Gen-chan, concering the .psd file you sent me, I have to say I'm really impressed, although the backdrop reminds me of a bathroom. XD I think the text is fine, though, except whatever font you originally wanted to use wouldn't show, and perhaps a bit too noticeable; it kinda steals the attention away from Kogaiji and makes you want to squint at it. At least, in my case. XD
And I may or may not finish the second Duo skin this summer. >.>;; Well, I'll try and send the first Duo skin back to you. I completely forgot that you don't have a copy of it.
If you dropped your keys, you'd bend over too. --"Depends" (uttered by Tom of blink-182)
I have a wonderful new idea for a series about three for-hire mercenaries on another planet, but I'm afraid I lack knowledge of the business itself, and must give it up. T__T besides, I bet it's already been done. And I need to work on
our story, which is about five COR members. On another planet. Trying to save it from a Diviner gone mad. XD Doran kicks @$$.
Got it from Gen-chan, who got it from Bird, etc. XD
Living Arrangement?
A smallish bedroom that's very pink and absolutely disgusting. But I call it home.
What book are you reading now?
Sir Apropos of Nothing and
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide (collection of six novels by Douglas Adams)
What's on your mouse pad?
A mouse. o.o And a picture of an F-22 Raptor. (Advanced Tactical Fighter!)
Favorite Board Game?
...Um.... o.o;;; Uh.....
Favorite Magazine?
Don't read 'em.
Favorite smells?
Smell of my mom's cooking (except gosadi), and newly washed clothes. XD
Favorite sounds?
Darren Hayes, David Gahan, Vince Clarke.... (you get the idea XD)
Worst feeling in the world?
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
Oh no.
Future daughter's name?
o.O;; Um. Shiniki. XD
Future son's name?
Raveth! XDDDD Or Garrett. *snickers at Hydro*
Favorite food?
Oh my God, don't even ask. XD~~~ Most Korean food, most Italian food, Jack-in-the-Box, tacos, etc.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Eh. If we spoke in terms of ice cream, chocolate.
Do you like to drive fast?
Well, in video games. ^^;;
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
No, but a nearly life-sized huskey and a large-ish tiger guard my bed. XD
What type was your first car?
Don't have one yet, but I do pretend to own the motorcycle. XD
Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Dr. Pepper. Without a doubt.
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
o.o It's all broccoli. I eat it all.
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?
Best-selling author *Hydro coughs at the "best-selling" part*
If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
Blue. Or a dark red.
Ever been in love?
There are all kinds of love. Obsession, affection, lust, etc. (Not an answer, but as much as you'll ever get from me.)
Is the glass half full or half empty?
All I want to know is what kind of drink is in it. Is it Dr. Pepper? :D
Favorite movies?
Right now. Um. Shawshank Redemption.
Are you a lefty or a righty?
Righty. But I want to train my left hand, should the misfortune of having my right hand bit off happens to arise. XD
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?
Like they teach in school? Pfft. Hell no.
What's under your bed?
Legos, books, clothes, stuffed animals, probably a new species, some lost explorers.... You get the idea.
What is your favorite number?
3. And I pretty much like any number divisible by it. It's a game I play with the time. Using a shortcut, I try to see if the time of day is divisible (evenly) by three. XD Lame, but amusing (if only for a short minute).
Favorite sport to watch?
No sports watched. Except maybe cartoon sports. XD
What is your favorite holiday?
I would say Christmas, but in the interest of not being superficial, I'll go with Spring Break. XD
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would it be?
London. Japan can wait a couple more years.
What era would you time travel to, just to visit?
Um. Hmm. I'd like to go to the future. Sometimes I wonder if we live backwards in time. o.o; It's a long story.
What is your favorite color?
Hydro and Pam together: BLUE! XD
What famous person would you trade places with for a day?
Samurai Jack! For once, I'd like to be someone with far more physical capabilities than myself. XD
What is your favorite flower?
Daffodils. They look silly for some reason, and make me want to laugh.
Favorite song?
Currently.... um... Erasure's "Chains of Love [Unfettered Remix]" XD Actually, it'd be safe to say that most of my current "Top Ten" would have Erasure on it, mostly, and probably the other half would be Depeche Mode. XD
Favorite memory?
Being in SoCal last August. ;_; Hopefully this winter my brother and I will go back and go snowboarding at Bear Mountain. XD
Worst fear?
Well, last night I was thinking about Koudelka, and for some reason specifically the part where the diseased corpse of a dead bride attacks the group got to me, so I'd have to say "ominous phrases" (sometimes they really ARE ominous) or spiders. And probably dying or being dirty or unwanted. You get the idea. ^^;; I have a lot of fears.
Favorite car?
I'd like an 1800 Honda Goldwing painted deep blue with all the bells and whistles, please. ^_^
Favorite thing about the year 2000?
Felt sorry for all those people who sold all their possessions and moved out to the country and thought the world was going to end. XD But it was pretty ironic that
Favorite quote: (change "quote" to "quotes")
Pain is real when you get other people to believe in it. If no one believes in it but you, your pain is madness or hysteria. Naomi Wolf (b. 1962)
Dear me! I must be turning into a god. Vespasian (A.D. 9-79)
The laughter of man is more terrible than his tears, and takes more forms-hollow, heartless, mirthless, maniacal. James Thurber (1894-1961)
We want a few mad people now. See where the sane ones have landed us! George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
If you talk to God, you are praying; if God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. Thomas Szasz (b. 1920)
Cynicism is the humour of hatred. Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1853-1917)
My brother and Gen-chan's godbrother can't even boil water. Ken complains of not being able to cook ramen. It's either the noodles are too hard or the water's gone by the time he's done.
...Good Lordy. Do I live with incompetents who can't even boil water right? @___@
cs: "I Am The Walrus" by John Lennon/The Beatles
Koo Koo Ka Chu.