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I watched the full hour of Mortuary School, where third semester students sanitize and embalm dead bodies for their final grade. >_> It's required to do a minimum of ten.

Then they talked about "rupturing the organs" so that they could "fully preserve the body" until the ceremonial burial. >_> I was so unnerved that I couldn't even turn the pages of the book I was pretending to read. My hands get weak whenever I get squeamish. Sometimes I can't even grip a pencil.

I'm bored out of my mind, and the IMPENDING DOOM of school lurks beneath the dismal gray of the outside world.

You know what really bothers me? When I think of an absolutely great question, and want to look for the answer on the internet, and then can't, for the life of me, remember the damn question. Fuck. I remember it really bothering me last night. >.<# I hate my short-term memory. Seems like some things got traded for others when I was being developed in my mother's womb.

I love Comedy Central Presents. XD I also love Whose Line Is It Anyway? Collin Mocherie and Ryan Stiles are my favorite. XD Last night, I watched an hour and a half of Whose Line... and an hour of Comedy Central Presents. Louis C.K. and Dane Cook were hilarious. Cook yelled a lot, though, but... "Christ Chex. Start your day the holy way." I felt blasphemous to laugh my arse off. Also, his impression of a snake was hilarious, and when he was talking about wanting "acidy spit" like in Aliens or something. XD

cs: "I'll Bet He Was Cool" by Savage Garden
What would He wear? / Would He wear Tommy Hilfiger? / Or be Urban Outfitted? / I don't think so / See I bet He liked Gaultier
All dressed up and nowhere to go. Christina called me this morning, or Gen-chan called me from Christina's house this morning, but I was in bed, half-asleep, so I didn't get to the phone until an hour later. I called Christina's house, and after seven rings decided no one was going to pick up, then called Gen-chan's house, and got the answering machine.

So, here I am, all showered, hair fixed up decently, dressed in some new clothes, waiting.... just waiting...

Well, fuck, I'm bored. >_>

cs: "Worlds on Fire" by Erasure
You are magificent and I am here for you

Monday, September 03, 2001

Urgh. Argh. Eugh.


I wonder how old was that "extra lean" hamburger meat we used for dinner last night?

cs: "Minority" by Green Day
I pledge allegiance / To the underworld / One nation under dog / Thereof which I stand alone

Sunday, September 02, 2001

The Book of Cliches (from Sailoreagle)

For when you think you are ugly

I don't give a ****! You're the one who has to look at me!!

... XDDD

O.O Harley wants to raise a family, eh? >_> Well, I guess if it works in The Sims it works in webcomics. XD

Gen-chan, the old man would like to know if you'd be interested in his old PS1 memory cards. He'd be glad to send two, and if you'd like, he can even keep the old data from GT2 on them. What do you say?

cs: "You Sexy Thing" by Hot Chocolate
I believe in miracles / Since you came along / You sexy thing

Pam: Don't ask. XD I'm looking into finding a "modern" version. Preferrably by Darren Hayes.
Hydro: You hope for too much too often. -_-;
I'm in a considerable good mood today, even though this is getting up fairly early for me. Don't get me wrong; I first woke up around 7:20, but then after lying awake for about twenty minutes, I suddenly fall asleep again and have no idea how. Finally, I got out of bed before my mom left to go grocery shopping, and my dad to the flying field to fly his R/C airplanes.

Anyway, last night got better. Jenny Hadsel came over for maybe half an hour with her mom, and she noticed I had The Sims. So she asked me if I liked it a lot, and what my favorite part was. She also had it for a while, but the CD was originally her cousin's and he took it back. I let her borrow mine. Not the Livin' Large CD, but the original. So I can still play. No loss to me. :P

I told her my favorite parts of the game were building and decorating the houses, and also killing Sims for sport and decoration. She loves killing Sims too, but she's only killed them by fire. So I enlightened her. >=D Needless to say, when she went home last night, I'm sure a lot of Sims were screaming or drowning in pain. Heh heh heh...

I had a dream last night about Link, from The Legend of Zelda, and one of the characters from my fanfiction of the game. Turns out they were actually the "bad guys" and just using Zelda as an excuse to live the high life while they plundered innocent villages. XD

A variety of authors have summed up, without actually meaning to, the approach of the first day of school with these two words: IMPENDING DOOM.

cs: "Wild Thing/Poor Boy Medly" by Prozzak

Saturday, September 01, 2001

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Finally, that virus that's been hitting everyone (I misremember the name, but it had an attached file and everyone kept getting it repeatedly) got me. In Spanish, too.

Hola como estas ? Te mando este archivo para que me des tu punto de vista Nos vemos pronto, gracias.

Which translated to...

Hello as these? You command this file so that me of your point of view We see ourselves soon, thanks.

A bit jumbled, but it's coherent enough. Huh. I wonder who would be Spanish and have me in their Address Book.

I can smell my mom cooking yakimandu from here. As the computer is adjacent to the kitchen, that's not an particularly dazzling feat of extraordinary perception.

I'm still a little pissed about earlier today.

cs: "The Dark" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra
But in the night / The darkness breathes / If he wills it to be
Somehow my intuition knew I'd receive bad news today. Mr. Williams, my former Algebra II/III teacher and fellow D&D fan, was "let go" from Mount Tahoma.

Well, fuck.


At any rate, I'm looking for colleges and universities that catch my interest here. While downloading DDR music. Today is a boring day.
Everyone should really read Ender's Shadow, especially if they've already read Ender's Game. Ender's Shadow is really an enjoyable book, especially if you know Ender's side of the story. I don't know. I really liked those two books, but Speaker for the Dead was just kinda.... bleeeh... And I've no plans to get the others in the series. I'll just leave a dead body in peace.

But I want to get Shadow of the Hegemon, too.

I don't know what's particularly making me feel crummy at the moment, so I'm listening to my Favorites List to cheer me up.

Do people become stupid over a period of time, or does it just come to us naturally?
It's a very depressing, gray, drab morning, and I feel no different from the morning. It's not even morning anymore. Gosh damn.

What the hell is wrong with my blog, too? I can't seem to access it. I'm only about halfway through the daily reads. >.<#

Everything is out to get me today. I just know it.

cs: "Break Me Shake Me (Acoustic Live)" by Savage Garden
Break me shake me hate me take me over / When the madness stops then you will be alone