-Last book you read: Ender's Shadow.
-Last movie you saw: Pearl Harbor.
-Last movie you saw on the big screen: Pearl Harbor.
-Last phone number you called: ...? Gen-chan's? o.O;; *can't remember using the phone in the last three days*
-Last show you watched on TV: The Simpsons. ^^;
-Last song you heard: "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by The D's 3 >XD
-Last thing you had to drink: Barley tea. v.v
-Last time you showered: Last night. o.O
-Last thing you ate: Rice with tofu and anchovies. :D~
Do You....
1. Smoke? No, and I will never. ^__^
2. Do drugs? Only caffeine, and suffering from that withdrawal scares me from trying other drugs.
3. Have sex? Pam: No. -.-;; Hydro: Oh yeaaaah. XD
4. Sleep with stuffed animals? Well, I have a semi-life sized husky and tiger near my bed. ^^;;
5. Have a crush? Only one. XD Alex....
6. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.
7. Have a dream that keeps coming back? All the time. @___@ Many of them.
8. Play an instrument? Flute and piano.
9. Believe there is life on other planets? Definitely. How could there
not be?
10. Remember your first love? *sigh* Yes. v.v
11. Still love him/her? No, but I heard he's as hot as all hell now. o.O;;
12. Read the newspaper? I wish. We don't get it. x.x
13. Have any gay or lesbian friends? Man, if I had gay friends, don't you think I'd have better fashion sense? ~_~ My life is so deprived.
14. Believe in miracles? Well, miracles only happen to other people. There was that time I fell off the swing in 2nd grade and had to go to the hospital to check for brain damage, but it's my bane that I live. -_-#
15. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? o.O Don't ask me.
16. Consider yourself tolerant of others? Hell no. -_- Just as long as we're being honest, nobody's really tolerant with my intolerance.
17. Consider police a friend or foe? Hmm. Interesting question. The law is necessary, but sometimes the law sucks.
18. Like the taste of alcohol? No way. I threw up when I had some when I was seven.
19. Have a favorite Stooge? o.O The one that cackles like "Nyahahaha!" ^^;;
20. Believe in Astrology? Not really, but there are coincidences.
21. Believe in magic? I wish. >.<
22. Believe in God? Yes.
23. Pray? Sadly, only when I feel it'll benefit me. *guilty look*
24. Go to church? Not anymore; Dad doesn't take us. >.<
25. Have any secrets? Many.
26. Have any pets? My Westie, Tina.
27. Do well in school? Yes.
28. Go to or plan to go to college? Definitely.
29. Have a degree? No. o.o
30. Talk to strangers who instant message you? Yes. ^^ But only if they interest me. Otherwise I block 'em. >.> Sounds rude, but hey; I don't go for crap, you know.
31. Wear hats? Yes, but I'm embarrassed in them.
32. Have any piercings? Earlobes.
33. Have any tattoos? I wish.
34. Hate yourself? Some things about me.
35. Have a horny spot? -__-##
36. Have a box inside your house that you sleep in because its too damn hot inside that bag of chips? I sleep on a bed. I don't know about you, buddy.
37. Have a best friend? Yes. I think.
38. Wish on stars? Once.
39. Like your handwriting? Changes a lot, but it's not sloppy. ^^;;
40. Have any bad habits? Procrastination and lack of motivation.
41. Care about looks? o.O It sounds superficial, but yes. However, looks don't determine if I like a person or not.
42. Believe in witches? Not really. Some teachers I could name could be witches.
43. Believe in Satan? Yin and Yang. Of course I do.
44. Believe in ghosts? I used to think there was one under my bed. I still believe there's one in my mirror. Childish, but it keeps me feeling young. XD
45. Believe in Santa? XD YES! My daddy is Santa. Bwahahahaha.
46. Believe in the Easter Bunny? No. That's just plain silly. ^.^;;
47. Believe in the Tooth Fairy? ....*guilty silence*
48. Have a second family? ...Yes. XD I do.
49. Trust others easily? Too often.
50. Like sarcasm? When not directed at me.
51. Take walks in the rain? Living in Washington all my life has never changed this; I like the rain but not being in it.
52. Kiss with your eyes closed? Never been kissed. XP
53. Sing in the shower? Heh. When no one's home. ^.^;;
54. Own handcuffs? Bwahahahaha. XD I wish; Jim was gonna get me some....
...Menial, I know, but anything to get my mind off this caffeine headache I'm experiencing. God, what a fuckin' pisser it is, too. @__@ I took some aspirin, but it's not really helping too much.... *sigh* Withdrawal sucks. I'm trying to kick the habit all at once, otherwise I'll be short for the rest of my life.
cs: "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by The D's 3
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy in Company B!