Sunday, January 28, 2001

Hehe, Ruby-san, I remember doing something similar to that. I
was running into the living room (I dunno why, I was really hyper on
some caffeine I had just consumed, I guess), and I ran right into
the sliding cupboard thing that's a part of are couch. I flew into the couch,
slammed my head against the lower post boards, and lay there on
the floor for about ten minutes, trying to figure out what just happened,
while Tina crawled all over me with her squeaky toy. ^_^;; Oi.

Sakura-san, I'll get around to sending the Krad skin to you. x______X
Hell, I haven't even sent it to Gen-chan yet! XD
Oi. x____x *kicks blogger*

So what, Gen-chan? I needed a new look! >_<

I really am not caring about Finals right now. In fact, my conscience is
screaming at me to acknowledge that tomorrow we get to have a little
glimpse of hell, but the rest of my mind goes, "Aw, shuddap." o_O; I
still have to finish my 3x5 notecard for the history Finals. -____-;; Thank
you Mr. Dodge. I have to fit a map of the entire Pacific Northwest on
the back, and label 80 odd items. x___x; And they all fit. XD

Whee. Um. That's all.

Currently Playing: "Just Can't Get Enough (Rubber Band Mix)" by Depeche

Saturday, January 27, 2001

2.1* Hygiene- To maintain this just take a shower and wash your hands.
If you do not do this your Sim will die from disease (by cleaning up
garbage with flies hovering over it without washing hands.)

...Really? >=D Disease, eh? XDDDDDDDDDDDD I sense new ways to
kill Sims coming on... (Drowning's the fastest, really, if you have the Sim work
out vigorously before swimming!)

And there's just no way that Sim looks like Darren Hayes! >.< He has black
hair and is MUCH cuter! >____<
...My mom tried to cheer me up with Korean hot noodles. My mouth
is watering (it's always an odd feeling when saliva squirts from under
your tongue, you know?) but my stomach moans and groans and says
"No way!"

...Oi. BTW, [ v i t u p e r a t i o n ] is the new name. You can just call it
Vituperation to save space. x____x

Currently Playing: "Jesus and the Thieves" by Captain Tractor
Aw, forget it. Dumb archives.
OH MY GOSH! >______<

Well, I kinda got it back to normal. Kinda. Now the archives. *dies*
Agh, dammit. >< Somehow I made it so that all the page was... was
blank white. o_O;;; Argh. I told you HTML and Pam don't mix. >____<;;
*repeatedly bashes head against keyboard*
...I knew today was gonna be a looooong day.
Hello? O.O Testing. Why can't I see my own blogger?
I finally have an idea of what the heck to name this blogger, although
I don't know what the heck to do for the layout. o_O;

Sakura-san, you really like it? ^^;; How come everyone who's commented
on it likes it? o.o; I've made peace with it (and the annoyingly conspicuous
errors that I see). When the volume bar's turned all the way up, it looks like
Krad's eye is only half open. XD At first I thought that ws true and wondered,
"He looks so weird!" XDDD

Oi. My right hand is covered with book ink and is freezing. My left hand is
experiencing twinges of pain on the back of it, yet it is really warm. o____o;;

x_____x My ass is sore. I don't know why. I know it's not from sitting down.
*winces* Oi vey. It's gonna be a long day. x_____x

I feel happy. :D I had a successful alien abudction that did more good than harm,
plus Lanceton and Julian are doing ever so well with their adopted son Caprichoso.
XD I love that name!

Currently Playing: "When Doves Cry" by Prince

Friday, January 26, 2001

Here's a preview of the Krad skin. X______X

I hate Finals. Please, let me pass my Algebra II Finals. x______x I took them
today. And I was so frustrated I cried a little; I mean, how can you take a test
that the teacher only briefly covered? We had to cover two whole and VERY
difficult chapters, and we had four days to do it in. That's roughly three-four
assignments a night. And luckily, I happen to be (or so says Eric Wells) one of
Mr. Williams' favorite students, so he patted me on the back and said, "Pam, you're
smarter than this. You're just overanalyzing. Chill out. You look at everything too
closely and have a million questions about everything. Just chill out." (He told
me the latter half when I asked to stay in his class during 6th period.)

So it's true; the littlest thing can set me off. But when you've been raised in a house
that discourages crying by slapping you every time you cry, how can you control it?
How can you not cry, when you feel like a complete and utter failure, even if people
scoff and tell me I'm such a brain? I'm NOT. I'm NOT smart. I'm some snot-nosed
asshole perfectionist that no one likes and everyone hates. I feel like a social outcast.
I know perfectly why, too, and I am NOT GOING TO CHANGE who I am. But that
doesn't mean I don't want friends, right? Why do I always feel like the outsider? I mean,
even the damned love. Even the damned love. I've got so many character flaws it's like
I'm only half-human. But it makes sense. Taureans supposedly have the worst temper
of all the astrological signs. And I'm willing to bet the majority of my friends (maybe I
have six good friends all together) would agree with that when applied to me.

...But I guess it's better to have six good friends than a million acquantainces.

Sometimes I feel like I'd trade all of my intelligence just to be another giggling, sluttish
girl. At least I'd be stupid enough to believe I have friends, and that in real life people
can practically live in coffee stores and such, like on TV, and still live well. x_____x
Maybe then I could make my mom happy. She thinks I don't act like a girl. Since when
were rules set on being a girl? I don't tell her how to be a woman! >.< *sighs* It's times
like these when I feel like I'd rather have my parents divorce so I can live with my dad.
My mom acts more like a teenage girl than I do.

...And that's all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

*sighs* I broke my resolution. I swear too fucking much. x_______x

Zeruel, I wrote you a loooong e-mail back. ^^;; Heh heh. Oh, BTW, I
love your new site! XD (I know I said that in the e-mail, but 'tis appropriate
to say it again!)

Margot-san, don't worry about it. It happens all the time to me and to the
other people on my list. o____x

This song is everything to me now. ('Cept for that whole part about feeling the
flesh; ugh, I hate touching other people and being touched. It's a direct violation
of my personal bubble.)

And what I said still stands; I'm being like Wingy and going into Bitchslap Mode.

"Make Me Bad"
Album: Issues

I am watching the rise and fall of my salvation
There's so much shit around me
Such a lack of compassion
I thought it would be fun and games (would be fun and games)
Instead, it's all the same (it's all the same)
I want something to do
Need to feel the sickness in you

I feel the reason as it's leaving me
No, not again
It's quite deceiving as I'm feeling the flesh
Make me bad.

All I do is look for you.
And when I fix it, you needed to
Just to get some sort of attention... attention

What does it mean to you?
For me it's something I just do (I just... do)
I want something
I need to feel the sickness in you

I feel the reason as it's leaving me
No, not, again
It's quite decieving as I'm feeling the flesh
Make me bad

I feel the reason as it's leaving me
No, not, again
It's quite decieving as I'm feeling the flesh
Make me bad

Just make me bad...
*blinks at the top entry*

...I will now commence to type the American version of "Have a nice day."

Go fuck yourself.
..Sometimes when I see their stupid sheep's faces staring back
at me from the depths of inner hell, I want to scream and slap them.
I want to slap the ones who put their make-up on in class, the ones
who do not know the meaning of "Be quiet," the ones who stupidly
munch on candybars as the teacher yells at us for the third time in
a row to shut our freakin' mouths. I want to slap them, I want to kick
them, I want to kill, kill, and kill. I am beginning to loathe every class
of the day. All around school I see them, them and their sluttish clothing,
them and their smoke-stenched jackets, them and their stupid sheeps
faces and their dead-end lives.

...I feel like I'm going insane.

Tuesday, January 23, 2001

57. If you compare the sims to the matrix.
-- O_O;;



173. You want to be just like Sims, so you never flush your toilet.

*thinks of her brother*

Currently Playing: "Degenerate" by blink-182
You know you're addicted to sims when...
1) You aren't satisfied to leave your sims alone until their bars are completely green.
2) You spend more time simulating a sim more than your real life.
-- Don't you know it. ^_^;;;
3) You compare your daily routines to the life of a sim.
-- Why shouldn't I? XD
4) You are able to imitate their sim talk
-- Vivi, a nono! XDDDDD (That's Simmish! The Adult Men use it!)
5) either you are making sim clothes or searching for them
-- Just ask Wingy. ^___^
6) you become obsessed about skill bars
-- Yes. Zell almost has full everything.
7) you eat while you play
-- Yes. Definitely yes.
8) You never change your clothes.
-- o_o;; No, it hasn't gotten that bad.
9) You think your Sims know what you're saying
-- ^__________________^ "Came over fast? No."
10) You pick up the phone and don't see who to call.
-- *thinks of Zell* I can't find the Services Pie Menu! XD
11) You play The Sims (Well, if you're addicted, you gotta play it!).
-- ...DUH!
12. You can't walk past a lamp
-- I'd run into it!
13. You brush your teeth about once a week.
-- My mom thinks so. -___x;; I'd have a gajillion cavities by now if that little
bit was true.
14. You're disappointed that the sun doesn't rise at 6:00 and set at 7:00
-- Yes. v___v
15. You're surprised when your TV has more than 4 channels
-- o_o;; It does?
16. You always make the same meals
-- *thinks of chicken noodle soup, baked potatoes, and sandwiches* Oh yeah.
17. You propose in your bathroom with pajamas on
-- XDDDDDDDD Let's just say I love Legos.
18) You get a job and wonder why a car doesn't come and pick you up.
-- o_o;; Hee.
19) You're surprised that you can walk to your neigbors house.
-- Really?
20) You wonder if there is a blurry thing around you when you go to the bathroom.
--I hope so! *shudders to think that some addict is watching her shower*
21) You wet your pants and wonder why there isn't a puddle.
-- O_O; I wouldn't go so far as that.
22) After you take a shower you're puzzled at the fact that there are no clothes on you.
-- *sigh* It's a drag sometimes.
23) You put on your clothes while spinning around.
24) You think all pizzas cost §40.
-- I'd kill someone if they were.
25) You get worried when you can't find Simoleons.
-- I'm so poor. ;___;
26) You think you're neat because a puddle isn't on the floor after you shower.
-- Yes, of course I'm Neat! XD
27. turn free will off, ALL THE TIME
-- You know, all my Sims would be dead if I did that. ^^;;
28. You have all 4,946 wallpapers and floors
-- Try 400-500 and I'm there.
29. EVERYONE in your neighborhood has a 2 story house.
-- Just about.
30. You have 5 completely happy people in your house.
-- Four adults and one kid! (AMBER! XD )
31. Your sims job abilities are almost completely full.
-- All of the Troiliwu family has at least two Skill bars full. ^^;;
32) You have more than one spouse.
-- Eh, no. Polygamy ain't in my bag yet. >.>;
33) You go to work every other day and wonder why you got fired.
-- Hehehehehehe! XD
34) You go to your first day of work happy and when you get home you wonder
why you didn't get promoted.
-- ^_______^
35) You never lock your front door or the bathroom door then get mad when
someone comes in.
-- It happens to be all the time. X_______X;;
36) A burglar can walk through your front door, your burglar alarm goes off, a
policeWOMAN (never a man) blows her whistle and runs in, and you sleep through it
-- I bet I would. XD
37. You go to work and expect the maid to have been in and tidied up.
-- XD My room especially!
38. You walk around the supermarket and think "that's sim speak"
-- I hear it at Mount Tahoma. ^__^
39. You water a plant and expect it to spring straight back to life.
-- Don't I wish. >.>;
40. You're scared to touch a guinea pig in case you get "The Virus".
-- I love hamsters, though!
41. You expect a baby to turn into a child after 3 days (I wish).
-- >.< All children are annoying messy little brats.
42. Your husband shouts at 2 am "Are you ever coming to bed?"
-- Hee. If I had one.
LOL!!!!! XDDD Wingy sent me this link, and the laughable part is I
know I have this Flash saved somewhere on my harddrive from when
I went exploring in my dad's floppy disks. >XD It's hilarious! Just make
sure that your parents aren't around when you play it and that you have
everything that uses sound turned off. XDDDDDD
Blogger lost my post that was hella long. x_____x I'll summarize it.

Sunday: The music for The Sims went funky and couldn't be fixed no matter
what. Had to move files, uninstall it, reinstall it, reinstall Livin' Large, and then
make Family Friends all over again. Put me in a pissy mood.

Monday: Felt kinda apathetic (in a bad way) all day. Even people I don't like
asked me if I was all right.

Today: Found out I got a 111 out of 95 on my math test, the highest out of all
his classes! ^o^

Also having trouble starting my myth, which the rough draft is due tomorrow.

Gen-chan, I packed the stuff. Expect it soon. On your last post on the 20th,
you used the wrong kind of "your." Not the wrong kind of whore, though. XD
(inside joke).

Currently Playing: "Ai to iu Na no Tatakai ni" by Tamahome (Midorikawa Hikaru)

Sunday, January 21, 2001

Heh. There's this poll at The Sims Resource that asks whether or
not you like your Sims speaking Simmish, or if you'd rather have them
speak English (or whatever your language may be).

...I'm surprised by how many people would rather have them speak English
(or your language). I rather like Simmish. XD In fact, sometimes when I'm
walking down the halls of Mount Tahoma (the not-so-great sr. high school),
I actually can hear my Sims' conversations in my head. o_O;; I kid you not.
It's so much fun! XD I like their language better.
Gen-chan just sent me the Krad skin, and I just sent Gen-chan the
Zell skin. x______x It's gonna be a looooong day today.

Yesterday it took Julian (not your Julian, GC my Julian in a different
Neighborhood) four days to be promoted from Recruit to Elite Forces.
(Yeah, I know the Military career's only good for a quick fix of desperately
needed cash, but Lanceton and Julian were down to eating snacks all
day to save money.) >.< Personally, I think it's 'cos the computater knew
he was... well... um... ^^;; Never mind that. (Let's just say I really needed
to save money on a bed!) x____x And everytime he went to work his little
Mood Meter was four or five bars in the green! >.< Granted, he was close to
missing work several times, but hey, he was in a good mood!

I havd discovered my true desire to play The Sims now is to build homes. :D
I love Build Mode. It's so much fun to see what I can come up with. XD

Currently Playing: "I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks" by the
Bloodhound Gang
...Don't ask. XD

Saturday, January 20, 2001

*drools uncontrollably* Omigosh, Pavarotti and Savage Garden?
And Aqua? :D~~~~~~~ >.< Oooooohh..... ;_; Me wants it now.

*screams fangirlishly* DARREN IS SO CUTE! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Mmmph... If you'd like to take a look at the finished Zell skin, then
here you go. I finished it last night at around 10:10 PM, but I can't
say for sure whether or not I'm happy with it. >.< I mean, yes, it's
Zell, and I love that hotdog-crazed SeeD cadet, but the skin and the
hell it gave me... Meh. Kinda takes away from the pleasure, doncha
know. ^_^;;

The following mentioned are what motivated me to get my rear in gear:
My stupidly slow 28.8K modem
7 Deadly Sims and it's ever-so-slow loading time(S'ok, I still love you!)
U2's "Elevation"
Tina scaring the bejeezers out of me by licking my foot

...Thank you all. ^_^;; I'll send it to you later, Gen-chan. And it doesn't
matter, does it? We still lost anyway. :P

Currently Playing: "High Crimes and Misdemeanors (Hip-Hop Cracy)" by Styx

Friday, January 19, 2001

'blood sex'
blood sex
powerpuff girls buddy ico
winamp sex skins
rinoa sex
japanese homework blogger
rush coil mix download

OO;; Methinks my only visitors are the ones who search for sex... x___x
My Amoeba is so insightful! XD

Yeah, well, I'm sorry, but sometimes I get carried away. >.< I know that
you're worried about failing math and all, but it's hard for me to be patient
when you're trying to decide which test to turn in. >.>;; I mean, I think you
did fine on both of them, Amoeba, and it's okay to let it go. I know it
seems hypocritical from such an uptight, tense perfectionist, but trust me...

...The only type of music I find offensive is most rap because isn't all about
guns, killing people., sluts, bitches, pimpin', sex, etc. etc.? x_________X
And trust me, I've heard it all. I used to listen to it nonstop for several years
a while back, so I'm not coming from a blind angle. I mean, it's the same old
crap just being recycled. >.<;; Same with all these stupid love songs pop
groups pump out. Yes, we KNOW that he's your man, and who cares if
you think she;s your everything, and I don't give a damn if you'll always be
there for her. O_O GEEZ! I'd rather hear 50 million hours of Bloodhound Gang
than listen to 'N SUCK and Spear Britney for ten minutes. >.< (Immature, yes,
but I'm tired of them and their "dirty pop" and her and her T & A.)

But now it's hard to find any kind of music offensive, especially after listening
to a lot of Bloodhound Gang. ^____^ They even make fun of Depeche Mode! :D
(That's a good thing; Jimmy Pop, the lead singer, idolizes 'em.)
I have discovered that Depeche Mode's "My Secret Garden" makes me
want to cry. ;_;

Hee, hee! >XD I really should be at the basketball game tonight, cheering
on our losery team and burning my embrouchre out, but I skipped and here
I am. XD *feels evil* Knowing Mr. Myers, he'll probably forget by Monday.

The bad pain in my forearm that I told Wingy about, concerning bending my
thumb towards my pinky finger, has diminished somewhat, but it still hurts,
and I have no idea what could cause it. oO; It's not present in the right
arm, so... I don't know what to think. *slaps left hand* Don't let the right hand
know what the left one's doing...! XD Actually, I guess both hands are evened
up since my left hand seems to be useless and usually in some sort of pain,
and my right hand's always cold. ^_^;;

Oh yeah! ^____^ On my oral report, I got a 45 or 46 out of 50! :D Considering
more than half the people in our class ended up with C+'s that's not short of
excellent! ^o^

Buy her a computer, GC. Remember? She was saving up for one! XD

...I bet we're already losing by a gajillion points. ^___^;;

Currently Playing: "Drive" by R.E.M.

Thursday, January 18, 2001

*crunch crunch crunch*
Almost threw up in Health I near the end of the period. Gawd, I would
rather sit through a porno than to see the horrible results of STDs on
Mrs. Maggelssen's crappy slide projector. *dry retches* >.<;; It was
so disgusting like you would not believe. And I am not exaggerating.
One of the Russian exchange students had to leave because he was
ready to throw up, and I was ready to join him. >.<

I want some Chicken Noodle Soup. :D~

Oi, oi, oi. >.< Something is wrong with one of the Sim skins I downloaded
for the children. As soon as I get to that one skin, the game just closes
automatically. o_O;; I've concluded that I'm not going to reinstall (can't;
GC has my The Sims CD), so I just won't select that clothing.
*holds up finger* But wait, there's more!
Furthermore, when Joseph Blahdé (creative name, huh?) went swimming,
his body turned green and his swim trunks had little red hearts over them.
o_O;; Secondly, I had to kill Pammy and Zell's baby because her little
icon thingy was an upside freaky woman's head. OO;;;; So, instead, I'm
making Joseph move in with a replacement Amber, and then kill him off.
XD Yeah, I guess all of Pammy and Zell's children would be freaks... >.>;;

Um. *thinks* Damn files. x___x I can't figure out which file's causing it,
but I want that green body gone! O_O

Gen-chan, is that remix any good? I have the original! :D

Currently Playing: "Orange Crush" by R.E.M.

Wednesday, January 17, 2001

In Spearfish, South Dakota, if three or more Indians are walking
down the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired

Oh, BTW, Gen-chan, that Zell skin will be finished as soon as you
send the text for the playlist... *taps foot patiently*
Argh. >.< Finals, Finals, Finals! O_O *screams* I hate PNW History.
I do. >.> My partner was absent today, so it must be that I go tomorrow.
There's only our presentation and then another one left in the entire class.

The good thing is, that I may not have to take Finals in either Earth Science
(please, Lordy, please!)_or Algebra II (ditto!). *crosses fingers*

X_____X Of all the classes today, I think Health was probably the one that
annoyed me most. Not only did they (meaning the classmates who I do not
enjoy being around) look off my paper, they almost made me repeat the
answer(s) to #5 repeatedly:
The AIDS virus is transmitted through what four bodily fluids?
1. Blood
2. Semen
3. Vaginal Fluids
4. Breast Milk

O_O It's like they didn't hear me the first dozen times! >.<

Oh yeah. I'm wearing my Sanosuke shirt. XD I completely forgot I had the
Detachable Sanosuke Figurine lying atop my shelf with my bells and Korean
dolls and my dolphin and orca figures... XD I love collecting stuff. It's fun.

If you want to make anything taste spicier, I recommended crushed red
pepper! :D~~ Put it on anything! Pizza, baked potatoes (yes, I've done it!), etc.
Makes the world taste better. :D~

Found out that my dad has Empire of the Sun on tape. I'll watch it later,
since I didn't get to see the whole thing the first time I watched it. ^^;;

*thinks* What else to say.... um... oh yeah! Nice bead bracelets, Margot-san!
^_^ I remember when I used to make little beaded lizards. Gosh, they weren't
the big beads for the vision-impaired, but the itty bitty ones that are the size of
crumbs. I still have a bajillion of them. ^^;;

Well, I'm off to the land of The Sims (good luck with yours, GC!)

Currently Playing: "Barbie Girl" by Aqua

Tuesday, January 16, 2001

Here's how it went:
Gen-chan and I decided, Sunday, that we would kill off some people.
Now, we dearly love all of our characters and simply refuse to get rid
of any favorites. But we have too many. So I proposed we draw names
out of a hat (or cup, in this case) and not be lenient on any names drawn,
no matter who.
So we ended up drawing two names each to make it even. Then Gen-chan
suggested another two names, and since I was getting a big powetrip from
the anticipation of murdering our lovely little creations, I agreed. We drew
another two names... then another two... then another two...
So now we have ten people ready to die, and maybe eleven if I want to kill
Raucous Rebel (not in the first story!), and maybe twelve if I decide to kill
my all-time favorite character, Hydro. XD

Of course... we still actually have to kill them; they're not dead yet.
XD Ahem.

One people get blown up. XD
Two people get killed in shootouts.
One gets his neck snapped.
Another is pushed off a high place and "goes Lara Croft," as Gen-chan wrote. XD
Because we were talking about this one time, how GC fell off a really high place
and Lara had to take in breath between screams. XD

One is executed for being a traitor to The TIDAL.
One committs suicide (poor Vigilante! *sniffle*).
Another has suicidal motives and is careless during an aerial battle.
One dies protecting the children of The COR members. ;_; How sad.
The former professional assassin (Malign was an assassin, right GC?) gets
killed by a knife wound whilst protecting his dearest. ;_; Tearjerker. *sniff*

Meh. ^_^ And then maybe I'll kill Rebel, but let's make it slooooooooow.
And I haven't decided if I have the nerve to kill the bestest marksman and blue-haired
arrogant bastard yet. XD *huggles Hydro* He's the best. XD

Ooh, wait, time for an intelligent moment.

*crickets chirp*


Currently Playing: "Dead Bodies Everywhere" by KoRN How appropriate! XD
The best way of deciding who gets to live and who gets to die is
to draw names out of a "Class of 2004" mug that was purchased in
a pointless fundraiser and that is never used. ^_^

Saturday, January 13, 2001

Argh! >.< Stupid arse friggin' buttmonkey TRAGIC CLOWN! O_O
Tina Chan
Song Raindrops keep falli
fuck blood sex
"raindrops keep falling o
Rinoa sex
yuffie sex stories
"Raindrops Keep Falling O
finished goldwings
buddy icons/ sex

...No comment. -_______-

T_______T Man, I woke up early today because my stupid brother had
his TV sound turned up, his TV hooked up to his stereo, and was cackling
madly while he played Shenmue or whatever. x_____x

On a lighter note, last night while I was thumbing through The Dark
Tower II
, someone called up The Point (the 80's station GC and I
prefer) and asked if the last song the DJ (that's what you call them, right?)
played was by "Depressed Mode." o_O;; It wasn't. It was "Blue Monday"
by New Order, and when the DJ told him this, he asked, "Okay, how do you
spell that?"
*dies laughing*
Okay, I understand some artists like to misspell things purposely so as to
make a statement or because it looks cooler that way (and I have to admit
sometimes it does), but come on. T______T You can remember something
like New Order, right? You don't have to know how to spell it to ask a clerk
at a music store if they carry anything by them.
*cracks up again*
Depressed Mode! XDDDDD

Mmm... nothing like waking up to a lungful of carcinogens. -________-;;;;;;

Y'know, there's just no point to playing any songs by Orgy unless you're
planning to turn it up until you're deaf. o___x

Currently Playing: "Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden

Friday, January 12, 2001

Hey, Zeruel, I'll move to San Luis, then! XD
Ahem. *clears throat and takes in a deep breath*


Today is Gen-chan's birthday. *^^* Everyone at school was like, "Happy
birthday!" XD Myself included. *^^* Of course I'll be attending the party
tomorrow. I may not get Gen-chan anything, but that's because I have no
money and that's a given. :\ Gen-chan, you may receive your birthday present
sometime in late February. ^^;;

Speaking of which, I haven't given my oral presentation... still. >.< The
wait is killing me, but the thought of getting up in front of them and speaking
is far worse... >.>;;

I felt kinda crummy near the end of the day. I mean, I messed up on the Extra
Credit. I asked Eric what he got after school, and it was one point, not a line,
on the three-variable graph. >.> At least I talked to him. *wipes forehead* I got
the coordinates right, but they're all a part of the same point, not the same
line. I know you have no idea what I'm talking about, but I had a math test
today (which I completely forgot about) but I think I did rather well. ^_^ Surprisingly.

And I also felt bad because everyone says I talk too fast. x____x Everyone. Even
people who I don't really know all too well say I talk too fast. Dangit, it's because I
get so little attention most of the time, I have to cram everything into a five-second
time span before the person begins to ignore me. ;_; I always feel like I'm being
ignored, or that I'm someone's shadow. >.< Dangit, if one more person tells me that,
regardless of who the heck he or she is, I will personally punch their lights out. I'm
getting tired of it.

Um... *thinks* What else happened today... Oh yeah! XD Jim and I were talking in
first period and I was explaining to her about ka-tet and what it meant in
The Dark Tower Series (by Stephen King), and she grinned and suggested
that if we went to the mall together or something, we should continuously repeat,
"We are ka-tet. We are one from many" as Roland and the gang did in the fourth
book, IIRC. It also tied in with my dream. o_O I'll explain it below:

In my dream numerous people in my life (some that I would like out of my
life) were gathering, and we stood in a line. Each spot had a different designation
for that person there. I wanted to stand in the spot designated "Magician" but
someone (who shall remain anonymous) got there first. So I got the spot marked
"Denture." o_O;; Never mind that; I knew it was supposed to stand for something
else, but the dream didn't get that far before my alarm went off. Anyway, I was
standing in my spot, and suddenly, unbidden, the thought "We are ka-tet. We are
one from many" popped into my head. I didn't say anything for fear of ridicule, but
the person standing in the spot designated "Magician" turned to me and said,
"Pamela, you have something on your mind. Tell us what it is." And everyone turned
to face me. So I had to say... "We are ka-tet. We are one from many." And that
was the end of my dream. Weird, huh? o_O;; Yeah.

^^;; Boy. Long blog. Sorry, y'all.

BTW, in The Dark Tower Series, "ka" is most commonly known as duty,
destiny, and/or a place to go. Ka-tet means a group of people linked by destiny or
duty. Which makes my dream even more interesting, because the people in my
dream were close to me or had once been close to me or were becoming close to
me (like Jim). Hmmm...

Currently Playing: "I Don't Care" by Savage Garden (I love this song!)

Thursday, January 11, 2001

MUAHAHAHAHA! >=D As promised to Gen-chan, here's the update
on the Troiliwu family.

Wingy is now heading into the career of Journalism and plans to become
a talk show host. Pammy is climbing up the ladder of Entertainment! XD
Zell is a loser bum and housecaretaker.

Gen-chan, as shown here, is obviously at the top of the Law Enforcement
Career. (Dun duh-duh dun! Captain Hero! XDDDDDD) MUAHAHAHAHA! XD

Currently Playing: "Bad Religion" by Godsmack"
Eerk. >.< The tips of my index finger and thumb are a bright crimson
due to my fondness amounting to passion for Flamin' Hot Cheetos. And
maybe it's just the Oriental background kicking in, but they're really not
that hot. -____-;; How can some of my friends say that? *loves spicy food*

Oi. Bad day, sorta. *shudders* Stuff in WA. State History and Algebra II.
Too long to type up, but I'm gonna get a C+/B- on my presentation, and it's
been a long while since my last C (sixth grade Core Class, and second grade
P.E. are the only two occurrences I can recall).

Gen-chan, don't hurt me, but the file you sent me doesn't have the fixed files.
Yeah. Seriously. -_____-;; Send it again. I discovered this two nights ago, but
due to a phone problem (AGAIN!!!!!!!!) I couldn't get on the 'Net, and I forgot until
just now when I turned on my PC. :P

Sakura-san?! :DDDDDDDD XD WELCOME BACK! XDDDD And the good news is
that we might be having a Krad skin coming up (after Zell, and if GC gets permission
from the owner). XDDDDDD *screams* Omigosh! Like, welcome back! (okay, sorry
it's the Valley Girl in me that screamed to be let out).

One hand is hot, and t'other is cold. Oi. I have to type up my oral report and lengthen
it so it sounds like I did a lot of work on it (which I didn't). I spent more time on the
posterboard than anything else. >.< And the posterboard looks horrible. X____X *dies*
So does my crappy diarama. >.<

SCREW. PROCRASTINATION. DANG IT. (Remember resolution; no cursing).

Currently Playing: "Puppets (No Strings Attached Mix)" by Depeche Mode

Tuesday, January 09, 2001

Argh. >.< I hate it when my Dad plays me for the fool. I asked him if
he bought Dr. Pepper and he said he forgot to. -___- And then he said
he'd "will" some Dr. Pepper into the fridge, and for one brief moment, I
actually believed him. x____X

He's done this a couple times before. But who cares if I'm gullible? XD
I love being happy.

BTW, he did buy Dr. Pepper. ^^;;
Gluey! XD Too bad that's not an Imood Mood. ;_; Oh well.

Oi. Spent about the last hour and half smearing glue on paper and
sticking it to stuff. XD Oi. Same deal as yesterday; toothpicks and
gluey fingers. ^_^;;

Only this time I had my computer on and was printing out stuff, and
the stupid printer made me restart three times because it kept saying
it was already printing it, but it wasn't... o_O;; And my scanner worked!
*wipes forehead* I'm glad it came through for me at the end, even if it
doesn't work the other 99% of the time.

I was singing at the top of my cracked and goose-honking voice to U2's
"Elevation" and scared my dog senseless and freaked out my dad. XD And
the worst of it is that I sprayed Mr. Pibb all over my computer monitor when
I envisioned Subaru to "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor. XD Of course, I had
to clean up the monitor, but hey, laughter is the language of the soul! XD

Muah. Muah ha ha. Muah ha ha ha. XD Papa Murphy's Pizza tonight. :d Yummy!

Currently Playing: "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor (What did you think would
be playing? XDDDDD )

Monday, January 08, 2001

XD I especially like "And I'm not talkin' 'bout Calvin Klein's Obsession"
part of this song. It's become, like, a code between me and Amber
now. XD

"I'll Bet He was Cool" by Savage Garden"

You know every once in a while
I shoot the breeze I spend my time
I talk about silly things
I like to talk about Jesus Christ
Cos I wonder what would happen if He passed you by
Would you be scared?
Would you believe in him?
Would you bust your asses to get him institutionalised?
Well, I bet he'd be cool
I bet He be damn good looking
I bet that He smelt divine
I'm not talking about Calvin Klein's Obsession
Just one of those people smell good all the time
There's no reason why
What would He wear
Would He wear Tommy Hilfiger?
Or prefer Urban Outfitted?
I don't think so
Well, I bet He liked Gaultier
But you'd never find him in it
I bet He liked Gaultier
Lord I need your protection spend some time in my direction
I need your protection spend some time in my direction
I need your protection spend some time in my direction
You know every once and a while
I shoot the breeze I spend my time
I talk about silly things
And tonight I'd like to talk to you about Jesus Christ
'Cos I wonder how we'd deal if He just passed you by
I bet he'd be a star
I bet my star wars figures He would be a movie star
A Quentin Tarantino next-big-thing
Prima donna, then he'd appear on Oprah
You know what? I don't think so
Could you imagine him hanging Piccadilly Circus
Time Square, the walk of fame
At Christies He could easily become a regular
D'you know what? I don't think so
I bet my speeder bike he'd turn his back on all of that
Lord I need your protection spend some time in my direction
I need your protection spend some time in my direction
I need your protection spend some time in my direction
Some people have just got it
You know like standing next to Elvis Presley
Well then multiply that feeling by 1 million and you know what I'm
talking about
Well I'll bet He was cool
Man I bet that cat was so damn good looking
*monotonously* Hee. Hee. Hee. What's more fun than spreading glue
on newspaper with a toothpick? T____T The glue turned to bluish rubber
on the inside of the nozzle, and after thirty frustrating minutes of picking
at it witrh a toothpick, I gave up. :P Oi. And the worst part is I had to use
the rough side of the sponge to get the glue off afterwards. >.>;;

Oi vey. *burps* Procrastination is my worst feature. What makes it so
frustrating is that I'm really motivated by pressure and panic. o_O;; Yeah...
it sucks. -___- I'm such a slacker. But I don't feel so guilty since I've nothing
to scan for the posterboard and not that it would help having some pictures
because my freakin' scanner hates me...

Finished reading Margot-san's fanfic, Machina. :DDD *fell in love
with it* Now I'll be killing myself over two pieces of writing, waiting for The
Dark Tower V: The Crawling Shadow
and Chapter Three of her fanfic.
T___T Oi.

Currently Playing: "I'll Bet He was Cool" by Savage Garden

Sunday, January 07, 2001

Awww, man! >.< Keanu got abducted by aliens and I missed it!
Damn! >.>;; Anyway, it's been about half a day... when are they supposed
to bring him back? o_O;; Uh-oh...

To Wingy: Looks like it's gonna be anal probing (inside joke from earlier
today). I don't think Keanu would like it much; he's married to Miyako and
has a daughter. XD

Currently Listening To: "Man Overboard" by blink-182
Have discovered a new way of killing people; drowning. >=D A
way in... no way out... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XDDDDD

...Wimps. :\ Why can't they just pull themselves out using the concrete
sides? Geez, even I can stand a bit of skinned palms and knees.
-___- After several variations of the, I
have come to the conclusion that it does not work and probably will
not work. :P Never mind; I found enough information on Health Care to
last me a good deal. :D *is happy that she's not procrastinating*

Oi, Gen-chan, I need you to send me the file I so creatively entitled
"stuff." I thought I had the updated copy, but it turns out that my memory's
failing and I don't. Until then, I'm not gonna work on the skin. I was gonna
work on it last night, but that's when I discovered that I don't have the
file. :P

Currently Playing: "Broken Home" by Papa Roach
To all bloody hell and back, I am never going to be able to kick the
monster we all term "Procrastination." >.<;; Never mind. I pledge that
sometime today I will write down two of my four topics on notecards
for the speech on Wednesday. If I do not, I will not play The Sims for
approximately one week. O_O

>.< I hate it when I've got all these great last names for families, and then
when I'm creating a new family... they all flutter away! Argh. >.< Usually,
if I'm listening to a song or something, I try to find something in the song
that I can use. I got so desperate I actually used "Memphisto" as a name.

Hey! While I'm online I can look up Tribal Communications for stuff on
Health Issues! *brightens up* Muah! >=D

Currently Playing: "Lord of the Dance" by Captain Tractor

Saturday, January 06, 2001

Ragabash-san, I have a question. Do you have to ask the neighbor
to move in first before you start to kill them? >.> It sure is taking Sylvia
Marie a loooooong time to die. >.>
^_^ I coaxed my dad into buying me the Livin' Large Expansion Pack.
I know, I'm evil. I used that, "I'm getting a 4.0 in school, Dad!" gag. Heh. It
worked. XD

Whee. Um. Not much to report. Slacking off, fiddling around with my four
new neighborhoods, quaffing Dr. Pepper by the cans, and listening to R.E.M.
on my headphones. XD

I feel guilty about not working on my project although I have the materials. Eh.
Queen of Procrastination, and I can still pull off an A, too. It makes me feel
crummy to think other people work so hard and only get a C or a B, but how
little work I do and get an A. Huh. Oh well, better thank my luck while I can.

Currently Listening To: "Bang and Blame" by R.E.M.
Forgot to mention I saw Samurai X : Betrayal on Thursday, I
think. ;_; I cried about a bajillion times near the end. *sniffles* It makes
me sad just to think about it. Poor Kenshin... Poor Tomoe... *sighs*
And sorry to any Enishi fans out there, but Enishi as a child scares me
deeply. His attitude and posture are just... obscenely loud, and he's full
of nervous energy, IMNSHO. :P

My computer went berserk on Thursday, also. The CD-ROM wouldn't
work... AGAIN. This is our... what? Third CD-ROM? Yeah. My dad bought
a 40x (the one that spazzed was a 72x) and it seems to work just fine. But
out computer also created an extra drive, and bumped everything from the
D Drive down. So my E Drive became F and so on. The only thing was that
the D Drive had absolutely no capacity whatsoever. o_O;; It boggles
the mind. And what really makes me laugh is that the CD-ROM only worked
with one CD... The Sims. XDDDDD I didn't suffer much, anyway.

Hunger. Argh. >.< I've been neglecting my eats. I feel empty. o_O Like a big
empty, thick sack of guts amd blood and piss, but the center is empty. *wanders
off to get some Chex*

Song on Continuous Repeat: "Nodisco (New Millennium Mix)" by Depeche Mode

Friday, January 05, 2001

And it's not just physical, I admit. Emotionally, I feel quite down.
In fact, I don't remember feeling so... below-but-not-quite-all-the-way-
down in a long time. Usually I'm "bouncy," as best describes me. o_O
Must be that when I get excited over something I flail my arms and talk
even louder and faster than normally. Lately I haven't been doing either.

Meanwhile, the first bit of good news.
XD I was afraid he might not finish the series, but in a way, since it's taken him
about +17 years to do the first four... o_O;;; Oi. Oh well. Glad to hear he's
still writing! XD *can't wait for The Dark Tower V: The Crawling Shadow*

Dark's Song Pick: "Mope" by the Bloodhound Gang
I feel sick physically in a way that I haven't been for quite some time.
Please don't let me be coming down with something bad. >.< Or maybe
it's just that I want summer so bad that I'm making myself sick with want.
:\ I told Wingy about that, how if I really want something badly, my heart will
start hurting and I'll make myself physically ill for a while. I mean, really
ill. It's happened before. I think I should mellow out for a while.

June 21, 2001; total solar eclipse over Southern Africa. Whee.
It also happens to be the day we get out of school. *thinks* Subliminal message,
or pure coincidence? Hmmm...
Urgh. Argh. >_< Just leave me alone. *sighs* Bad day. Oi. Thank
Fates it's the weekend, and I've not yet forgotten the face of my father.

Blergh. Stupid oral Native American report due on Wednesday. >_< Half
of what's troubling me be that.

Had bad headaches all day long. Must either be too much caffeine or lack
thereof. I'm opting for the former. Yeah. *sighs again*

Oooh... In Algebra II we're doing "Linear Combinations" and "Graphing of
Linear Inequalities." :P Your basic y is less than or equal to x - 3. Yeah.
It makes me quiver in my blue jeans. -____x;;; Geez.

I was about halfway through The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass but
it got so boring that I actually skipped ahead, forgot I skipped ahead, and then
none of it made sense for a while, then I decided to reread it from the beginning
and see if I can straighten out my confusion.

They finally named the damn Cheerio bee. It's name is Buzzbee. -______- Why
can't those talking suits think of something a little more... how shall we say...
creative than Buzzbee. And for crying out loud, Cheerios probably has
more contact with the older generation, since while their cereal is somewhat
all right, kids like pure sugar for breakfast. So why name it Buzzbee? Pretty
lame if you ask me, and such a stupid name from someone who probably
gets paid more in a day then I can collect in a year. Could I do better?
If someone paid me. :P

People are lazy. Americans are people. Therefore, Americans must be lazy.

>=D Cell from Dragon Ball Z, Lara Croft, Keanu acting as "Neo" from The Matrix,
and Syerra "Serpentine" Hunter. All under one rooftop. Could it get any better?
Well, maybe if Spiderman's dumb outfit could be found, then we'd have
an interesting mix. ^_~ ;_; And what happened to Fei Fong Wong from Xenogears?
I thought I downloaded him!

Dodge Viper RT-10's Song Pick: "Elevation" by U2

Wednesday, January 03, 2001

powerpuff sex
dragon lance winamp skins
"download"+we belong to t
"blood sex"
Rinoa sex
blood and sex
raindrops keep release
men with breasts
powerpuff girl buddy icon
Raindrops Keep Falling on

-____- Do I have permission to yell at you people? Okay, yeah, so the
word "sex" is said several times on here, I understand that people are just
so crazy about that one little physical act that they kill and rape for it, but
jeez, is that all the Internet is to you? Don't you understand, it's to connect
to other people, and not by sticking your *beeeep* in someone's *beeeep*.
Yes, sex makes me unconfortable, even embarrassed, because it's just a
method in which people can manipulate and control, and even though I joke
about it, I really don't give a damn for it and I bet I could live my life to the
happiest without being screwed even once. So go and take a look in the mirror
and ask yourself if you're doing the right thing. And if porno and sex make you
happy, I suggest you do a major personality makeover. Yeah. And not with
makeup. Don't make me sick. -____- Don't be like those idiot slut-girls in my
5th period Algebra II class. Please. You can do better. Oh yeah, you can do
much better. And remember, the media loves sex. That's why they wouldn't
leave Monica Lewinsky or whatever alone, or that other woman, and that's why
America makes me sick sometimes. I love it, but it needs to grow up. This country
is far too immature. Not to mention each and every person uses five times more
energy in this country than anyone anywhere else in the world. So. That concludes
my rant about sex, people, and America.

...I think my headache's gone.
Oi. ^_^ Thankies, Zeruel, but I'm sorry to hear about "that picky guy."

Unfortunately, I'm not dead. Yes, I actually went to school today. And
picked up four math assignments, our Native American project is due
one week from today (and oh my what a surprise Miss Perfect Pam has
not one word written down a'tall), and to top off the sundae with a cherry,
I've a killer buttmonkey of a headache. *grabs head and squeezes* Yet I
simply refuse to take any sort of medication for it, seeing as Tylenol makes
me hyper. o_O;; And low energy does not mix well with Hyperactive Pam.

Urg. I would've blogged yesterday, but Blogger killed two entries. One was
entirely based on a long rant about my mother and how she thinks I should
be "like the other girls," and the other was a complaint about caffeine-headaches.
Nothing special. :P

Which reminds me. Perhaps I should cut back my nighttime reading to only an
hour or so. It's killing my eyes. I can't stand the dark anymore. I've got to have
a light on, but the electric bill's going up by at least 50 % and we just
can't afford that right now, so m'eyes must suffer the enveloping blanket of
Washingtonian Winter Darkness. *sighs heavily*

o_o;; I hate being warm sometimes. It dries my eyes out and leaves me in an
even worse headache. The cold is soothing, so very soothing sometimes... but
I love warm weather sometimes, too. :P

Flipped on the boob tube (in other words, the television) today when I got home.
Didn't feel like getting on the computer 'til just now, and that was only an inclination
because I've got to IM Amber the cost of her Peanut Butter Melodies and her
mother's Sizzlin' Summer Cookbook or whatnot. >.>;; She's not on.

And my left eye won't stop pissing me off. It twitches uncontrollably. I told someone
in science I had a tic, and they gave me this look like I was a monster or something.
They stopped after I told them I meant a tic as in a nervous twitch. I guess they
were thinking a tic of the parasitic sorts. -___-;;

Oh, and Gen-chan? May I personally ring your neck? Who was the one who was
practically dead at your house yesterday, and who was the perky, upbeat one?
And who told me they would see me bright and early this morning? >.< And who
was absent? And some lame-brain excuse like "I slept in" or "I forgot to set my
alarm" isn't going to cut it, and don't even say you were sick because I bet I'm
just as bad. :P And you told me I was the one who looked like I was ready to
throw up. In essence, I am. It's getting harder to stand people at my school. When
I think of their idiocy, I want to scream. Especially the no-brains in Algebra II.
*shudders* Oh, jeezly, it makes me so frickin' afraid to think that they're in
the "Highly Capable" Program. Yeah, Highly Capable to fuck around. >.<;;

Oi. I need to cool off. I'll get on that Zell skin this weekend. I'm really too fried
to even go and play in the band at the basketball game tonight, so I'm skipping.
Maybe I'll take a nap of some sorts. *sighs* Or maybe not, and just stare at the
screen for a while. That might help. Or suffocate my screaming brain in a flood
of ice-cold Dr. Pepper. Have you ever noticed, the colder Dr. Pepper is, the less
it tastes like Dr. Pepper and the more it tastes like a diet soda or something? o_O;;
Maybe it's just me, but cool Dr. Pepper tastes just right, while freezing cold Dr.
Pepper is sorta tasteless, and warm Dr. Pepper is too sweet. Huh. Odd.

Iria's Song Pick: "Mony, Mony" by Billy Idol

Monday, January 01, 2001

Eerk. >.> I can't sleep a'tall to R.E.M. Their music makes my head
ache if I try to listen to them and go to sleep. Styx is best for my
insomnia. ^^;;
I'm not dead... yet. x_____x I'm going to be soon. I have a pounding
headache. Hangover. Drank Dr. Peppers last night, not to mention a third
of Tinroof Sundae Ice Cream, and Ruffles with cheese dip. XD~~~~~ *mouth

Watched "You've Got Mail" and "DragonHeart 2: A New Beginning." "You've
Got Mail" was pretty good, but the latter sucked majorly. Even I agreed the
first one was better, even though I hadn't seen it. Amber and Destiny's descriptions
sounded cool. I want to see it now. The second one sucked. If you're thinking
about seeing it, don't waste your time. >.> Gen-chan, Joff equals Dart. O_O;;;
I almost cried during both movies, but I held myself back. Heh. New Year's
Day didn't mean sh... er... crap. ^^;; My resolution? Not to swear so much. Heh.
Everyone sez I'm a nice person, but my language's not quite as clean as the rest
of me. >=D

I managed to annoy both Amber and Destiny with my singing stuffed Anime-ish
thingy called "Code." >XD Muah.

Um. *thinks* Ehehehehehe... >=D Ragabash-san, you're cruel. I haven't
killed anyone yet (I'm working on a child; they're easier to starve). :P

Gen-chan...? So the skin'll be ready soon? :DDDD

Whee. Haven't installed Dogz 4 yet (my very belated X-mas present from Amber),
but I will... eventually. >.> Hey, I'm a Criminal Mastermind now. >=D

Ever notice how too much of a good thing leaves a nasty aftertaste in your
mouth? o_O;; Oh well. That doesn't apply to pumpkin pie! XDDDDD

Muah. More pyro fun! XD Yeah, that's me. >.>;; I lit the house on fire
three times in a row, but only one in actual reality. Why? Well, in order
to keep me from running around screaming (and so I wouldn't catch on
fire trying to put it out) I made Pammy go and kiss Zell passionately about
a gajillion times, and accidentally I said "Yes" to having a child (finally realized
what a pain in the ass I must be to my own parents, and decided I don't
want what's gonna come around). Oops. :P Anyway, it's all solved. XD Gen-chan's
waiting on a promotion, and Wingy's trying to get Nine Charisma Points and Nine
Logic Points. X_____X Oi. It takes so friggin' long. By the time they get a, like, a
tenth of a point, it's time for bed.

Oh yes. One last thing. *screams* I don't wanna go back to school! *begins
crying* A big fat stupid math assignment/punishment's waiting for me! ;_; And
you all know I hate math with a passion. *shudders*

Whee. Finally figured out how to get people married. ^___^ As far as I know,
Taurus and Aries can go together, and Libra and Aquarius together. That's all
I've figured out so far.

Kaworu's Song Pick: "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen