>< Oy vey. I hate getting up early, but there's no stopping it. I can't help
it anyway. It's like ingrained into my brain or something. *sighs* Anyway,
I don't think I wanted to stay asleep. My dream was disturbing. oO;;
The first part I remember involved me in the Anime Café, although it was
a lot nicer looking in my dream. My dad was holding up the RK video I
wanted, Depeche Mode's Speak and Spell CD that I wanted, and also
Styx's Kilroy Was Here CD. I told him to forget Kilroy Was Here, that I
wanted Depeche Mode, but I couldn't talk.
Then my dream continued on to depict me and Gen-chan in MIB suits and
leather shoes walking up my street. We stopped by my house, and I told
her, "Let's put on some rubber boots so we don't get all yucky when we go
in the sewer." And she replies, "All right." So we do, and then I realize
Kamui's there with us and he smiles at us and says, "I love you both. Let's
get married." We're both shocked, but Gen-chan replies, "Sorry, I don't love
you. I love Seishirou." Kamui's face contorts a little with emotion, making him
look so ugly. His face untwists and he's his pretty self again. Then he turns to
me and asks me to marry him. I reply, "Hell no. You're prettier than me." Then
he turns and runs off crying and Gen-chan sez, "That was nice." I go, "Would
you like a Snix?"
Then my dream evaporates into me and Kamui being inside a narrow cave
hallway, and we're waiting for some people to finish eating breakfast, so I call
out, "Are you done eating your BLOG breakfast?" And I could see my words
floating in the air. Someone replies, "No, we still need to give out BLOG presents
and then perform the BLOG ceremony before we can go." (BLOG was all
capitalized for reasons I don't understand) Kamui shakes his head and tells them
to hurry the f*ck up. I smack Kamui on the back of the head and ask him if he wants
to get us killed.
Then I have a dream about Yosemite Sam and some pirate captain marooned on
an island. The captain takes over and constantly tells Yosemite Sam that Sam's
very kind for allowing him [the captain] to use the bed, eat the food, etc. Then
Yosemite Sam says very angrily, "Well, then, thanks for letting me use your ship!"
Before he can though, the pirate jumps into the small dinghy (hardly a ship), and
rows off, leaving Yosemite Sam stranded there.
After that I continue to dream. This time a small girl is marooned on an island,
and people don't know where she is, so they assume she committed suicide.
Three sad clowns try to demonstrate in three jumps how she did it, but a group
of ducks (they all look like Daffy Duck) disagree and say it's impossible to drown
in water that shallow when other people are around, so they fly off to find her.
Then I wake up to Savage Garden's "Gunning Down Romance" for the second
time. x___X Yeah. That was my continuous dream. I think it might have been
caused by Ozzy Osborne's "Shock The Monkey" (was it him? can't remember),
because that was the last song I remember hearing before I turned on Savage
Garden and went to sleep. x_____x I don't know if that was the problem, or if it
was some of those salted-and-peppered fries I ate before bedtime. ><
I'm still feeling pretty ill, but I'm well equipped for a boring day. I've got on my
fuzzy jaguar slippers, my X/1999 shirt, Code's down here with me, and I've also
got my Chapter 3 Take-Home Algebra III Test with me.
Here's the last problem: (Problem #10)
3x - 6y + 3z = 18
2x - 3y + 4z = 6
2x - 3y + 5z = 4
Fairly easy if you ask me, because I've already solved it and then, for extra credit,
graphed it on a three-dimension graph. x___x I can't wait to get into matrises next
chapter, although I hear it's difficult at first. Meh. With this mushy so-called "hard"
math, I don't think I should trust what he says. He said this test would be hard.
¬__¬;; Yeah... sure... maybe because I'm out of sorts. While we were doing it
during class, I had to go up to him to ask if Ø (no solution) is what you're supposed
to put if your result for a y=mx+b formula turns out like this : 0 = 5. And he gave me
this strange look and said, "Geez, Pam, you must really not be feeling well. Just
take your time. That's right. Don't worry about it." So then, because the majority of
the class is never ready for these tests, he allows it to be a take-home test, but it'll
only count if we get 100%. I know I will, probably more since I made up extra credit
(graphing the points on a three-dimension graph).
Gee. I should probably stop before this blog gets any longer. oO;;
Currently Playing: "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd