Thursday, November 30, 2000

Whee... you're welcome, Sakura-san... *^^*

Mmph. o_o;; D/l-ed a Depeche Mode song. Again. :P I had to decode it
and then encode it because is was a .wma file and sounded pretty crappy. :P
Oh well. XD Depeche Mode! *drools*

On another note, I had to clear up some space, so SimFarm got the boot. There
goes all my strawberries and sunflowers. x___< And my million dollars. >.<;;

Whee.... oi vey. o_o;; Pain, pain, pain. XD~~~~ I dunno, I guess I'd be a masochist;
I mean, I hate physical pain, but sometimes it feels... good. o_O;; Don't ask; I don't
know myself.

Whee! ^_^ Yuffie really likes the fanfic I wrote. She says I should start publishing my
works. o_o;; I don't know; they're not good at all. >.<
Sakura-san... this site offers a lotta Adiemus lyrics. :P That's where I've
gotten all of mine. Mmph, it's where I usually go when I'm stuck on naming
something. ^^;;

Yergh. Yuffie... e-mail me. o_o I read your blogger. E-MAIL ME.

Might I say one last thing before I pop off, feeling bloated and crampy...


>_> Being the idiot I am, I left my Earth Science binder at school and brought
my Algebra II binder home, when I have a test in E.S. tomorrow and no homework
in Algebra II. *facefaults*

Wednesday, November 29, 2000

Mmmph. I'm not off yet. One last blog before I hit the books and the laptop
to do homework and hobby. My haiku, which is called "Jell-O: The Devil of
Food." (Obviously following a traditional 5-7-5 syllable pattern.)

Verily, I see
That Jell-O is the Devil
Of which no man knows.

*bows* Thank you, thank you. XD I'm sorry, but any food that moves,
regardless of intelligent or unintelligent life, is just abnormal. @_@;;
Erg... took a shower and felt better. x_x I just realized that people have read
my fanfic. The very thought of it makes me suddenly scared. ...Maybe I better
tell Mrs. Iverson I don't want my poem published in the school's newspaper...

Amber didn't offer much more comment other than, "Wow! You wrote that?"
I don't call my writing any more than a passionate love for reading, writing,
and vocabulary. It's no surprise English is my favorite subject and I always
have gotten an A in the class.

Now, math, on the other hand... @_@ I still have to do that tonight. Eep. >.<
If I don't get off soon, I'll never get it done. Slopes and lines and intercepts, oh

But I hate letting people read my work, especially if they're present at the moment.
I get terribly self-conscious and I feel sick. x__x I don't know why; I always aim to
please myself, but if others aren't pleased, I think something's wrong with me. oO;
I don't know why; unless the person's a complete moron *cough Robert cough Erica
cough and Nikki cough* I usually feel that they'll disapprove of what I write.

Now, Gen-chan says that writing gory scenes in my specialty; I lack completely in
the area of romance. ^^;; Well, I s'ppose I do agree with that a lot, but if pressured
enough, I can manage a kissing scene. @_@ Or... even a bit further. (If I ever write
another scene like the Torrent and Sibyl scene, Gen-chan, remind me to shoot myself.)

Eh. It's all another part of Happy, Bouncy Pam and The Darker Side Pam. @_@;;

My brother and Mike drank the last of the Dr. Pepper... ;_;

I still need ideas for the boy's name. Haven't thought of much. In fact, I have no idea
where the plot is headed after that first part. ^^;; It makes a wonderful cliffhanger, don't
you think? -__- Okay, maybe not. :P Off to Algebra II (slopes and lines and intercepts,
oh my) and struggling over Part II, which I haven't even planned out.

Maybe I need to d/l another song to work up the right inspiration. >_>;;
BTW, the fanfic that I posted around 7:02 PM... It takes place in the future,
but I don't know when. In America, but I don't where. Hell, I don't even know
the boy's friggin' name yet! *rolls over and dies*

If you've any suggestions (before I name him Yoshi or Lance... oO;;), please...
TELL ME! @_@;;
>_>;; Subaru's Sailor Moon counterpart is Sailor Mercury?

...That makes me hate him even more. Though Sailor Mercury is generally
useless throughout the series, she's still my favorite. :P (Assuming that if
I still watched the danged series.)
Oi. The work of ten minutes and boredom.

x__X Don't ask. I don't know either.
*cries* Gen-chan has to nuke the Aptiva's harddrive? *cries again* I guess
this means skinning will be delayed for the rest of the month, maybe longer.
>_>;; Acksters.

x__x All my mom does is spoil that puppy of ours, and now she won't eat
unless her food has broken up bits of Pupperoni in it. I told her not to do that,
but now Tina's expecting it, and will literally starve herself unless the Pupperoni
pieces are in it. Argh.

...YOSHI! XD~~~ IT'S YOSHI!!! *fangirlish scream of delight* YOSHI!!!!!

>XD I sense some evil layout forming swiftly in my mind.

...I used to have a shirt that said "Visualize Whirled Peas" and it had peas
flying around on it. >_> Too bad my mom spilled bleach on it and now it's
WHEE! XD Go here. ^_~
Setsuna's Song Pick: "Satellite" by Depeche Mode

...Whee! I love this song, despite the obvious depressing lyrics and gloomy
tune. ^__^

Now hear this my friends
I'll never be the same again
Gonna lock myself in a cold black room
Gonna shadow myself in a veil of gloom

I will function, operate
I will be a satellite of hate

Driven to this point by a chain of events
Each one pushed me nearer the edge
Gonna send my message through to you
And you'll receive the signal too

I will function, operate
I will be a satellite of hate


Disillusioned, I was disenchanted
Forgot the love that had been implanted
Heard the lies and I felt the cold
It broke my heart and I lost control

Now I'm a satellite of a free state
I'm a satellite of hate
A satellite of hate

Zelgadis and Xelloss' Song Pick: "Blue Monday" by Orgy

hot cheetos
hate depeche mode

Whoever the hell keeps on coming here because of "hate depeche mode"...

If I ever catch you, you're so very dead. x___x
Seishirou's Song Pick: "Kill You" by Eminem

XD I don't know, but the coincidence of the song and skin are hilarious. ^_^;;

ANYway, I think I d/l-ed a Depeche Mode song that I could've ripped from one of
my CDs. -__-;; I think it's the "Strangelove" version from The Singles 86-98.
>_>;; Oi vey. It says it's the 7 Inch Version, but it sounds like the The Singles
version. Ugh.

:P Maybe I should rip some Styx songs off The Grand Illusion, which Gen-chan
graciously gave me for Christmas the year before. XD Sakura-san, I'm so glad you're
becoming interested in Styx. *Happy Dance*

Remember, Gen-chan? @_@ Tommy Shaw in "What Have They Done To You?"
sounds like Chichiri in "Metcha Hajikete Gattsu Tobashite," right? o_o I kid you not.
Maybe when GC's Aptiva gets running, we can both post songs and let you hear
them. o_o

XD Chichiri's li'l part in the song mentioned above is my closing sound for my desktop,
and everyone complains that it takes too long to shut down, but it's Chichiri! XD

Seishirou's Song Pick: "Fallen Angel" by Styx

Whee... My dad demanded I play some Styx songs for him. x__x Oi.
...Write the standard form of an equation of the line passing
through the given point and having the given slope

15. (5,4), -2/3

*rolls over and dies* Procrastination's the name of the game. x___x
Sakura-san, I know this guess is wrong, but I think it's a hat. ^____^

I'm gonna die! Yesterday I got my newsletter from Depeche Mode dot Com,
and they'll be finishing up the album in late January-early-February, but I read
earlier in the year that they won't release it until MAY.


...At least I can ask for it as a B-day present, if it releases early enough. :P
Thank God my birthday doesn't fall on a Friday next year; one Friday the 13th
birthday is too much to handle in a lifetime. Let's not go into any details. x__x

Whee... I wished I had Styx's new album, though. :P The reason why I don't have
it is the reason why I hate Well, it's not new, releasing in 1999, I believe,
or was it 1998? XD I don't care!

Please, don't ask. -___- Let's just say four months of waiting without any news of
what the hell happened to our order is bad enough to make me hate them.

That's why I like Borders! XD

Whee... finished d/l-ing the "Clean" song. XD It's... kinda different but nice... nice...

WHEE! (sorry, I had to throw that in!)
XD Ragabash-san, am I really invited? Wow! XD~~~ Sign me up for lifetime
membership. ^_^;;

BTW, if you're interested, this Depeche Mode site finally posted "Clean (Tour
Backing Tape)"!!!! XD~~~~~

o_o;; Oi. Today, Erika the Bitchy keep repeating, "Oh, my beautiful coat
got soaked in the rain, it got soaked in the rain, oh, my beautiful coat got
soaked in the rain..."

-___- I wanted to punch her lights out. She's not the only one who took a shower
while walking to 4th period. x__x

Speaking of which, I must take one tonight. I disgusted my father after telling him
my horrible failure at the math test. x__x I got an 87. I failed it. *cries* He asked me
how I could even hold my head up after telling him that. I feel dirty and ashamed. v_v
Yes, an 87. @_@ I hate math. I can't afford to do bad in it. IF ONLY THOSE STUPID

>_< On a lighter note, Mrs. Iverson wants to publish a poem I wrote (no, not the
"Whee Song") in the Tower News Magazine. o_o 1% of the school is gonna see that;
the other 99% don't give a %$#@ for the school newspaper.

Still, I have a fear of exposure. *whimpers* I can't even stand Gen-chan reading what
I wrote in the story! *rolls over and dies* x__x I told her yes, anyway. I didn't want to
be a poop. Augh. Agony.

Um.... that's all I have to say. @_@ Good-bye.

Tuesday, November 28, 2000

I hate my brother. He wants to leave now for the game that starts at 7:30.
That's a whole 'nother frickin' hour! >_< I don't even know if Mr. Myers is
gonna be there or not!
Okay, I lied. My layout is original. I mean, I composed the song myself
in less than five minutes! XD
Last two search queries-
flaming hot cheetos
"Old Spice", booze

o_o;; *is scared*

BTW, do you like my new layout? XD
Whee... gotta new idea for the layout (I dumped both the "Death's Door"
and the Tasuki layouts; augh) of B, S and B V. XD~~~~ It's really spiffy
and creative. o_o Maybe not original, but creative nonetheless.

I'm about 50% heightened. I gulped down two Dr. Peppers without even
a second thought and now I feel kinda... watery inside. O_o;; Not only
that, I seem to have the urge to run around the house screaming. XD Maybe
I should; Dad's gone, Mom's at work, and Pat's out. >XD

BTW, I'm still angry about what happened today. -___- For more details read
the first post for today.
...I hate using my dad's desktop, but he had to print out two sets of eighteen
pages. o_o;; Stupid right-handed mouse. -___- I prefer my settings, the
left-handed mouse. I'm strengthening up my "fuckfinger" so I can flash it to no
end at the bastard and bitches I mentioned below.

Pamela: Whee!
Amber: Pamela, why do you keep going "whee"?
Pamela: *trying not to giggle* I dunno, bladder problem?
Amber: *realization dawns on her at what she just said* Oh, jeez!
Pamela: Whee!

Hmm... I wonder how blackly caffeinated I can get before the basketball game?

(Beware, long rant below.)

-____-;; Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

First, let's start off with something freaky.

Last night, at exactly 11:23 PM, my eyes snapped open in rembrance that I
had to wear my black pants today for the band pictures. x_x My black pants
weren't trimmed yet, and if I wore them I wouldn't need to wear shoes. -__-;;
So while I hunted around my room to find them and roll up the bottoms, I suddenly
hear Depeche Mode's "I Feel You" warbling ever so sweetly through the air. Pleased,
I thought I had (FINALLY!) some decent neighbors, so I opened my window to hear
it better.

Usually when the music's coming from outside, it gets louder when you open the
window, right? WRONG! The music was drowned out by the traffic on 84th and
Hosmer, but it's not that loud. I scratched my head and paused Papa Roach's
"Broken Home." Where the hell was it coming from?

Anyway, I went downstairs to ask my mom if she had seen my black pants. Of
course she hadn't; she never does. I crawl back upstairs. The music stopped.
Oh well; the neighbors went to sleep, right? Wrong! It starts up again as I look for
my lost black pants.

Thinking that too little sleep and too much caffeine had finally gotten to me, I sat
down on the floor near my Honors PNW homework and that stupid glacier homework
for Earth Science. To my horror, Depeche Mode was ululating from my backpack. I
open one of the pouches to discover that my CD player was on.

I don't know how in the hell it got on; the buttons ain't very sensitive at all; you'd have
to have bumped it REALLY hard to get it to play like that. o_o;; All I know is it gave
me the scare of my life. My CD player is haunting me because of all those times I've
accidentally thumped it. o__o;;

*deep breath*

Secondly, I hate my fucking 5th period class. I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT!
The other assholes had to finish up that fucking easy test yesterday, but they
spent most of it goofing around like a bunch of dumb monkeys. >_< Not only
that, today they whined at Mr. Williams to have a free day. I turned around and
said (as politely and as pointedly as I could manage without screaming), "We
can't have a free day today. We're already behind the other classes as it

Well! You'd think they'd agree with me! NOO! They fucking DID NOT! >_< They
started mimicking me, and Robert and Erika and Nikki, the bastard and bitches
they are, starting whispering about how teacher's pet I was like. As if I couldn't
hear them. It almost made me cry.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, who gives a fart in the high wind what idiots like them think
about me, but I hate that they think that I can't hear them. ;_; Man, and it pisses
me off. I want to LEARN, gawddamnit, and I WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN


When they're flipping burgers for a living, I'll laugh at them. -___-

I hate people. I understand human nature and I dislike it very much so. I told Amber
the source of my misery was people, and she commiserated with me, but I don't think
she really understood what I meant.

Okay, one more long yell and I'm done.



>_< I really, really don't like that class. And I especially LOATHE people such
as Robert Chenier, Erika Curry, and Nikki Maritvold. -___- Die, bastard and bitches,
die. I hope you end up vagabonds and prostitutes.

On a lighter note, this DM page is gonna post "Clean (Tour Backing Tape)" very
soon. ^_^

Argh. I have to play at the basketball game tonight. *rolls over and dies* I hate my

Ahem. Thank you for reading this rant. x___x

Monday, November 27, 2000

*burps* Ooh, man, maybe I shouldn't have had three servings of my
dad's turkey broth. But it's so good! XD~~~

It's the best part of Thanksgiving, when he takes that dry turkey meat,
puts in in a pot with seasonings, vegetables, and too-small rice grains,
cooks it, and gives it to me! XD~~~~~~~~~

Yum... *burps* I should get on my homework, huh? T___T

Yuffie, your blogger doesn't work! >___< Where are you?!
Whee... I have five mixes of "Enjoy The Silence" and five mixes of "Strangelove,"
including originals. XD

Enjoy The Silences
-Fast Mix
-Harmonium (Estatic Integration)
-Razormaid Mix, although I think I only got half of it, :P
-Sasha and Digweed Mix

-Hijack Mix
-Pain Mix
-Razormaid Mix
-Remix Edit

My favorite out of those five is the "Pain Mix," and my fave ETS mix is the
Razormaid Mix. :\ If only I had all of it!

... I still need more. XD~~~~ I love remixes.
o_O;; Oi. Blogger's being stupid, so I gotta post through the little window pop-up thingy. :P

Went to the dentist today... -____-;; I hate those stupid fluoride covers they stuff into your mouth. It was so embarrassing when I drooled on my little bib. Argh. The woman handed me that super-sucker thingy with a small, wry smile. I wanted to punch her lights out.

Eh, Earth Science tonight. >.< Glad it's only that. :P I'm procrastinating on English and Honors PNW.

Mmmm... sometime soon divinest Sense should be having two more skins soon, a Subaru skin (if GC's Aptiva stops spazzing out) and a collaboration with The Neon Dragon. It's going to be Kaoru. XD~~~

o_o;; I d/l-ed another "Enjoy The Silence" remix. Most of the remixes for that song seem to be mostly instrumental, and they only know how to say "Enjoy The Silence." O_o;; Bah, good instrumentation, though. XD

Sunday, November 26, 2000

Wheee.... Charlene posted the Ice Cream Version of Psyco Killer...*^^*

Mmm... Fuuma... *mouth waters*
Man, no one e-mailed me yet. Who was the 666th visitor? O_o;;
If sakura-san was 667, and Yuffie was 668, then who was 666?

...Man, I was gonna ask them what they'd like us to skin next. x___x
*watches as her inbox is suddenly flooded with people claiming to have been the
666h visitor*

Oi. Maybe it hasn't gotten there yet. :P
*yawns* I d/l-ed three more Depeche Mode songs. :P Two remixes of "Enjoy
The Silence" (neither of them the one that Amber has) and a remix of "Strangelove."

...I'm still serious, too. If you're the 666th visitor, e-mail me at
Eh.... >_< At first all I was gonna do all day was listen to my Depeche Mode
List, but then I decided that doing so would be the easiest way of making me
get really tired of some of their songs, so I decided to separate myself a little.

Here's my whole list.

...Yes, I have the Backstreet Boys and Ricky Barfin'. o_o I don't plan to get rid
of their songs, either. I like some of their music, just not them.

*cries* I want more Depeche Mode! I NEED REMIXES! >_<;; Especially the
version of "Enjoy The Silence" that Amber has! GRRRR!!!

And yes, there is a "Pika Pika Pika" remix of a Depeche Mode song. o_o;;
Oh, please please please please please please please please please please
please please please please please please please please please please please
please please please please please please please please please please please

LET THESE STUPID RECOUNTS BE OVER! *rolls over and dies, one leg twitching
spasmodically in the air*
No, Crispy Crunchy dot Net is still there, Gen-chan.

...Ruby-san and I both agree that Hinoto is better evil! XD And you see, you see
that people look better when they're evil! Like Fuuma! XD~~~~~~~ *drools excessively*

Man, I hate the stupid Celts, and I don't think the Vikings really want
to be my ally. They're using me for my strength in crushing the Celts. O_o;;
When you're the 666th visitor, please e-mail me, okie? ^_^
My e-mail address is
o_o;; ChichiriDaa is 777. That's one of my nicknames. I think I should be scared.
Oh my God! XD~~~~

Inuki-chan is the Antichrist! XD~~~~~
I'm not the Antichrist... o_o

And just because my name isn't Asian in any way doesn't mean I'm not Asian!
>_< Most people see my name and don't think I'm Asian, since most Asians don't
have French last names. *rolls over and dies*

Proud to be a Half and Half. ^o^
x_x I finished my hmwk and then I played Civ2 for a while. How come no
one wants to be my ally? >=E
T_T If you can name this character... bah.

Man, that picture is a result of what PhotoDeluxe can do to you brain. x_x And
having no program to save .gifs and .jpgs in a good quality. *rolls over and dies*

Evil Hinoto's Song Pick: "Judas" by Depeche Mode
...I love you, Savage Garden. I need this song. >.<;;

Savage Garden
"I Don't Care"
Non-Album Release

I ride this train
In the windswept afternoon
And the sunlight warms the faces
Of the faithless who are waiting

I ride this train
But I need a conversation
Mozambique was it?
They're unique about it
You pick the subject and I'll listen to you

People tell me that I feel too much
But I don't care, I don't care
People tell me that I need too much
But I don't care, no I don't care

I ride this train
In a dreamlike state of mind
Through a field of frozen memories
Imagination racing

I ride this train
But I need to make connections
No I wasn't staring
I was only trying to get some substance
To get some meaning

People tell me that i feel too much
But I don't care, no I don't care
People tell me that I need too much
But I don't care, no I don't care

People tell me that I feel too much
But I don't care, no I don't care
As I ride this train
*drools* Is this the site where someone wants to post Psycho Killer?

Aw... Yuffie-chan.... ;_; I miss our "Warning Game"... T____T Ack. XD *drools* I am currently drooling over Vash.... XD

Mmm... doughnuts...
Ooooooooooooooooauuuuurrrrgggh. >.<;;

@_@;; I just woke up with the largest, nastiest caffeine headache I've ever
had. x_x It must've been the +14 hours without any Dr. Pepper. o_o To be honest,
that's never happened before.

Anyway, after I was done sorting through all my received letters (Damn, I can't believe
how many times I forgot to write Lori... I hope she's all right, I don't have any contact
with her anymore...) I finished Brave New World. -___- All 266 pages of it. Same
day, too. Damnit, I thought it was gonna take longer. It was a very interesting book, though.
I'll probably reread it tonight. ^_^

I had a dream about Prince's "When Doves Cry." o_o;; You do not need to know
any more than that. ^^;;

Kamui's Song Pick: "What's Your Name? [Extended]" by Depeche Mode

I love this song. XD

Saturday, November 25, 2000

Sanosuke's Song Pick: "Route 66 (Nile Rogers Mix)" by Depeche Mode

Ah.... >.<;; All right, I'm tired of this. I'm gonna go crawl upstairs and
read Brave New World, the book I picked up after Amber and I
went to the movies. It's... really confusing, but it's kinda good. It makes me
queasy, so I think I'll keep reading it. -__- Just you wait; tonight I'll be blubbering
in the safety of my room.

"Ending is better than mending." --Brave New World
I feel somewhat better after finding out that LoneWolfAoshi wants
to post our skins here. *^^*
...Dr. Pepper is winning by one vote. I should feel better, but it's a
hollow victory. :P I should've guessed people who came here like alcoholic
beverages. -__-;;
Hmmm... another search query; "blood, sex and booze."

...For some reason, that is probably the most appropriate search
query as of yet. ^_^;;
I was right. :P I am back. Maybe not exactly 8 o'clock, but still...

...Man, I hate doing homework. Not that I did homework while I was off.
Pssshht. -__- I played Civ2 for a while and sucked up several cans of Dr.
Pepper. I'm trying to numb my feelings. No one is really on AIM except
for Usta 8 (Amber) and Flame and Rekka. :\
I'm going to log off right now. I'll be back on later tonight, after my dad
d/ls Netscape 6.0 for his computer. o_o I don't know how long that'll be,
but I estimate I should be back by around 8:00 PM. Yuffie, Ragabash-san,
if you want to contact me, around that time is a good time to try. I'll be on
Yuffie... v_v I'm so bored on AIM. >.<;; Where are you? I haven't
talked to you for more than 24 hours! I've so much to spill right now.
...Ragabash-san, there's something very big and ugly waiting for
you in your e-mail box. o_o;;
Before I forget, I told Amber to d/l a Depeche Mode song, and I recommended
"Enjoy The Silence" to her. Well, she did d/l it, but it's a remix version
that's seven minutes long, and I'm jealous of it. I like the remix very much so.
...I'm at Amber's house right now. She's done her best to cheer me up, and it
is working, but I still feel kinda crummy. :P I also need to sell some of this stupid
fattening crap for the dumb band fund raiser. So far, I've got two things, Amber's mom
bought one, and Amber's gonna buy some. I feel a little better, but I probably won't
make it to 12 items sold. :P I love slacking. Everyone's gonna be mad at me for not
doing my fair share, but personally, they can go screw themselves over, even if it's
generically possible. -__-;;

...Ragabash-san, I'll reply to your e-mail when I'm in the safety of my own home (breaking
down at a friend's house is not my idea of spending quality time with them) and when I've
got my own methods of cheering myself up (Diet Dr. Pepper does not ever compare
to the original stuff).

BTW, I can't really read the text all that well on the Hinoto skin, but that might be because
Amber has a larger monitor. :\ Other than that, it looks pretty good.
Sanosuke's Song Pick: "Rush" by Depeche Mode

...Before I forget, I probably won't be home most of the day, which is
good, since I'd probably sit around the computer all day and feel sorry
for myself. Amber and her mom should be stopping by really soon
to pick me up. We're gonna go see 102 Dalmatians, which might either
prove good or bad. :\
Last night, from about 11:30 to 11:55 PM I cried. It wasn't a loud
crying, it was kind of a whimpering cry. And around midnight I had
the sudden impulse to write in my journal. Since my pencil suffered
the same fate as my poor pen, I had to hunt around for a penchil
At best, I was hoping for a mechanical pencil, but being the idiot that
I am, I don't have more than one, so I had to find a normal wooden

While I was hunting around, I stumbled across various letters from friends,
stored away in my Memories Drawer. I reread some of them, and started
crying again. The letters mostly said that I was such a good friend, that I
was special, unique, wonderful, etc. Reading those made me feel crummy
beause I don't feel like a good friend and I don't feel wonderful
or special in anyway.

It hurt a lot to think about it, so I didn't fall asleep 'til around two. I was miserable
last night, and I hate feeling this way. I can't climb out of the pit I was shoved into,
and it sucks because someone's filling the pit with water and I'm going to drown
very, very soon.

Before I began my hopeless crying, though, I went into the bathroom I share with
my brother, and this time, instead of looking at the shaving razor blade, I picked it
up. It looked really sharp. But the thoughts and fears of physical pain and Hell were
too much to handle just then, so I put it back down.

I talked to God this morning, and I asked Him what I should do. I'm still waiting for
an answer, or maybe I didn't hear it.

Friday, November 24, 2000

Oh, wow, this just in.

You seem to have a low self-esteem.

...No, my self-esteem is very high, it just doesn't show. -_-;; Of course it's
low. When did you figure that out?

Pardon. I'm tired, sick, and my head hurts. I'm going to sleep. If I don't wake up,
halleluia and praise God, my suffering's over.
I lied to everyone on AIM about having to get my infusion of Dr. Pepper and
Civ2. I went upstairs and cried for about ten minutes, then came back down
and worked on the new layout, which probably won't see the light of day until
I fuckin' feel like it. -_-;;
Sanosuke's Song Pick: "Just Can't Get Enough [Live]" by Erasure

I just had a revelation. Too much of a good thing is bad. Too much of a
bad thing is bad. In conclusion, too much of anything is bad. This revelation
excludes Dr. Pepper and Depeche Mode.

-_- I'm miserable and I hate myself. Oh well. Tomorrow I'm going to the movies
with Amber, so that should prove... somewhat uplifting. I hope. All right, I'm praying
it'll lift me. *crosses fingers* All right, so that's one prayer to be answered with
a big fat "NO." -_-;;

No way in bloody hell am I going to a counselor about this, either. They can't change
me or anyone else.
...My "One-Minute Haiku"

Pamela is sad
She is not very happy
She would like to die
No, in case you're wondering, the post below does not mean that I am
entirely happy. It merely shows that I do not trust people who would eat
horse parts.
...The most revealing thing you can find out about a person is what they
eat. If they eat Jell-O and like it, don't trust them. Don't trust them the slightest
I did some homework to help calm me down, but it was about the Whitman
Massacre, so I don't know if that really helped my mood much. Just the need
to type and type and type and feel like I'm smart probably did me a world of
Hmm... I made a list. I thought it would be rather brash to put it in my journal,
since I plan to let my children (if I have any, God forbid) read it. If I live that long.

I Am--
"Oh woe is me"-like
Fucked up
Sadly optimistic

Those last two words seem to sum everything up, if you ask me. But that's
just my opinion. Not that you care.
...I hate living.

Hey, I'm feeling tired
My time, is gone today
You flew with suicide
Sometimes, that's ok
Hear what others say
I'm here, standing hollow

Falling away from me
Falling away from me

Day, is here fading
That's when, I would say
I flew with suicide
Sometimes, kill the pain
I can always say
"It's gonna be better tomorrow."

Falling away from me
Falling away from me

Beating me down
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground
Screaming so sad
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground

(Falling away from me)
It's spinning 'round and 'round
(Falling away from me)
It's lost and can't be found
(Falling away from me)
It's spinning 'round and 'round.
(Falling away from me)
So down

Beating me down
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground
Screaming so sad
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground

Twisting me
They won't go away
So I pray, go away

Life's falling away from me
It's falling away from me
Life's falling away from me
It's falling away from me

Beating me down
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground
Screaming so sad
Beating me, beating me
Down, down
Into the ground
Everything from this (*) to this (*) is a lie.

(*) I am so happy with my life. I love it; everything good happens to me
I'm so loved and so wanted in my family; they care about me. They love me
and they listen to me.

My friends are all so nice to me. They never say anything bad about me. They're
always there for me and they love me a whole bunch.

I'm not going to commit suicide in the next month or so. Why should I? My life is
perfect. I have everything I could ever want, and I'm not just talking material shit.

People always listen to me when I try to tell them something. They comfort me
when I cry and defend me when I'm attacked by others.

Oh yes, I would never commit suicide. (*)

...I WISH.
Welcome back to the crappiest life a girl ever had.

First of all, my mom drags me to go shopping ON THE BUSIEST SHOPPING
DAY OF THE YEAR. Oh, sure, I get new clothes, but wait'll you read what
happens next.

Then I choked on disgusting cigarette smoke and felt like vomiting when
we were waiting in line at the food court.

When I come home, the first thing that happens is my dad starts yelling
at me because I left a pen in my jeans pocket and ruined half the load of
clothes. So I had clothes strewn around my room; he still should've searched
the pockets anyway! He left about half an hour ago, and didn't say anything
to me before he left.


And then I just finished checking my e-mail, and now I want to crawl into my
room and have a a close acquaintance with my brother's shaving razor. I don't
fucking care if it's fucking selfish; it seems like everyone is just trying to BRING

The layout will stay up as long as my life is fucked up. Nothing I do is ever right
Everyone blames me for everything and they don't give a fuck on how I'll take it.

I can't scream as loud as I like because my mom's home, and she doesn't know
what's going on although she's just three paces away from me. She blames me
for the ruined clothes, too, but I WASN'T FUCKING READY TO PUT IT IN THE


Now why don't you shove that up your ass and smoke it?

Thursday, November 23, 2000

@_@;; Nuts. I must get off now before I'm tempted to d/l another
Depeche Mode song. And whoever came here by way of searching
"hate depeche mode,"... well, I can't say it. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! XD
I hate being stared at. Yuuto's staring at me. o_o;;

Kenshin: ...Feeling better, Nataku no Miko-san?
Nataku no Miko: ...Prepare to die. XD
Kenshin: Oro?
Kenshin: Oroo.... I think someone let her get into the Dr. Pepper supply...
Nataku no Miko: C-A- Double F-E-I-N-E!!!
Sanosuke: You think? *facefaults*
Nataku no Miko: Aw... Tina's so cute when she's all sprawled on her back
like that... ^_^;;
Kenshin and Sanosuke: Oro...
Do I have to change my layout now that I'm in a better state of mind?
Aw, man... >.<;;
I hopped off the 'Net for ten minutes just a minute ago, so that I could
carry out the act of demolishing a piece of pumpkin pie and gulping down
a Dr. Pepper. And no, Ragabash-san, I didn't have to unhinge my
jaws this time; I actually used a fork! XD
I don't have ICQ. I have AIM.
The e-mail address I have entered is

...My throat hurts, but that was to be expected.
I'm glad no one's home. I can scream as loud as I like. I'm gonna wake
up with a helluva bad sore throat, but fuck it. No one listens to me anyway.


>.< I'm going away. I won't be back for a while. If I'm not back in ten minutes,
forget it.

Why do I suddenly get the feeling I won't be back in ten minutes?
Yuuto's Song Pick: "I Sometimes Wish I was Dead" by Depeche Mode

Everything I feel right now is summed up in that song title. -_-;;
...Life sucks and then you die. For some of us the dying
part doesn't come soon enough.
Here I go again, wallowing in self-pity.

I always keep my bad emotions tucked away inside until they
burst out with a vengeance. I can't go to anyone to assuage my
pain. No one in my family can help. If I go to my mom and start
crying, she'll slap me. If I go to my dad, he'll tell me to quit whining.
I can't go to my brother because he doesn't care.

I have no one. After I was done crying for thirty minutes, I looked in
the mirror. You know what I saw? No one. I looked into the mirror
and I saw nothing there.

I've always felt alone. I want to be a young child again. I would only
be able to grasp things with a child's simplemindedness, and I want that.

Yuffie told me it was a good thing to be nice, to never hold grudges, to
always be forgiving. If it's a good thing, then why am I so miserable?
O_o;;; How people get here through the search engine Yahoo!...

hate depeche mode
backwards like judas prie
klondike bar song

-_-;; I don't much like that first topic...
Brotchen? ^^;; I remember eating that maybe a month ago...
Backwards like Judas Prie... ??
Klondike Bar Song... OO;;
Anyway, I have some more Spiffy-Fun Election Spoofs, but
Geocities is being stupid and not letting me upload all four of 'em,
so's I gotta do 'em one by one... *sighs*

Why does "Christmas Island" sound so evil? I thought it was gonna
be a happy song...

Okie, here're the pictures I promised. ^_^
Traditional Troillet Thanksgiving
Mom: Tch, don't use those potatoes, here, let me make the
mashed potatoes.
Dad: Why do you always blame me for everything?
Me: ...Do you want me to peel them or not?
Mom: Tina! Get out of the way!
Dad: That dog gets into everything.
Me: Peel them?
Mom: Just get out of the way and let me do it.
Me: I'm just trying to help, jeezly.
Dad: Here, open that can of green beans.
Me: Eww! No! Can we have corn instead?
Dad: We're having both, and open that can and get out 'nother.
Me: Did you really have a dog named Paleface?
Dad: Yes, now out of the way. I gotta make sure that turkey's
Me: (thinking) Leftovers until Christmas.

Wednesday, November 22, 2000

I need to get a life. I have seven more DM songs than the
last time I created a Depeche Mode list.

But isn't it fun?! XD~~~~ Hum... Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I would like
to give thanks for my own personal enlightenment, my friends (both
everyday and 'Net), and... Depeche Mode. ^^;;

...One more thing; I'm thankful I didn't inherit my dad's dancing
talents. OO;;
That's it; I'm a fanatic. OO;;

I downloaded... four more DM songs.

Must go. Good-bye.
O_O;; There's a remix of a Depeche Mode song called
"Pika Pika Pika [Techno Remix]" ?!?!?!?!

...You sick people... x_x;; *rolls over and dies*
^_^ I have yet another Spiffy-Fun Election Spoof to show y'all.
Once again, I got this from my dad, who gets it from his friends.

Check it out. I thought it was hilarious.

And here's a list of all my Depeche Mode songs to count. x_x
I plan to get at least one more before the night is over.
Ragabash-san, it's not just your computer. *kicks her P.o.S.
computer* It loaded, but only after refresh.
I did some surfing, did some d/l-ing, and here ya go.

Chris Myatt's Depeche Mode MP3s
Get Right With Depeche Mode

oO;; That last one, I d/l-ed "Boys Say Go! (Italian Bootleg)" from,
but it doesn't sound like Depeche Mode. Huh. Might be a
tribute; these things happen.

x_x I want the original version for "Rush." I have yet to come across
that song.
*drools* I hope they post either the "Clean" Touring Backing
Tape or "Ice Machine" Shake Mix.

Sakura-san, Ragabash-san, fellow Depeche Mode lovers...
I'm so happy right now! It has been posted!
Looky here! "What's Your Name?"

The Extended Mix! ^o^ Enjoy! ^_~
Ew... creamy potato and roasted garlic soup... oO;;

>.<;; I can't believe I'm still eating this stuff. But I'm so hungry.
I have a headache. I need caffeine. Yes, I'm addicted. Damn.
I've got that stupid paper on the Whitman Massacre to do. Shit.
I hate school. I love Dr. Pepper. I need more Depeche Mode.

O_O I'm trying to convert Amber. She says that I should pick
out their best songs. *looks at her list* Oh, but it's ALL
good, you know what I'm saying? XD

What do y'all think of this list?

Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
Depeche Mode - I Feel You
Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enough
Depeche Mode - Sacred

How do you think she might like those songs? Yes? No? Maybe so?

Tuesday, November 21, 2000

One last thing before I kick off and do what I said I would.

This is just so WRONG. oO;; Arashi and Yuuto? I never would
have guessed.

???? Someone has a LOT of time on their hands to come up with
a Fushigi Yuugi Night Bar... OO;; *averts her eyes in terror* Chichiri
and Tasuki?!
Oh, the horrors you'll know...
>.<;; I have really bad stomach pains right now (it better not be
the Jojos I ate...), so I'm gonna take some Pepto-Bismol and lie
down for a while...

Nuriko's Song Pick: "Degenerate" by blink-182

XD~~~~~ blinky!!!! *Tom's the best...*

"Degenerate" by blink-182
Album: Dude Ranch (C) 1997
Crossed the street, naked at night
Bent over to show some moonlight
Pulled out some beer and I gulped it down
Nude in a gutter is how I was found

Thrown in the policecar and the door slammed
No noise, just silence, as I screamed, my dick was
Jammed, now in prison for one month, no one to see
All I got is a guy Ben Dover

Don't like hesh, don't like rap
Kicked ol' Sally 'cause she's fat
I'm a jerk, I'm a punk
Took a shower 'cause I stunk
Smoked a bong, killed a cat
Had my nuts attacked by rats
Dad got nude, I wore a thong
For a hobby I make bombs

Went to a farm to tip some cows
Forgot that I left my pants down
Bent over to pick them up
Felt a twelve gauge up my hum-diddy-dum

The farmer took me to his house
Showed me the closet from the inside out
The police came, they took me away
Saw Ben Dover again and he's still gay

Don't like hesh, don't like rap
Kicked ol' Sally 'cause she's fat
I'm a jerk, I'm a punk
Took a shower 'cause I stunk
Smoked a bong, killed a cat
Had my nuts attacked by rats
Dad got nude, I wore a thong
For a hobby I make bombs

Don't like hesh, don't like rap
Kicked ol' Sally 'cause she's fat
I'm a jerk, I'm a punk
Took a shower 'cause I stunk
Smoked a bong, killed a cat
Had my nuts attacked by rats
Dad got nude, I wore a thong
For a hobby I make bombs
x_x I give up. I can't make it look good. I don't have a program
that saves JPEGs or GIFs well. Ack. Looks like my next layout
(it was gonna be "Death's Door" by Depeche Mode) will have to
wait for now. At least, until I can come up with something to
take its place. *sighs*
*is busy working on new layout*
Wai, Ruby-san! XD The Stand is one of my most
favorite books! *happy dance* My favorite character died too
soon, though. I really liked Nick a lot. And I liked Tom Cullen.
The Trashcan Man is my third favorite, though. I didn't really
like Stu or Frannie all too much. :P

Ci~bola! Bumpty-bumpty bump! XD~~~~~~

Thanks, Zeruel. I might just have to take everybody up
on their offer.

When I'm mad/bummed/happy, I love to talk. Any choice,
I'll still talk your ear off. Or maybe in this case, type your eyes
out. oO;; Never mind, that sounds a leetle too detailed for
my liking. XD

Yes, it's true, "Happy, Bouncy Pam" (tm) has arrived once more!
I'm feeling upbeat for the moment, with the promise of Dr. Pepper to
Sakura-san, I got your e-mail and replied. Ragabash-san, I took
you up on your offer. I need to flush this out of my system. It's
all I can think about, and I R-E-A-L-L-Y need to get it all out.

It's like a "poison." -_-;; Never mind. Something about poems
we're doing in Honors English. *loves poetry but can't write it
worth diddly*

Hum. I should really get to work on my thesis for Mr. Dodge's
Honors PNW History, huh? *winces* Argh.

I felt better today, but not by much. It's a constant ache in my
stomach and chest, but I s'ppose that time heals everything.

On a lighter note... I found out that Mr. Williams likes Depeche
Mode! ^o^;; And I got a 95% on my Chapter 8 test, and I know
F-O-R S-U-R-E that I got a 95% or higher on my Chapter 9 test
that I took today.

I'm doing extraordinarily well in my worst subject! *cheers*

Sanosuke's Song Pick: "Rush (Coil Mix)" by Depeche Mode

I'm going to get over it and re-tie severed bonds. I feel kinda
immature, taking this the way I am, but I s'ppose it's that teenager
mentality kicking in, even though I'd like to think I'm more mature
than those other idiot freshmen. -_-;; Am I bitter about that? Why
do all upper classmen think all freshmen are immature? I'm
not, and a lot of my friends (or so I'd like to believe) aren't.

Hmmph. Too much rage. Hopefully my Daddy-o should be returning
with my Dr. Pepper. ^_^ I think the caffeine infusion will do me some
good, at least, emotionally. :P

Monday, November 20, 2000

I wanted to get it all down. I wanted to say it once and then not
say it again.

I feel like shit. Like utter, utter shit. I hate myself for being
such a gawddamned fool. I'm miserable, I'm stupid, I hate myself,
I hate everything about me, I hate that I'm too timid to change my
own life, I hate that I can't hold grudges against other people.

I hate myself. I hate life. I hate everything in life. It's all so
pointless. I hate everything and everyone.

Only two reasons to stop me from committing suicide, and I'm very
serious, too.

1) God
2) Amber and Yuffie

I don't intend on going to Hell. I don't necessarily think Hell is
a fiery pit. I think Hell is what you hate, and why would you commit
suicide to escape what you killed yourself for in the first place,
and then go to Hell and experience that damn event over and over for
all freakin' eternity?

Amber and Yuffie have listened to my bitching, and have comforted me
in the ways they know how. I am grateful to know that at least TWO
people care, even if one isn't big on the things I like (and vice
versa), and the other is a 'Net Buddy.

But I should have seen it coming. I should have known. This is worse
than dying. Dying is just a quick slice away, but this... this is
gonna last a while. Every time I think about it, it's like having shit
crammed down my throat, again and again and again.

People take unfair advantage over my friendly and forgiving nature,
and I hate it. I can't hate them; it's not in my power. So I end up
hating myself more and more for it, because I can't stand up to it.


I hate life. I want to die. This isn't the first time I've been
considering suicide, either. I embrace the idea, but shy away from
the actual event of it. I'm too God-fearing, and I've seen what
teen suicide can do to close friends and family. I care about them
too much to put them through the shit they put me through.

There I go again. God, do I always have to suffer for other people?

This isn't gonna be one of my Five-Minute Depressions (tm). This
isn't even gonna be one of my One-Hour Depressions (tm). This is
far worse than either of those.

It's almost a crippling fear of life itself.

The reason I don't and WON'T open up to other people because I know
they'll hurt me, even if they say they won't. Nobody knows me; I
don't think they should talk about me, since they don't know me,
because I am the only person that writes the dictionary that defines
me. I am the only person who can know myself, inside and out.

Some days I doubt even that.

I end up crying alone in my room, about every other night. People
have always lied to me. People are hypocrites, myself included.

People. People. People. People.
Shitheads. Shitheads. Shitheads. Shitheads.

I can't hate them. Funny. I hate so much, but in a way I can't hate.
I don't know why. I just don't know.


Sunday, November 19, 2000

I think Blogger really hates me. oO;; Disturbing thought.

Depeche Mode
Album: Songs of Faith and Devotion

Walk with me
Open your sensitive mouth
And talk to me
Hold out your delicate hands
And feel me
Couldn't make any plans
To conceal me

Open your sensitive mouth
Hold out your delicate hands
With such a sensitive mouth
I'm easy to see through
When I come up
When I rush
I rush for you

Cry for you
Seen the tears
Roll down from my eyes for you
Heard my truth
Distorting to lies for you
Watched my love
Becoming a prize for you

Seen the tears in my eyes
Heard my truth turn to lies
Seen the tears in my eyes
I'm not proud of what I do
When I come up
When I rush
I rush for you

I come up to meet you
Up there somewhere
When I rush to greet you
My soul is bared

Gave more for you
Dropped my crutches
And crawled on the floor for you
Went looking behind every door for you
And because of the things
That I saw for you
I spiritually grew

When I come up
When I rush
I rush for you
I hate functions. x_x And I hate half-planes. I'm gonna hafta
ask Mr. Williams ("Keep rollin', rollin', rollin'!") for help. *rolls over
and dies*

Oh yeah, before I forget to mention... I got it! :D I got "Rush"! It's
the "Coil Mix," but it's still Rush! XD~~~
Hum, I wonder what Ragabash-san's gonna post this time at
Pirate Radio? La, la, la...

Dammit! Work, damn you! Work! >.< AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

-_-;; I need some time to think. I'm gonna go do some... homework.
You know, I really should get around to doing those three algebra
assignments that are due tomorrow. I mean, the test is on
Tuesday and all...
ARGH! Blogger is a buttmonkey...
...Hum. No one likes soda? O_O;;
Remind me never to invite y'all over... *guilty look* Yes, it's true.
Soda galore here at the miko's residence.

If only I could hook up our water supply to a never-ending source
of Dr. Pepper... XD~~~~~~
Tribes of Chaos? Gone! Tribes of Nature? Dead! Tribes of Death?
Mutilated! Tribes of Sorcery? Vaporized!
The one, the only, the Tribes of Life WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OO;; Don't ask. I think it's the bland tasting soda from Burger Fart
that's making me a leetle whoops-a-daisy in the thinkin' machine...
MUAHAHAHAH! I found it again! ^____^;;
I am... 79% Unbreakble overall.

Water: 77%
Air: 73%
Land: 70%
Other: 96%

...Funny, when you take the tests, you always die no matter what you do.
If you doubt the power of the Mystical Almond Fish Bladder...

May the gods of cheese spare mercy on you.
And I shall say...

I WANT "RUSH"!!!!!!

*begins to cry* I hate my stupid 56K modem so much. I want cable
and I want Napster *psycho look* I'd kill for the both of them.
Clam chowder should be chunky, not gelatinous.

Anyway, Gen-chan, I've got a request from LoneWolf Aoshi to do
a skin of Hotaru-chan.
Um... yeah... O_O;;

That's about how I look when I'm on a caffeine high. ^_^;;
...The "Hijack Mix" for "Strangelove" certainly takes some getting used
to... *blink blink*

Argh. Argh argh argh. Nobody's on AIM, this sucks, I'm bored, I'm cold.

I wish we hadn't ordered those up-to-present-standard heater things. Sure,
with our old ones, our house could burn down, but at least they provided
some heat. -_-;; *grumble grumble* You can't even feel the
warm air coming outta these new ones. Phhft. I'd rather die of heat than
freeze to death.
O_O ETToby, how can you not know who Yuuto is? *screams*

Thank you, I'll remember to take Route 66 when I take that California
trip, Depeche Mode. ^o^ Still kinda steamed at Civ2, but eh, I guess
taking over the world, in whatever form, is going to be the same.
*rolls over and dies*
Fuck Blogger, this is really pissing me off, and on top of that, the
Scenario for Civ2 MoM, Jr. won't save with the pre-edited icons, so
when I go back to play it, all the icons are normal instead of Arcanus
icons. x_x Why does it do that? GRRR!! I'm saving in the freakin' Scenario
folder I'm s'pposed to...

Argh. -_-;; Lack of sleep, lack of warmth, and lack of motivation can
really get to you sometimes.

Saturday, November 18, 2000

Ack, Blogger sucks. o_o

Don't forget to take my poll, please! *dies again*

Ack, must log off. Good bye.
Please, please, please take my poll!

*rolls over and dies*
D/l-ed two more DM songs

Depeche Mode and R.E.M. - I Feel You (Remix)
Depeche Mode - My Joy (7 Inch Remix)

Good night. o_o;;
O_O;; sakura, you were sucked into the void.

Must... not... look at... happy Kamui... someone... help me...!
Here's my list of Depeche Mode Songs as it is...

Depeche Mode - A Question of Time
Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours
Depeche Mode - Clean (Dealer Mix)
Depeche Mode - Condemnation
Depeche Mode - Death's Door (Blue Angel Mix)
Depeche Mode - Death's Door (Skeleton Key)
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
Depeche Mode - I Feel You
Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enough
Depeche Mode - Leave In Silence
Depeche Mode - Master & Servant
Depeche Mode - Master & Servant (Exotic Mix)
Depeche Mode - Master and Servant (Usound Science Fiction Dance Floor Classic)
Depeche Mode - People are People
Depeche Mode - Photographic (Some Bizarre Verion)
Depeche Mode - Route 66
Depeche Mode - Rush [Enjoy The Rumors Live]
Depeche Mode - Strangelove
Depeche Mode - The Meaning of Love
Depeche Mode - What's Your Name?
Thick Liquid - Master and Servant

I plan to get... five more. ^_^;; Including an R.E.M. and DM duet
thingy. Turns out the site is just slow when you right-click and select
"Save Target As". It's better to d/l to Temporary Folder. ^^;;
@_@;; I think I should be scared...
I thought I was d/l-ing a remix of "Master and Servant" called
"Thick Liquid" (gross sounding, but it's M & S, man!)

Turns out it's a group that sings it... @_@;; I'm scared now.
It's "Master and Servant" gone hard rock!!!!
It hurts... it hurts bad...
I WANT DEPECHE MODE!!!! *cries again* NOOOOOO!!!!!!

*sniff* Well, I managed to snag "Ice Machine [Live]" and "Route 66"
from two other sites before I stumbled across it... *cries again*

It's a time like this when I hate Gen-chan and Amber for having cable
I found a jackpot of Depeche Mode songs, and I'm pretty sure all
of the links work...
It d/ls slow as all hell! NOOOOO!!!!
It has so many wonderful mixes... *cries*

Okie, just wanted to know if it got left behind because of a surfeit
of Kamui skins
. o_o *hates Kamui with a burning passion, but he's
so cute*
Wow, don't I feel like the world's biggest idiot?
Here ya go.
I put the wrong link down earlier. -_-;;

Hum. I wonder if I can convince my dad to get a better laptop.
Last night, while playing Civ2 on it (I couldn't resist; I had to play
late at night), the screen was kinda blecky and the rolling function
view of the city was bad. :P
Somebody did it.

...*is very scared*

It looks nice though. I thought you had an idea for that picture, Ragabash?
^o^ I d/l-ed it anyway; I may hate Kamui, but he's still so... I don't know...
CUTE. o_o
Oh... poor Baby pupster Tina misses Mommy-Moms...
*sniff sniff* Come here, poor little baby-butt... I still wuv you...
Man, I hate using HTML. *looks at all the Italicized tezt below* Especially
when I forget to put in end tags.
Hee, hee, hee... Yuffie-chan and I are warning each other to
death.... >=D

...I want my Black Dragon now... *sniff sniff* I called her... um...
*doesn't remember name...* Damn... the memory's the first thing to
go when you get old, I s'ppose.
Especially this one... (I have the big ol' castle that I had to rebuild,
like, three times because every time I put it into the closet, it would
fall and break...)
WHEE!!! XD Depeche Mode's "Just Can't Get Enough" is number
69 on the MTV's 100 Greatest Pop Hits thingy-ma-bobber!

...So I subscribed for the Depeche Mode dot Com News Letter. ^^;;

I have yet to hear The Point play another Depeche Mode song
other than "World in my Eyes" or "The Policy of Truth." I've only heard
"World in my Eyes" twice and "The Policy of Truth" was a request.

...If "Just Can't Get Enough" is #69 for Greatest Pop Hits, why the hell
ain't they playing it on The Point, the best of the '80's? GRRRR!!!!!!

It's too cold, too early, and I'm tired. -_-;; I should've stayed in bed,
screw my tendency to get up at the crack of dawn.

Friday, November 17, 2000

This is as bad as mixing chicken and nuggets together...
Although the former makes for a more entertaining amusement.. ^^;;
...Chicken nuggets just kinda lay there, all soggy and... uh... gray.
How come I never get any worthwhile e-mail in my
Nataku no Miko account?
O_O With all due respect, Gen-chan, I seriously did not
intend that.
Last night I was bored and sketched out my next layout.
And today, using the HTML I learned from Amber yesterday, I put it into
effect. I got the coloring from the Umi skin, and the text I put together as
I went along.

...BTW, did you know we're the site of the week for the Top 50 Skin Sites?

So, I'm sorry if it seems like that, but I didn't mean it. I was planning to do
a "For Ages 3 and Up" type deal blog, but that didn't work out because I
can't draw the "Bath-Time Fuuma" Doll I was planning to use. :\

So, many apologies to you.
Why does everyone assume that I always look angry? Excuse me
for looking like I'm angry when I'm thinking; I thought they'd all know
me by now. When I think, don't hold me accountable to my facial
expressions; I may start laughing for absolutely no apparent reason
whatsoever. Or I may seem angry. It's all the never-ending play in my
head of what to write next. A writer has to be eloquent, and I've got to
work at that. So, if you, Gen-chan, or you, Amber, or anyone else that
sees me on a daily basis sees that I appear angry for no discernable
reason... ignore it. You'd only really make me if you ask why I
look so pissed off, and when I say, "Nothing," then you keep pestering
me. Don't do that! I'm not angry! I'm only trying to work something
out! >.<;;

...I thought I changed the Hover Text. *angry face* Grr...
Ragabash-san, your New Skins page doesn't work...
I hafta change the temple for the archives, too?

*rolls over and dies*

Oh well, happy for my 4.0 ^____^ *points below* I love good grades.
They make me feel smarter than I actually am. I'm not smart; I'm just
a quick learner and I have a good memory for those things.
Okay, check out my grades for this term...

Concert Band... A
College Pr. English 9A... A
Honors Pacific Northwest History 9A... A
Health I... A
Algebra II... A
Earth Science... A

Damn. I disappointed my dad AGAIN. He wanted +A's... ^^;;
I hate this. Blogger, please fix those servers soon... @_@;;
Grrr... stupid HTML...
I'll tell you why I don't want Netscape whatever the hell you're trying get me
to download! >.< Because someone installed that stupid d/l-ing program and
it's infected my desktop, and I don't like it since it won't let me save .zip files
Okay, changed. ^_^;; I did it myself. I'll change more stuff tomorrow.
Uh-oh... *best not show this page to Gen-chan...*

^o^ I like all of them, although I do NOT ACT LIKE RINOA, GEN-CHAN!!!!!!
If you want to contact me soon, I suggest y'all e-mail me at For personal letters and
stuff, try OR...

My new address for close friends (school, clubs, whatever),
contact me at

The Nataku no Miko account gets checked about twice a day, the
Crispy Crunchy Sano about three times, and the I am Bubbles one
gets checked once every two days.
I hate math. X_X I really, honestly, hate it. Screw graphing. Why
can't we go back to factoring? I hate math.
Amber... >.< I'm the one that ate my dad's Gray Roadkill Delight
(a.k.a meatloaf), so why didn't you come to school? *feels
sad* Feel better soon, Amoeba! ^_~

...WAI! Ragabash-san, that's so cute! ^__^ I want one now! *must get
one for my dad for X-mas...*

Nice link. Gen-chan, we must link them. Good skins. *thanks the gods
of cheese it ain't a skinner site*

Thursday, November 16, 2000

Okay. -_-;; It takes me 12 minutes to d/l WinAmp 2.61, but it takes
Amber 36 seconds to d/l WinAmp 2.7?

...I want cable modem so bad... *cries*
Ack. X_X Yesterday's posts didn't get posted. *flames at Blogger* Grr.

ANYway... Topic for today (and yes, it's open for y'all to flame me or
praise me if you so desire)...

'N Sync Humor Sites
(Rant Mode is now On)

While entertaining, I strongly believe that people should learn to deal with
it. Yes, girls are going to be obsessed with them and even cry just seeing
them. Sure, the rabid fangirls may disgust us, but that doesn't necessarily mean
we should beat their idols down in order to make our points across; we hate 'N
Sync. Simple.

But today, I noticed "Hempy" (her nickname) was prime for the stuff. -_-;; Okay.
Don't make hating 'N Sync an obsession; that makes you almost as bad as the
people who love them to death.

Personally, I do dislike 'N Sync. But I don't think they're gay or a bunch
of off-key fags. No, they sing nicely, I just don't like their music or the fact that
the rabid fangirls make other girls look airheaded because of their obsession.

...Is that all clear? Good. Because I think Lance is super-cute, I just don't
like him as a part of 'N Sync. ^_^;; Besides, he makes the perfect
Torrent, if only he could speak Japanese. ^o^ (Never mind, it's the second half
of the three stories; not that you guys will ever see the last five stories of the

Anyway, back to the fanfic Gen-chan and I have... We're only going to be posting
the first three in the series. Yes. I feel that the second half is a little too...
how shall we say... controversial for the public's consumption? Yeah. (It deals with
bringing people back to life.. not only religious beliefs would conflict with that, but
the actual bringing people back would clash with scientific possibilities...)

Hum. I've given it too much thought. ^^;;
Besides, the fourth story is in dire need of a rewrite. MAJORLY. :P
(Rant Mode is now Off)

Long rant. Whew. ^^;; I'm at Amber's house, helping her with the stupid math
we've got due tomorrow. I'll procrastinate and do it before beddy-bye. ^o^

Wednesday, November 15, 2000

Oh, jeezly crow, I'm frickin' cold and ain't got much too say...

v_v;; Matrixes, matrises? @_@;; Normally I'm a super-efficient
speller (I'm an idiot savant when it comes to grammar and spelling,
really...), but it's too goshdarn cold...

...I hate math. I hate graphing. I have two assignments to do before
I go to sleep, and if I go to sleep too late, in the morning I think, 'I can
wake up seven minutes from now...' or, 'Just seven more minutes...'

Why is my sleep button set to seven minutes? @_@;; Probably for
the same reasons my alarm is set to 6:31 AM. XD~~~ One extra minute
of sleep does me a WORLD of good...

>.< I wish the goshdarn Mongols and Chinese would leave me alone.
Just because I cover more than 3,000,000 sq. miles of the Civ2 world is
NO reason to constantly bash me. Grrr. C'mon, those Germans and Celts
are being annoying, too. *sends out her spies* ^_^ Nuclear weapons; at least
this time the year is 1943 instead of 1 AD.

Gen-chan, before I forget, the phonelines are usually busy because 1) I'm on
the 'Net, 2) other members of my family use the phone, 3) James decided he
would call me, 4) I wanted back on the 'Net, and 5) I still haven't gotten off yet.
How's that? ^_^;; Did you enjoy "the story"? Anyway, I'll send in Chapter 2 sometime,
maybe give it to you on a disk... although right now I've not the strength to clamber up
the stairs; it's too cold... and the heaters are on... @_@;;

...Boy, that was tough. My fingers are freezing.

Yes, James, I suppose the reason why I can be cranky is because I suffer from
caffeine withdrawal. *boggles* I need it so much... XD~~~ *sips her third Dr. Pepper
in two hours* Ah... that's a spicy meatball!
Thanks, Ragabash-san! *blushes*

BTW, did y'all check out that picture? ^_~;;

XD~~~~ Amber's got a blogger! WAI!
@_@;; It's too cold.

Gen-chan, I'm proud of you. *wipes away a tear* Yes, you've done it.
*They grow up so fast...*
Must be going for homework... @_@;; Good-bye

...GO HERE! XD~~~~~
ACK! >.<
Flame this loser until he dies!

The nerve of stealing people's works! >_< Kill him! Kill him until he is

-_-;; *goes back to THE PICTURE to cheer herself up* Many regards to the people
whose stuff got stolen. I sense it's a time for me to go and visit the good ol' Compose
E-Mail page... bwahahahahahahahaha!

...Not only that, on the second Rurouni Kenshin skin page, I think he stole
quite a few of Amaru's... -_-;; It's not done loading, so I don't know if he stole any
of ours...

No, he didn't steal any of ours. *whew*
I'm going to keep on stressing this pic in every blog, so beware.


...Eh? @_@;; Sorry. ^^;;

Must be getting on hmwk soon... erg... -_-;;
Work, Blogger, damn you! >.<;;

*takes another look at the picture*


If you're sick of the whole fuss and muss with the presidential election,
especially with Florida's whining, then do check out THIS PICTURE.

*laughs her ass off*
X_X Finished the Yuuto skin. *blushes* Thanks so much for the compliments,
Yuffie, but in all honesty, it's not that great.

I've too much homework tonight; that's why I can't go with my dad to the
G.W.R.R.A meeting... damnit... I wanna see all the purdy Goldwings! GRR!

Tuesday, November 14, 2000

...I crushed a flie typing. -_-;; Damn insects just won't get the hell outta
my way...

Oh, phht! Damn idiot, I be! >.< Ragabash-san, I forgot to tell you... it wasn't
semi-trucks or whatever Al Gore wants to ban, he wants to ban the engine that
all cars, trucks, lawnmowers, etc. etc. run on. :P My bad for not remembering to
tell you sooner.

...It's the drugs I do, you know I'm an avid caffeine drinker. XD~~~~
Ack. >.<;; Forgot to get rid of an and replace it with a.

Down below, the part about loving the PPG to death. ^^;;

I've always been such a perfectionist; it really, honestly sucks to be me.

I've the most horrible writer's block right now; I can't think of anything... but...
Lords of Magic, and I'm beginning to despise that game...
-_-;; Blogger's being a biznitch. Grrr.

Lords of Magic... GRRR!!! Stupid Level 2 Oceanic Cave
or whatever! v_v;; I keep dying there!

To indulge myself...

Yes, I am an raging fan of the Powerpuff Girls. Got a problem with that?
Take a ticket and get in line.

Read the last Q & A... yeah, that's right, the album won't release until May.

...Oh well, I can get it for a birthday present. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
But I really wanted it... *sighs*

Monday, November 13, 2000

Hee, hee, hee... >=D

Rabid Trunks fans seeking shonen ai spoof mangas... look no farther.

Hilarious stuff right here!

This also applies to anyone who likes humurous shonen ai (isn't it ALL
funny?) spoof mangas! XD~~~
WAH-NAH-NA... Jack Bandit!


Never mind. Go here, here, and here RIGHT NOW! *disappears*
*throws her hands into the air*
I'll say it once!


*bows deeply* The Sakurazukamori would have killed you mercifully
had he been here today... *sniff*
*scratches head* Goshdarnit, why does every last blasted one of the
Chi no Ryu members wants uranium?
Actually, the 1.23 KB was a lie. Seriously. The lowest it got was
453 Bytes, and stayed under 1 KB for the better part of an hour. -_-;;

To top it off, the file ain't even MP3. It's JavaScript. @_@;; Weird, huh?
It works. Just like my R.H.C.P.'s "Otherside" is a Microsoft Excel document.


Anyway, it's a good song, the remix. *reminds self to check out more singles*

Does anyone have a set date for when the new Depeche Mode CD comes out?
*whines* Me wants so much.

Yuffie: Sorry I left. :P The song finished; couldn't wait; Dad needed phone.

Depeche Mode means Dispath Fashion in French.




*wants "Drive"*
And no, not the SoBe flavor. Grr.

Hope you get my e-mail sometime soon, sakura-san...
Forget the game. I remember how much GC got creamed. *evil grin*
"For Ages 13+"

Whew! Glad they don't have height requirements! ^^;;
What the hell. I'll play it. oO;; Prepare to never see me again as I
get sucked into the void.
I don't want to play, but it looks like fun. I would like to be Water. ^^;;

No, NnM, must... resist... game... no... return to boring life...
-_-;; Gen-chan, I found a copy of "Lords of Magic" on my computer
desk. Now, what the heck?! o_o;; I think it's Mike's, but I'm not sure.

...Do I dare play and be sucked into the void? And fight Lord Ragadash
of Chaos, and... the other people? The Death guy, you know...

*high, whiny voice* "My name is Death, and I have a problem. Why does
everyone hate me? Just 'cuz I kill them? Well, I can't HELP it..."

...Lord Ragadash... -_-;; Ragabash, I think someone's been into that RPG
*wants Rurouni Kenshin music*

...GRRR!!!! >.<;;
Would anyone care for the Japanese lyrics of Savage Garden
songs? XD
Ack, Gen-chan, as in Sorata thinking about Arashi...
Guess I should have been clearer.

*whines* I have too much e-mail business to take care of right now.

Amber winterized her site! ^o^ Spiffy keen!

I'm talking to Yuffie right now, so best be going...

Sunday, November 12, 2000

How would this be for a Sorata/Arashi skin? ^_^;;

Savage Garden
"All Around Me"
Album: Truly Madly Deeply CD (Japanese Import) (c) 1998

Well you know every time I look at that expression
Printed on the page
I think I hear you
Whispering the magic and the compliments I need so badly
So baby come on, oh, so baby come on
Now I've been running circles around the notion
That you'll find me baby
One day maybe But all the psychic powers of suggestion
I've been sending your way
So can't you hear me say?

I want your arms all around me
I want your face, yeah, all around me
I want your perfume all around me
I like the way you move and do the funky groove

(All around me I want you, all around me I need you)

I want your arms all around me
I want your face, yeah, all around me
I want your perfume all around me
I like the way you move and do the funky groove

Like a cold chardonnay chilled for a day
You're smooth and crisp and on display
Like Cartier, Armani, like TAG, Gucci, Versace
In the middle of the night you're a kiss so long
You're the only good thing when all is wrong
You're a magic time reversal clock
You're the fries on the side with a cherry on top
You're sleek, velvet, gold lame Patent leather, enchante
You're a legend, you're a glamour queen
God I'm running out of words but you know what I mean

All around me I want you
All around me I need you
All around me I want you
all around me, so can't you hear me say?
I want your arms all around me
I want your face, yeah, all around me
I want your perfume all around me
I like the way you move and do the funky groove
I want your arms all around me
I want your face, yeah, all around me
I want your perfume all around me
I like the way you move and do the funky groove

So slide into your Jaguar, or Porsche, baby there you are
Well chop chop darling, au revior
Pick your things up, you're a star (Ad lib to fade)
I feel kinda... bloated...

Must have been the Papa Murphy's Pizza and the Pepsi.

Of all the bad things to happen today,Papa Murphy's ran out of
Dr. Pepper

...Isn't that just so HORRIBLE. *sighs deeply*
Hmmm... My CLAMP name is... Fujitaka Natsumi.

@_@;; Whozzat?
I wish someone would AIM me... v_v;;
Gen-chan... >.< Writer's block...

And please hurry up with that Yuuto skin, and don't forget all those
requests we have... @_@ Start with DN Angel or Slayers...
"Orange Crush," eh Neon Dragon?


Hmmm.... XD~~~~
Gen-chan. we have requests for

DN Angel



... @_@;; Maybe this was a bad idea.
@_@;; Had some stuff to take care of.

Yuffie... where are you?! Sorry I'm a little late (was gone longer than
thirty minutes for dinner), but you're not on anymore... *sniff sniff*

...Anyone wanna AIM me? Username Nataku no Miko. ^_^ Forgive me,
but it's been about three years since I last chatted on something like this.
I didn't even talk much on ICQ. ^^;;

Oi. I'll get on the story, Gen-chan. Briana, I'll send that list tomorrow.
Well, here 'tis.

1. New Depeche Mode CD
2. LegoCreator
3. SimPeople

If you wanna get me those things, anyone, feel free to. ^_^;; That's all
I really have for now. I'd be happy just getting the first one on the list.
Yuffie! If/when you read this, contact me! AIM username Nataku no Miko!
OKAY! Yes! People, AIM me now!

*crickets are chirruping*

You are now able to contact me. Username is Nataku no Miko
(formerly ChichiriDaa). ^^;; Yeah, I guess I had AIM before. :P
I'm d/l-ing AIM right now. I have no idea why. I already have
Yahoo! Messenger and MSM Messenger (both my brother's), so
why do I need a new one? I should go for ICQ, but that's a whopping
6 MB d/l (last I checked; it could be higher/lower now), and I
just ain't gonna sit around and watch my d/l rate get slower, and slower...
Maybe in twenty minutes, if you want to contact me...
My username is Nataku no Miko. ^_^;; Pretty wild, huh? Yup...
I doubt anyone will. I'm an ignorable person type, you know.

Eh... >.<;; I'd enjoy messing around with the pictures and text colors,
but I'm afraid of what might happen if I did that. oO;;

HTML and NnM...
Contents under high pressure. Point away from face in case of

Or something to that effect, ^__^;;

FreeCell, was there never a more addicting game? XD~~~

Utena's Song Pick: "Martian Hop" by The Ran-Dells
Boy, that was hard work. ^^;; I wonder if anyone came in during the
midst of it? *boggles* What a scary thought.

Maybe later I'll make GC fix me up a nice banner. :P I'm too lazy to
do one right now.
Yay! I'm Visitor 000001!!! YAY!

v_v;; Yeah, that's how I get my kicks.

Hmm... Today is Tree Festival in Tunisia...
But that's a lot of chocolate! *mouth waters at the prospect of it all*
Thank the Lord! X_X It's finally fixed! And it looks somewhat decent!
I hate Blogger. -_-;; Stupid archives are messing up AGAIN.
From this day forth, I shall forever be known as...
*drumroll please*
Violent Knight

...And yes, I did just get up. X_X;; Had a dream about
Kamui having an older brother who raised him and died for him,
much like *blank* for Sanosuke. Eep. I need to cut back on playing
music while I sleep.

Sanosuke's Song Pick: "Master and Servant" by Depeche Mode

...Viva Hate Seven didn't last very long... v_v I kinda liked Satsuki.

Yuffie: Glasses ain't all that bad. I don't think glasses make anyone
looks like geeks or nerds... well... 'cept for maybe... *cough cough*

As for playing one song over and over again repeatedly... you're not alone...

*looks at Ricky Barfin's "She Bangs," DM's "What's Your Name?", America's
"A Horse With No Name," and Savage Garden's "All Around Me."*

Nope. You're not alone.
Eh... I hate spotty connections...

Saturday, November 11, 2000

Well, time to go. *wipes off 'N Sync CD with disgust* Maybe I just
will make a wallpaper if those buttmonkeys gross me out like this!

Kurai's Song Pick: "All Around Me" by Savage Garden

...Are you fries on the side with chili on top? Some weird guy
on Darren's song tells me so. ^_^
Hmmm... maybe I could try my hand at wallpapers?

*ducks as people hurl rotten vegetables, 'N Sync CDs, and full
Coca-Cola cans at her*

Okay, maybe not.
WAI! >.< Ruby, if you don't carry out with that skin, you're
going to have a very unhappy miko on your hands...! ^^;;
Ooh, forgot to mention, Ragabash. The flash was his sword.

Goshdarn radish, wish I hadn't eaten it! >.<;; I'll be
burping the dang thing until Kingdom Come!


Ragabash: In response to your response, I didn't like the
ending myself, either. The reason being is that I'm an
incredibly picky author type, and many of my fanfics (if they
even make it past the mental plotting stage) end up being rewritten
and rewritten until the point where I give up and trash it or
until I give up and finish it. :P

Yes, *blank* is dead, and he's sightless because he's dead. ^^;;
And perhaps in a deeper meaning, he's sightless because he was
unable to see that in "cleansing" the world, he had to *blank*
as well. In order to fulfill his cleaning job, he had to *blank*
along with the rest of them. Because his purpose wouldn't've been
complete unless he did.

Oi. X_X;; Been staring at the screen too long. Gen-chan, I finished
the skin. I'll probably give it to you tomorrow if I come over.

Aw, nuts. v_v The lyrics to one of my favorite SG songs isn't on
here. It's called "All Around Me," and it's frickin' hilarious. ^_^

...Gen-chan? Another wallpaper? In less than a month? I'm amazed!
Mmm... back onto my own P.o.S. computer that lacks cable
modem and hates with me a passion. ^_^ It feels good to be loved.

Gah, got to get to work on that Kurai skin. >_< All I have to drink is
water. :P Looks like a tough night ahead.
I guess my wish came true and nobody read my fanfic.

In a way, I guess I'm kinda sad...

...Oh well, here's a direct link. ^^;; It's entitled "Halo."


...Amber's computer says today is August 24, Thursday, 2000.

Oo;; This is worse than the time I had to call GC and ask what day it was...
My eyes... my eyes! They burn! \ (X o X) / I need Clear Eyes! Help me,
Ben Stein!
Every time I drop my SG CD case, I feel like I'm hurting Darren. I don't
care an iota for Daniel, but my poor Darren... *sniff sniff*

It's the Tin Roof Sundae Ice Cream! AUGH! We're all gonna die of
overdosing! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmm... I see all these books by Brian Jacques and I think, 'Couldn't keep me occupied
for one minute.'

No offense to either B.J. or Amber, but I find those books a little boring now.
The goods guys always win. Sure, some of the good guys actually die,
not like Sailor Moon, but they always win anyway.

I need Stephen King and Dean Koontz to satisfy that evil side of mine... And to
keep me busy for more than an hour, right Gen-chan? ^_~ Gen-chan knows all
about my uncontrollable reading powers... bwahahahahaha...

Amber's trying to convert me to Harry Potter, but I don't know... Doesn't quite
appeal to me... Just gimme a Stephen King novel and I'm happy. ^_^;; BTW, I
still haven't finished The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon for the millionth time
yet. >.< I have three more pages to go. Dang.
Go Neon Dragon! ^o^ Go!

...Say, is that Erasure's "Don't Say Your Love is Killing Me" I see on your

O_O;; The SG CD came with the lyrics in Japanese. ^^;;

Savage Garden
"I'll Bet He Was Cool"
Album: Truly Madly Deeply CD Single - Ultra Rare Mixes (Japanese Edition)

You know every once in a while
I shoot the breeze I spend my time
I talk about silly things
I like to talk about Jesus Christ
Cos I wonder what would happen if He passed you by
Would you be scared?
Would you believe in him?
Would you bust your asses to get him institutionalised?
Well, I bet he'd be cool
I bet He be damn good looking
I bet that He smelt divine
I'm not talking about Calvin Klein's Obsession
Just one of those people smell good all the time
There's no reason why
What would He wear
Would He wear Tommy Hilfiger?
Or prefer Urban Outfitted?
I don't think so
Well, I bet He liked Gaultier
But you'd never find him in it
I bet He liked Gaultier
Lord I need your protection spend some time in my direction
I need your protection spend some time in my direction
I need your protection spend some time in my direction
You know every once and a while
I shoot the breeze I spend my time
I talk about silly things
And tonight I'd like to talk to you about Jesus Christ
'Cos I wonder how we'd deal if He just passed you by
I bet he'd be a star
I bet my star wars figures He would be a movie star
A Quentin Tarantino next-big-thing
Prima donna, then he'd appear on Oprah
You know what? I don't think so
Could you imagine him hanging Piccadilly Circus
Time Square, the walk of fame
At Christies He could easily become a regular
D'you know what? I don't think so
I bet my speeder bike he'd turn his back on all of that
Lord I need your protection spend some time in my direction
I need your protection spend some time in my direction
I need your protection spend some time in my direction
Some people have just got it
You know like standing next to Elvis Presley
Well then multiply that feeling by 1 million and you know what I'm talking about
Well I'll bet He was cool
Man I bet that cat was so damn good looking
Aw, I'm sorry, Yuffie. v_v *guilt guilt* I just love the
three-day weekends. ^_^ Although Amber and I missed the PPG last night. : (

Bubbles' Song Pick: (Auto Repeat) "I'll Bet He Was Cool" by Savage Garden


...I love this Barbie Dolphin! Wheeee! ^_^;; Oh man, I am gonna have such a
stomachache when I get home... ooh... >.<;; Too much ice cream, Doritos, Diet
Dr. Pepper (bleck), and Tic-Tac-Toe Cheetos. Mmm...
Why did the elephant stand on the marshmallow?

To float in the hot chocolate!


Why did the sleeping bag roll out the door?

To become water-resistant


Never mind. Too much sugar + two hyper girls = can't stop laughing

Oi. My IQ is 82. I am partially retarded. Even so, Amber say she still
will be my friend. I am so loved.
*snorts* Oh, please. I may be gullible, but I'm not retarded. And GC, I
did finish the Sanosuke skin. I just never sent it to you, you meanie
stinky poopoohead!


Mmm... >.<;; Currently watching the Powerpuff Girl Music Marathon. Humph. Amber
and I liked them before they became popular and overrated. Bubbles will always
be the best. :P She's just so innocent and cute! ^_^

Friday, November 10, 2000

I gave up at Question 1081. -_-;; That was a waste of an hour.

Someone, make it stop! I WANT MY I.Q. ALREADY, GOSHDARN!
Question... 985... X_X


>,< I'm on Question 651, and most of them have been repeats! *whines*
I will give no attention to the fact that all the cities in Civ2 named
after Chi no Ryu members demand uranium. Oo;;

And not to mention that Koji and Tasuki both demand wine. -_-;;

I lied. :P I'm such a procrastinator.
Kenshin: Oro? I thought you left to hunt down Vash-san...
NnM: You know what? I thought so too...
Sanosuke: There's only one thing that can explain this...
Torrent: Nani?! Impossible!
Outcast: Not entirely...
NnM: Y'all ain't Anime characters! Get back in the story! Torrent!
Outcast! You're spoiling everything!
Torrent: Gomen ni... *walks off dejectedly*
Outcast: Remember... *shakes finger warningly* I too know what's
going on...
NnM: @_@;;
Sanosuke: Who are those punks?
NnM: Tch, just some bishounen from our stories... *nervously* Uh-oh...
Outcast: TOLD YOU SO!!!!
Ugh... >.<;; After about thirty minutes working on the new Blood, Sex
and Booze: Version Savage Garden (Yes, SG won the mental debate),
my computer flashed me the ever-peachy "Blue Screen of Death!!!" *dun,
dun dun (dramatic reverb)* and died on me. Argh.

As promised, Vash is on it, as well as some spliced lyrics of "I'll Bet He
Was Cool" by Savage Garden. Although the song relates to how Darren
thinks God might look like if he were on Earth (would he wear Tommy Hilfiger?),
some of the lyrics go kinda good with Vash and how I feel about him. Sorry
I can't give you a preview *kicks computer angrily*, but it'll be up soon enough...

List of Things to Do
1. Take a shower... NOW
2. Pack stuff for sleep-over at Amber's house
3. Stop listening to the same four songs
4. Block evil thoughts about "She Bangs" and Kanoe... @o@;;
5. Edit Vash picture and add lyrics to banner
6. Wash my X shirt *sniff sniff*
7. Prep myself at Mario Kart
8. Pack up the N64

Okay, I'll be gone for maybe ten minutes while I do what I can on
the computer before logging off for the day. X_X