*wince* Sorry to hear about your ankle. ^^;
Isketch, huh?
Wingy and I used to play that nonstop a while ago. XD
Exactly. o.o The internet is a great tool to meet people. I mean, maybe I'll never see any of you guys in real life ('cept if I go to California, maybe, and New York XD ), but y'all are great friends. ^^;;
Tee hee. Girl power. :P Yeegh, now I gotta go wash my mouth out. XD
New linky to be adding. ^_^
Barney, huh? >.> That's a little creepy; Lawrence used to have us visit this all-knowing powerful purple dragon named Barney when we needed advice. Raziel (our resident jerk and all-powerful friend) would take us to him. ^^;; It was kinda lame, but hilarious at the same time. *sigh* I haven't heard from anyone but Christoph so far this summer. *whimper* I
need to game. ;_;
Anyway, rented
Dude, Where's My Car? last night. Yeah, it was
my choice to get it, but hey, I like stupid movies. ^^;; I admit it. And it
was pretty funny. The Nordic dudes were cute. XD And Jesse and Chester kept saying "shibby" all the time. :D
After we stopped by the video place, we went over to my brother's friend Patrick's house. We talked a little, and he asked if I was still on the computer a lot. I told him yeah, and he said that I needed to get a boyfriend. ~_~ Why is everyone else interested in my love life, but I'm not? Grr. So then we left, came home, watched the movie, and then I went to my room to read
The Dark Tower IV, but then I realized I left it in my dad's motorcycle from when we got back from the meeting yesterday, so I read
Pretty exciting, huh? ^^ Tomorrow's my mom's birthday, so I'm doing the laundry *shuddertwitchgroan* and she and dad are going on the
Spirit of Washington Dinner Train, so most likely I'll be home alone tomorrow night.
Whew. Still not done. I got this from
Dora-chan, who got it from someone else, and you know how it goes. ^^;
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
~ Tongue. Nose rings remind me of bulls. o.Ô;;
2. Be serious or be funny?
~ Funny. Life is a long, hard road, so dance like no one's watching and love like it'll never hurt. ^^;; Jim told me that.
Hydro: Well, you certainly dance like no one's watching. XD
Pam: *glower*
3. Whole or skim milk?
~ o.o Whoa, there's different kinds of milk?!
4. Single or Taken?
~ Single. Definitely single. ~_~;
5. Simple or complicated?
~ Either way, I got a 90% chance of being confused half the time. ^^;;
6. Law or anarchy?
~ Um... usually I'm a lawful person unless I don't feel the law's right, so I'm gonna say lay with anarchic(sp?) tendencies. ^_^
7. Flowers or angels
~ Flowers; no one knows what angels look like anyway. :P
8. Grey or gray?
~ Grey for hound, gray for colour.
9. Read or write?
~ O_O YOU MEAN I CAN'T HAVE BOTH? ....All right, read. >.<# But only because reading usually doesn't give you carpal tunnel syndrome. ^_^;; (Hee; I'm working on The Story now. XD )
10. Color or black-and-white photos?
~ Colour; black and white is just too blagh.
11. Sunrise or sunset?
~ Sunset. ~_~ Getting up at sunrise is no fun. Like this morning. Sunrise came around 6:00 AM, and it was fully bright outside, and I was like, "Dude, that's not cool" and tried to go back to sleep.
12. M&M's or Skittles?
~ Ick, Skittles. Definitely M&Ms. ^_^
13. Rap or rock?
~ Rock. Rap is just screaming about sex and drugs and hos, man.
14. Stay up late or wake up early?
~ Neither. I like to keep a medium. ^_^
15. TV or Radio?
~ Radio. Watching TV for more than 30 minutes gives me a massive headache. But to be correct, computer. ^^ Radio is for nighttime listening.
16. Is it POP or SODA?
~ Both. Soda Pop! XD
17. X or O in Tic-tac-toe?
~ X. o.Ô
18. Name Brand or not?
~ Personally, I really don't see a difference 90% of the time.
19. Eat an apple or an orange?
~ Apple. Green apples. If I want an orange, my mom peels it for me. >.>;;
20. What came first the chicken or the egg?
~ God. ^_^
I don't think I really have a specific religion now; I just believe in God and that's enough.
cs: "Arrival at Magical Dreamland Happyworld" by Mr. Happy Hardcore